Geography 7 CCT: Wasteland Project 15% of your final mark In 2010 Vik Muniz traveled to a place called Jardim Gramacho to meet a select group of people and create art. In doing so he both created stunning works of art and changed the lives of a select group of people forever. Your assignment has three components. Research Component #1: Wasteland Documentary Worksheet 10 marks Research Component #2: Recyclable Materials Record Assignment 10 marks Creative Component: Your Art Piece and presentation 30 marks Total 50 Marks Due Dates: CCT Progress Check: Friday May 30th To present your creative component idea and your plan on how to put it together Creative Components/Presentations Thursday June 4th, Friday June 5th 1 Research Component #1: Wasteland Documentary Worksheet 10 marks Source: Wasteland While watching Wasteland record the following information. (point form is acceptable) Victor Who is Victor Muniz? What does he do for a living? What materials does he use? Where does he live? Where is he from? Why does he want to go to Jardim Gramacho? 2 Jardim Gramacho What is Jardim Gramacho? Where is it located? How big is it? Catadores Who are the catadores? In detail describe their job. How do they earn money? How much money do they make? 3 Characters: Catadores For each of the Catadores record the following information. Catadore 1 Name: Working years as Catadore Background story/Personal details: Personality (what are they like?) in one word: Catadore 2 Name: Working years as Catadore Background story/Personal details: 4 Personality (what are they like?) in one word: Catadore 3 Name: Working years as Catadore Background story/Personal details: Personality (what are they like?) in one word: Catadore 4 Name: Working years as Catadore Background story/Personal details: 5 Personality (what are they like?) in one word: Catadore 5 Name: Working years as Catadore Background story/Personal details: Personality (what are they like?) in one word: Catadore 6 Name: Age (if applicable): Working years as Catadore 6 Background story/Personal details: Personality (what are they like?) in one word: Catadore 7 Name: Age (if applicable): Working years as Catadore Background story/Personal details: Personality (what are they like?) in one word: 7 Recyclable Materials Record Assignment /20 Due Date: Thursday May 23rd What does your household recycle? Cream cheese containers? Pickle jars? Compost? Soda bottles? Batteries? Toilet paper rolls? Task 1: Brainstorm List Your task is to brainstorm what you imagine your family recycles every week? List each item below. How many of each item is recycled every week? Brainstorm List 8 Task 2: Real List Your task is to record how much your family recycles every week. You need to find out when your household puts their recycling out. You need to count the objects in your family’s blue box. You need to count how many wet compost bags your family recycles every week? Record your findings below: Real List 9 Creative Component: Your Piece (20 marks) Your task is to transform garbage, specifically recyclable materials, into a work of art. Your art can take the form of: a painting a mosaic a sculpture a film a sound piece (using recyclable materials to make unique and interesting sounds/rhythms) if there’s something else not listed and your interested in come and see me. Presentation (20 marks) You will be presenting your art piece to the class. Your presentation should take the form of an artist statement that you will deliver to the class. Your artist statement should answer the following questions: a. Where did you get the idea for the piece? Was there one specific thing that inspired it? b. What materials did you use? How did you use them? Why? c. What is your piece about? Does your art have a message or tell a story? Is there a political message, an environmental message? d. Dominion or Stewardship: Page 179 of the textbook outlines the difference between two views about how humans use the earth’s resources. 10 Dominion: says that the earth’s resources are for the people to gather and use for profit. o Believes that human intelligence will solve problems of resource depletion by creating new technology. Stewardship: says that the earth is our home and that we need to take care of it by using its resources carefully. o Resources must be used no faster than their replacement rates. For example, one tree must be planted for each one cut down. Which approach do you think makes more sense: Dominion or Stewardship? Provide a brief explanation for your answer. Here are some links to help with your research. 11 Presentation/Creative Component Criteria Knowledge & Understanding 5 marks Application 5 marks Thinking/Inquiry 5 marks Communication 5 marks Level 4 Level 3 (80%-100%) (70%-79%) * Demonstrates an excellent degree of understanding of your art piece * Clearly focused, and offers insight that is clearly understood by the audience * Demonstrates a very good understanding of your of your art piece * Clearly focused throughout and the audience understand the information * Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of your of your art piece * Focus is somewhat easy to follow and is somewhat understood by the audience * Demonstrates little to no understanding of your of your art piece * Focus is vague and or off topic at times and the information is not understood by the audience * Your artist statement demonstrates your critical thinking skills have been applied with a high degree of effectiveness. * Your artist statement demonstrates your critical thinking skills have been applied with considerable clarity and effectiveness. * Your artist statement demonstrates your critical thinking skills have been applied with moderate effectiveness * Your artist statement demonstrates your critical thinking skills have been applied with limited clarity and * Creative portion is articulate and clearly communicates your piece with a high level of enthusiasm for the topic * Creative portion displays enthusiasm for your piece and provides insight * Creative portion demonstrates some enthusiasm your piece * Creative portion doesn’t provide any insight or information on any aspects of your piece. *Demonstrates understanding of the complexity of the topic and requires participants to think about the issue from a different perspective * Project is thought provoking and highlight the most important aspects of the topic Presentation/Creative Component Level 2 (60-69%) * Communication is simplistic and does not do justice to the topic’s possibilities. / 40 marks = % /10 marks= % Level 1 (50-59%) Wasteland Documentary Worksheet Total /50 marks = % 12 Comments: 13