QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ON HEALTCARE AND TREATMENT ACCESS OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV (PLWHIV) IN CAMEROON BRIEF SUMMARY The national policy on HIV control set by the Government set many changes in particular with the adoption of the national strategic plan of fight against AIDS (2006-2010) and the emergence of new dispositions such as the free access of TAR, reduction of biological examinations costs, 85 HIV care centers covering the ten regions of the country. Consequently, throughout the country, patients knew numerous episodes of breaks of the stocks of ARV and reagents. Uncertain and feared of discontinuity of offered services, certain patients adopted alternate treatments while others simply abandoned the official circuit of healthcare. The official circuit of PLWHIV healthcare is long and suffers from a lack of follow-up and this has considerable consequences: HIV care centers do not know exactly the number of HIV positive patients and also the number of cases of loss-to-follow-up. This situation raises other problem of drugs stock management. The static data on patients transmitted to the hierarchy are not reliable; Drugs’ orders on the basis of these statistics remain rough. Even CENAME declared that "there are more releases of medicines than declared patients ". In front of all these challenges, we were interested in finding out what is the path adopted, what are the realized efforts, what are the stakes and perspectives from the new policy on healthcare access of PLWHIV. It is in fact, an evaluative approach which underlies this study. WORK PRESENTATION It is a qualitative research on the access to healthcare and the treatment offered to PLWHIV by the Cameroonian public health system. RESEARCH PROBLEM It is established that there is a discontinuity in the healthcare so much in the administration of TAR that in the practice of the biological examinations related to PLWHIV healthcare. GENERAL OBJECTIVE Produce a synoptic table on the causes and major constraints related to the discontinuity of PLWHIV healthcare and collect suggestions for possible improvements on behalf of PLWHIV community and the central and peripheral actors involved in the chain of PLWHIV healthcare. METHODOLOGY The investigation covered 10 regions in functional healthcare centers of PLWHIV at the central and peripheral level, as well as with NGO / CBO of the PLWHIV involved in HIV control, through in-depth interviews and focus groups. MAIN RESULTS INCIDENCE OF THE CURRENT FONCTIONING OF HEALTH SYSTEM ON PLWHIV Outbreak of the emotional sufferings, Integration of the unofficial circuits of treatments Proliferation of the new cases of infection, Development of the resistance to treatment Proliferation of the early deaths. IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL STRATEGIC PLAN PROGRAMS. A bad system of supply and distribution “In order to avoid the total break and to supply all the parties concerned, commands are half delivered. In other words, in the system, it can be neither a total break, nor a command totally delivered”. A person in charge of the retail chain GRAVITIES ON COMMANDS mainly due to the gathering and of the transfer of statistical data of the periphery for the central level. "The statistics reach us late and are for the greater part incomplete; for us to better manage, we need to know the exact number of patients so as to send sufficient stocks and well planned other ones." Long process of distribution: A good proportion of the interviewees emphasize on long geographical distances of certain Healthcare centers from supply structures: lacks of road infrastructures delay deliveries of reagents and medicines even though they would be available and free: "The supply in the enclosed regions is limited. In this case, the beneficiaries of these regions struggle to access to medicines” Blackmail and overcharging of the biological examinations: During periods of breaks of reagents or TAR, PLWHIV are exposed to all kind of blackmail on behalf of the nursing staff. For example, HIV tests which normally cost 500Fcfa are sold at 3.00Fcfa. “Every time we come to TAR consultation in pharmacy, they ask us to collect 200fcfa by patient before giving us TAR which are nevertheless free “, declared PLWHIV A bad system of monitoring and evaluation Counseling for voluntary test: done by volunteers and associations’ members, they sometimes don’t have motivation resulting in much absenteeism. PMTCT: The program seem to work effectively with good results (98% of success RECOMMENDATIONS Effective missions of monitoring and evaluation and supervision have to be regularly implemented Verify and transfer reliable statistic data at time safety stocks are set up at the level of the healthcare centers The State subsidizes the AGR of the Associations of the PVVS to make them financially autonomous; The State to set up a mechanism of auto financing of healthcare of PLWHIV.