Identification Process

New Students Procedures
The identification process begins with the Home Language Survey
Form 1 Home Language Survey.doc
Who fills one out?
All students who are new to the district must complete a HSL
 Students new to the country
 Students new to the state
 Students first enrolling in Texas schools districts
New students who have marked any other language that English on their home language survey; initiate the
identification process of potential Limited English Proficient (LEP). While waiting for testing to be completed and for the
LPAC to meet and make recommendations, place temporarily a potential LEP student in a language development
program. The student’s placement remains temporary until the district receives parent approval or denial of services.
New students from out of state or out of the country
1. The parent or student (9-12) completes a home language survey.
2. Once student is enrolled in the district and the first day of school begins by law schools have 20 days to
identify by testing and recommending placement of the new student in the appropriate language program. The
school district has 10 days after testing to notify and receive acknowledgment (signature of the parent) of
permission from parent so that student can receive services.
Tests to give:
K-1 WMLS in English and Spanish
2-6 WMLS in English and Spanish
6-12 WMLS in English and Stanford 10 reading and language
Students who score 1-2 in the WMLS do not take Stanford
Who tests?
Coordinator and Teacher
Who is a LEP student from out of state?
If they score below 4 on WMLS , they are LEP
If they score less than 40Th percentile in Reading and Language, they are LEP
3. Call LPAC
What forms should I bring?
1. Form 7 Initial review
2. Form Minutes and roster
3. Identify accommodations and interventions from WMLS report
4. Form to identify number of complete or partial years of schooling in the
United States.
5. Parent approval form Spanish
6. Parent approval form English
If a student is coming from another country:
Insufficient schooling
Decide placement according to results of tests. Students who are determined to not have
limited English proficiency should be enrolled in general education classes.
If a student is LEP recommend the continuation of most suitable program.
1-4 Dual Language One Way
5-6 Bilingual Late Exit
6-12 ESL content based
Once the school has received parent permission form signed and dated. Email or notify
the bilingual coordinator with the date of approval or denial.
PK-K fills out their forms. Coordinator fills out other campuses.
File Paperwork
File in blue folder:
Initial Documentation
Home Language Survey
Oral Language Proficiency Test (OLPT) English
Oral Language Proficiency Test (OLPT) Spanish
Agency Approved Norm-Referenced Test(s)
LPAC Initial Placement/Recommendation
Notification of Placement
Parent Permission (same date as program placement)
Parent Denial
Students transferring from within Texas
HOME LANGUAGE SURVEY (school’s office)
1. Wait for the records
Wait for student’s LPAC documentation form the previous Texas school to arrive. TEA
policy is to maintain the original documentation whenever possible. If student’s records
do not come in the first 10 days. Proceed to treat the student as a new to state or
country student. Use current HLS and notate the date when records where
 Use the original home language survey if a student is transferring from a school district
from Texas. It is important to keep only the original document in the cumulative
When the records arrive:
1. Review records
Make sure that the records reconcile with Pine Tree’s documentation. If
2. If records come with testing practiced after May 1st. Use those scores to determine
placement. If the records received from the sending district do not contain current
English proficiency testing you should process this student as a new student from
out of state. Please note of the LPAC document that scores from the previous district
were not current and therefore student was tested.
3. Hold LPAC
What forms should I bring?
1. Form 36 transfer form
2. Form Minutes and roster
3. Identify accommodations and interventions from WMLS report
4. Form to identify number of complete or partial years of schooling in the
United States.
5. Parent approval form Spanish
6. Parent approval form English
If a student is coming from another country:
Insufficient schooling
If records materialize after LPAC :
 Retain Original HLS, but also the one issued by our school district. Keep this in the
blue folder and attach a note that explains why we have two.
 Review and reconcile placement. For example if in the other school he was in an ESL
program but we only offer Dual Language, call parent, explain the situation and
obtain approval or denial of services.
 Notify coordinator to change status in PEIMS documents.
File in blue Folder
Initial Documentation
Home Language Survey
Oral Language Proficiency Test (OLPT) English
Oral Language Proficiency Test (OLPT) Spanish
Agency Approved Norm-Referenced Test(s)
LPAC Initial Placement/Recommendation
Notification of Placement
Parent Permission (same date as program placement)
Parent Denial