SPAN 497 - California State University, Northridge

College: [ Humanities ]
Department: [ MCLL
1. Current Catalog Entry Information:
Subject Abbreviation and Number: [ SPAN 497
Course Title: [ Comparative Structure of Spanish and English ]
Units: [ 3 ] units
General Education Section [
] (if applicable)
2. Date of Proposed Implementation: (Semester/Year): [ Spring ] /[ 2017 ] Comments
3. Course Level:
[X]Undergraduate Only
[]Graduate Only
4. Nature of Request:
[] Delete Course (Note: Record of course will remain in inactive course file)
[] Change unit value from [ ] units to [ ] units
[] Change course type (classification) such as lecture-discussion, laboratory, activity,
From: [ ] units @ [] [] to [ ] units @ [] []
From: [ ] units @ [] [] to [ ] units @ [] []
[] Change course title to: [
[] Change course abbreviation “Short title” (Maximum of 17 characters and spaces) to
NEW Short Title: [ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ]
[] Change current catalog course description (Attach current and proposed catalog course
Notes: If grading is NC/CR only, please state in course description. If a course numbered
less than 500 is available for graduate credit, please state “Available for graduate credit in the
catalog description.”
[] Change subject abbreviation number to: (Example: HSCI 100 to PT 105) [
[X] Change requisites (Prerequisites, Corequisites, Preparatory, Recommended Corequisites)
From: [ Prerequisite: SPAN 395 ]
To: [ Prerequisite: SPAN 425 ]
[] Change Current Basis of Grading
From: []Credit/No Credit Only
[]Letter Grade Only
[]CR/NC or Letter Grade
To: []Credit/No Credit Only
[]Letter Grade Only
[] Add course to GE Section [
[] Remove course from GE Section [
[] Change course from GE section [
] to GE section [
[] Change course to a Community Service Learning course (CS)
[]CR/NC or Letter Grade
[] Allow multiple enrollments within a semester.
[] Change number of times this course may be taken:
May be taken for credit for a total of [] times, or for a maximum of [] units
[] Multiple enrollments are allowed within a semester
[] Crosslist this course with [
[] Other: [
5. Justification and Clarification of Request (Attach)
This course currently has SPAN 395 as a prerequisite. We are changing said prerequisite
from SPAN 395 to SPAN 425 per the course modification that is being submitted for that
course, in which we changed its number, and, thus, reflect this change in courses that
have the prerequisite.
6. Estimated Impact on Resources within the Department, for other Departments
and the University.(Attach)
This course will be folded into the regular rotation cycle of SPAN course offerings in
alternation with other courses in the program. The number of course offerings per
semester is controlled by budgetary considerations, and this will be taken into account
when scheduling SPAN 497 in any given semester. Any tenure-track faculty member
who is a specialist in Linguistics is well equipped to teach the course using existing
facilities and equipment. There will be some impact on enrollment, as it will now
exclusively serve undergraduate majors and minors in Spanish, but it is expected to be
(See Resource List)
7. Impact on other Departments’ programs (Attach)
There will no impact nor overlap between this course and on other Departments’
programs. This course is an already existing course for Spanish majors and minors, and
the modification only involves a change in the numbering of the prerequisite.
8. Indicate which of the Program’s Measurable Student Learning Outcomes are
addressed in this course. (Attach)
1. Prepare students for careers in teaching (secondary, community college,
university), among others in legal, medical, administrative, and journalistic fields,
translation and interpretation, etc. that require advanced level (ACTFL
Guidelines) abilities in both oral and written skills.
2. Provide students with techniques, strategies, methodologies, and skills to carry
out independent research that would support career choices.
3. Establish a solid foundation for lifelong learning, service, and participation in the
Hispanic, Latino and global communities.
4. Carry out research and apply critical theories in analysis of Hispanic linguistics,
literatures, civilizations, and cultures.
5. Communicate at the advanced level using a variety of rhetorical modes in both
oral and written discourse.
6. Achieve subject matter competency (as stated in the Standards of the California
Commission on Teacher Credentialing) to enter a credential or a graduate
program in Spanish at any U.S. university.
Directions: Assess how well SPAN 497 contributes to the program’s student learning outcomes by
rating each course objective for that course with an I, P or D.
Student Learning Outcome 4
Student Learning Outcome 5
Student Learning Outcome 6
Student Learning Outcome 3
Student Learning Outcome 2
1. critically analyze the phonological, morphological, syntactic,
and semantic structure of Spanish and English.
I, P
2. describe differences in structure and usage between
lingusitics constructions in Spanish and English.
I, P
3. describe instances of dialectal variation in both Spanish and
I, P
4. apply the grammatical structures discussed in class in their
own linguistics production, for example, in writing.
I, P
Upon completion of SPAN 497, students will be able to:
Student Learning Outcome 1
Course Objectives
(see Course Alignment Matrix and the Course Objectives Chart)
9. If this is a General Education course, indicate how the General Education
Measurable Student Learning Outcomes (from the appropriate section) are
addressed in this course. (Attach)
10. Methods of Assessment for Measurable Student Learning Outcomes (Attach)
A. Assessment tools
Communicate in American
Sign Language
Student Learning
7 with
Deaf People.
Student Learning Outcome 2
I=introduced (basic level of proficiency is expected)
P=practiced (proficient/intermediate level of proficiency is expected)
D=demonstrated (highest level/most advanced level of proficiency is expected)
Course Objectives
Upon completion of SPAN 497, students will be able to:
1. critically analyze the phonological, morphological, syntactic,
and semantic structure of Spanish and English.
2. describe differences in structure and usage between linguistic
constructions in Spanish and English.
3. describe instances of dialectal variation in both Spanish and
4. apply the grammatical structures discussed in class in their
own linguistics production, for example, in writing.
Assessments of Student
Class participation and
contribution to class discussions;
weekly practice, homework
assignments, exams, final exam,
Class participation and
contribution to class discussions;
weekly practice, homework
assignments, exams, final exam,
Class participation and
contribution to class discussions;
weekly practice, homework
assignments, exams, final exam,
Class participation and
contribution to class discussions;
weekly practice, homework
assignments, exams, final exam,
B. Describe the procedure dept/program will use to ensure the faculty teaching
the course will be involved in the assessment process (refer to the university’s
policy on assessment.)
The Spanish section head will work with the faculty of the course to ensure that
they are aware of and have incorporated the program SLOs. Faculty members will
collaborate to discuss and share data from student written work (assignments,
exams, and final exam) that can be used to demonstrate the extent to which
students achieve the SLO’s for the course. Revisions of the course will come from
faculty experience, knowledge of the field, and observations of student responses
and performance in the course with regard both to course objectives and program
SLOs. Adjustments to teaching methods, course content, and assessment
techniques will occur as needed.
11. Record of Consultation: (Normally all consultation should be with a department chair or
program coordinator.) If more space is needed attach statement and supporting memoranda .
Department Chair/Program
[ 10-22[ Linguistics ]
[ Evelyn McClave ]
15 ]
[ 10-22[English
[ Jackie Stallcup ]
[ ]
[ ]
Consultation with the Oviatt Library is recommended for course modifications to
ensure the availability of appropriate resources to support proposed course
Collection Development Coordinator
Please send an email to:
[ 10-2215 ]
12. Approvals:
Department Chair/Program Coordinator:
College (Dean or Associate Dean):
Educational Policies Committee:
Graduate Studies Committee: