Feed the Children (FC)

Feed the Children (FC)
Media Audit
According to the charity’s press release:
 CEO and President Kevin Hagan announced he will not extend his three-year term after
it expires in May
 After tackling child hunger, Hagan is ready to address the diabetes crisis in America and
will be joining the American Diabetes Association in June
 Until a new CEO is appointed by the board of directors, the executive leadership will run
global operations
Previous Partnerships
In February 2015, UBER partnered with FC and provided free rides for participating
families. The company also donated $5 when members used a special code at
checkout)According to FC’s press release, the partnership lasted for one week
Indiana Pacers, Cleveland Cavaliers and Freestore Foodbank
Describe partnership
Articles: XX, XX, XX
Past Scandals
Larry Jones
 Founded the charity but was fired in November 2009 after he authorized the bugging of
three FC officials’ offices
o Following the termination, Jones filed a wrongful termination
o FC counteracted with a claim in December 2009, which included allegations that
he took kickbacks from vendors, lied to the board about unauthorized raises and
kept explicit magazines in his office
o How did scandal conclude? What did they do to avoid these things in the future?
o Articles: XX, XX, XX, XX and XX
 Involved in a family feud between his daughter, Larri Sue, who is also the a Board of
Directors member. Each side accused the other of financial improprieties
o Jones accused Larri of misusing charity funds to live in her million dollar home
and engaged in illegal schemes to cover up unpaid taxes.
o Larri claimed he owned explicit material and racist emails
o How did scandal conclude?
o Articles: XX, XX, XX, XX and XX
Haiti Earthquake Scandal
Feed the Children (FC)
Media Audit
In 2010, a CBS News investigation exposed FC was exaggerating the amount of aid it
was providing to victims
Although FC claimed that they provided medical relief for 12,000 people,” CBS found
that there were only three doctors employed in Haiti by FC and only would be able
to treat about 100 people per day.
CBS also reported that two weeks after the quake struck, FC had not fed anyone.
Articles: XX, XX, XX, XX and XX
“Most Outrageous Charity Award”
 In 2010, The American Institute of Philanthropy gave Feed the Children the “Most
Outrageous Charity Award” Award stems from the scandals surrounding former founder
Larry Jones
 Article: CharityWatch.org
According to a post on Huffingtonpost.com ( 01/26/2011) (Impressions: 47,744,054):
The above issues with Jones are now under criminal investigation with the DA’s office in
Oklahoma – the filing did not target the charity, just Jones.
Feed the Children stated “ we are confident in the legal system and will cooperate fully”
In December, the charity named retired American Heart Association CEO Cass Wheeler
as its interim president.
According to a post on Huffingtonpost.com (12/02/2011) (Impressions: 47,744,054):
Feed the Children (FC)
Media Audit
Adrian Peterson donates $5,000 to FC through his personal charity with every touchdown
he makes
According to a post on journalrecord.com (04/24/15) (Impressions: 40,188):
FC owned and operated store “A Story of Hope” (the store raises funds for the
organization) is unexpectedly closing due to lease changes they were not aware of
Statement read: Due to the uncertainty of the future of the First National Center, Feed
the Children has made the decision to wind down the operation of our Story of Hope
retail store in the months ahead
President and CEO Kevin Hagan blogs for the Huffington Post and articles include:
 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kevin-hagan/oklahoma-tornado-givings_b_3704112.html
 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kevin-hagan/the-current-system-is-bro_b_5516203.html
 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kevin-hagan/the-shame-of-ngos-unwilli_b_5888006.html
 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kevin-hagan/snap-works-so-why-wouldw_b_3954254.html