Remote Sensing Based Estimation of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) Angela Tang Che Ing GPHY 426 Remote Sensing Fall 2014 1.0 Introduction Gross primary productivity (GPP), photosynthetic assimilation of carbon by vegetation, is a critical component in the global carbon cycle as it regulates the carbon fluxes between the biosphere and atmosphere. The accurate quantification of carbon uptake by terrestrial vegetation can yield a better understanding of the feedback mechanisms between the terrestrial biosphere and atmosphere which in turn can also improve the state of knowledge in climate change model particularly in the aspect of predictions and uncertainties. The eddy covariance technique which emerged in recent decades has become the most useful tool for providing continuous and in-situ measurements of ecosystem-scale exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) spanning diurnal, seasonal and interannual time scales. However, these measurements only represent the fluxes at the scale of the tower footprint. More recently, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) has provided new capabilities for monitoring ecosystem-atmosphere CO2 flux at the global scale. 2.0 Fig. 1. MODIS on board the satellite. (Source: Methods and Materials 2.0.1 Instrument NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS): Launched on board the Terra satellite in December 1999, and Aqua in May 2002 36 spectral bands; 21 within 0.4-3.0 µm; 15 within 314.5 µm Measures visible and infrared radiation Measures physical properties of the atmosphere, and biological and physical properties of the oceans and land Provides multi-angular reflectance reveal more insight into the threedimensional structure of vegetation signals that Reflectance radiation is anisotropic Uses its multi-angular detection system, coupled with a three-dimensional canopy radiative transfer model and advanced algorithms to directly estimate leaf area index (LAI) and absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (aPAR) 2.0.2 MODIS Data MODIS17 Algorithm: Consists of two subproducts: MOD17A2: 1km 8-day composite GPP, net photosynthesis (PsnNet) and corresponding QC GPP = εmax*PAR*FPAR*f(VPD)*f(Tmin) where εmax is the biome-specific maximum light use efficiency (g C/MJ), PAR is photosynthetically active radiation (MJ), FPAR is the fraction of absorbed PAR, f(VPD) and f(Tmin) represent the biomespecific functions for vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and minimum temperature (Tmin) PsnNet = GPP – Rml – Rmr where Rml and Rmr are maintenance respiration by leaves and fine roots. MOD167A3: annual NPP and QC NPP PsnNet Rmo Rg 365 i 1 where Rmo is the maintenance respiration by all other living parts except leaves and fine roots, and Rg is the growth respiration. 3.0 Results 3.0.1 Improvements to MOD17 Spatial interpolation of Data Assimilation Office (DAO) Temporal filling of MOD15A2 Fig. 3. Two examples on how temporal filling unreliable 8-day FPAR and LAI, and th located in Amazon basin where higher frequency and persistence of cloud cover e cloud cover usually occurs in winter, and low frequency of cloud cover in summer. (S 3.0.2 MODIS GPP Table 1. Three-year (2001types across the globe. (So Fig. 4. Mean global GPP from 2000 to 2005. (Source: projects.detail.htm) MODIS GPP and savannas, particu Low GPP occurs latitudes with sho areas with limited Generally, annual Fig. 5. Interannual variability (2000-2005) of NPP at the global scale. (Source: Fig. 6. In domain. /projects. 3.0.3 Validation with tower-based estimates of GPP (a) 15 AmeriFlux research sites in six different biome classes Table 2. Comparison of tower estimates of GPP with GPP derived from the MODIS algorithm. (Source: Heinsch et al., 2006) (b) 21 FluxNet research sites for the years 2001-2008 Table 3. Average R2 and root mean square error (RMSE) in parenthesis between MODIS products and flux tower GPP for each biome type. (Source: Hashimoto et. al., 2012) 4.0 MOD17 GPP was most highly correlated with short-term flux tower GPP, both for de Low correlation found between the MOD17 GPP and flux tower GPP was in part comparison to the temperate and boreal sites. More data for tropical forests are req References Hashimoto, H., Wang, W., Milesi, C., White, M. A., Ganguly, S., Gamo, M., ... & Nemani, R. R. (2012). Exploring simple algorithms for estimating gross primary production in forested areas from satellite data. Remote Sensing, 4(1), 303-326. Heinsch, F. 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