Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts and Minds about Animals and F

Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts
and Minds about Animals and Food
A special evening with Gene Baur
Founder and President of the nation’s largest farm animal advocacy group,
Gene will touch your heart as he shares his message of compassion for the
forgotten and often mistreated farm animals of the world.
"Filled with hope, (Gene’s message) is for
all who strive for a more compassionate
world." Dr. Jane Goodall
"Some of the stories Gene tells will break
your heart, and others will speak to your
deepest convictions. Alicia Silverstone
Saturday, September 27th
6pm Try Delicious Vegan Appetizers
7pm Presentation (followed by book signing)
EMU Student Center Auditorium
To earn more about Farm Sanctuary, please visit
To learn more about Gene Baur’s new book, visit
This is a free event, thanks to the following sponsor: