Tara Black
2004 – 2009
2002 – 2004
1995 – 1999
PhD in Social Work (maternity leave 2008), Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work,
University of Toronto
 Thesis: Children’s Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence
 Supervisor: Vice-Provost, Cheryl Regehr
Master of Social Work, Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
Bachelor of Science (Honours), Psychology Major, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
 Thesis: Social competence in grade 2 children
 Supervisor: Prof. Ray DeV Peters
 French language certificate
2005 – 2006
2006 – 2007
2007 – 2008
2008 – 2009
Ontario Graduate Studies (OGS),
Ontario Graduate Studies (OGS),
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC),
Ontario Graduate Studies (OGS),
2012 – 2013
YouthLink, Research contract
Evaluation of youth co-op housing
RESEARCH GRANTS (successful):
2015 - 2019
Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR), Boys’ and Men’s Health
Team Grant (C. Wekerle, Principal Investigator, McMaster University)
Co-Applicant (T. Black)
Understanding health risks and promoting resilience in male youth with sexual violence experience
Oct 2013 to
Assistant Professor
Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
Contractually Limited Term Appointment (CLTA)
Managing staff including IT programmers, research assistants, and students in the collection,
maintenance, and secondary analyses of a large provincial child welfare database
Liaise with funders (e.g., OACAS) and Ministry (MCYS)
Coordination of child protection agencies’ data from across Ontario
Day-to-day OCANDS operations (e.g., ethics renewals, communication with participating
agencies, Steering Committee meetings, team meetings)
Grant and RFP writing
Teaching MSW course (e.g., Welfare of Children) and PhD course (e.g., Quantitative Design)
PhD faculty advisor
Supervising RBC fellow, 1st Year PhD student matching program
Member of doctoral thesis committee
Last updated November 7, 2014
Sept to Dec Sessional Lecturer
2012 & 2013 Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
The Intersection of Policy and Practice for Children and Adolescents
March 2013
to Oct 2013
Consultant, Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect
March 2012
to Oct 2013
Managing senior programmers, research assistants, and students in the collection and
maintenance of a large provincial child welfare database
Coordination of child protection agencies’ data from across Ontario
Day-to-day OCANDS operations (e.g., ethics renewals, communication with participating
agencies, Steering Committee meetings, team meetings)
Liaison between OCANDS and its stakeholders (e.g., Ministry of Children and Youth Services’
departments including the Child Welfare Secretariat, CPIN, and Accountability department,
Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies)
Supervise and/or assist with OCANDS data analyses including those of MSW, PhD, and fellow
faculty members
Assist with grant writing
Consultant, Child Welfare Institute, Children’s Aid Society of Toronto
Conducting focus group with child welfare workers
Calculating annualization and regionalization weights to produce estimates of child maltreatment in
Data collection visits to child protection agencies
Project Manager, Ontario Children’s Services Database (OCSD) (contract)
Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
Jan to April
Teach course to MSW students
Lead lecturer on public policy, child welfare, children’s rights, Aboriginal issues, and children’s
mental health
Qualitative interviews, focus groups, and data analysis
Report writing for MCYS
Area of focus: youth justice
Part-time faculty, York University, School of Social Work
Course Director, Graduate Research Seminar, MSW Research course
Mandatory research course for MSW students
Prepared course outline and required readings
Preparing and delivering lectures
Marking assignments
Sept to Dec Sessional Lecturer
2010 & 2012 Research for Evidence Based Practice in Social Work, Factor-Inwentash
Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
 Lead all lectures, and marked all assignments
 Taught evidence-based practice topics including: reviewing literature, formulating a research
question, appraising literature
May 2012
to Mar 2013
Research Contract, Local Researcher for international project (consultant)
YouthLink and Aviva International
Successful applicant for a Call for Proposals
Evaluating the experiences of the co-op housing program at Youthlink
Qualitative interviews with youth, data analysis and report writing
Last updated November 7, 2014
Conducting research with other local researchers in India, Ireland, and Italy
Press release see:
Wrote Full report:
March 2012 Contract, Researcher (consultant)
to May 2012 YouthLink
Assisting agency with evaluation of their anger management for Ministry funding with ranger
management program (FAST)
Maternity leave (July 2011 to March 2012)
May 2010 to Supervisor of Research and Program Evaluation, Part-time (0.5), contract
July 2011
Child Welfare Institute, Children’s Aid Society of Toronto
Jan – April
Supervise research project coordinators
Manage 40+ research projects ranging in topics from FASD to foster care
Work with collaterals including community-based agencies and funders (e.g., government bodies)
Sessional Lecturer
Intermediate Statistics & Data Analysis (mandatory PhD lab), Factor-Inwentash
Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
Lead all labs in SPSS, and marked all assignments
Taught data analysis techniques using SPSS, including: multiple regression, logistic regression,
analysis of variance, multivariate analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, and repeated
measures analysis of variance
Sept 2007
Co-Manager, CIS-2008
to July 2011 2008 Canadian Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS-2008), FactorInwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
Jan – April
Training child protection workers for CIS data collection
Working with agency IT personnel
Managing data collection and data verification
Lead for calculating regionalization and annualization weights
Writing reliability, annual & budget reports to funders
Managing research assistants, site researchers and data entry clerks
Ethics submissions to multiple institutions
Co-authoring fact sheets, reports and peer-reviewed journal articles
Secondary data analysis
Course Instructor (LAB)
Advanced Statistics (PhD course), Faculty of Social Work, University of
Mark all assignments
Teach all labs on topics in SPSS that include: reliability, validity, survival analysis, path analysis,
exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modelling, and
multilevel modelling.
Jan - April
Course Instructor (LAB)
2006 & 2007 Intermediate Statistics & Data Analysis (mandatory PhD course), Faculty of
Social Work, University of Toronto
Lead all labs in SPSS, and mark all assignments
Taught data analysis techniques using SPSS, including: multiple regression, logistic regression,
analysis of variance, multivariate analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, and repeated
measures analysis of variance
Last updated November 7, 2014
Sept – Dec
Applied Quantitative Data Analysis for Social Work (MSW course and prerequisite for PhD), Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
Mark all assignments
Tutor students on a weekly basis in SPSS about descriptive statistics, correlation, z-tests, t-tests,
chi-square tests, simple linear regression and one-way analysis of variance, as well as hands on
experience with SPSS
March 2006 Research Assistant
to Aug 2007 2003 Canadian Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS-2003), Centre
of Excellence for Child Welfare (CECW), Faculty of Social Work, University of
May 2004 Feb 2006
Responsible for secondary data analysis of the CIS dataset. Helping academics from other
institutions use the database and provide statistical consultation.
Supervised MSW placement student
Research Assistant
2003 Canadian Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS-2003),
University of Toronto
Co-author of final national report and provincial report (Ontario). See
Responsible for the weighting strategy & monitored data collection in two regional sites
Dissemination involvement: Managing preparation of site reports that includes the supervising of
SPSS runs and report writing, presenting at participating agencies, international conferences and
submitting journal articles.
March 2003 - Research Assistant
Dec 2005
Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, James G. Barber
April 22 June 16,
North American Consultation for the United Nations General’s Study on
Violence Against Children
June 2000 Aug 2002
Writing concise report of the regional consultation meeting in Toronto on June 3rd, 2005
Child Protection Worker
Durham Children’s Aid Society
Jan 2000 June 2000
Ontario risk assessment tool project –Managing 3 case readers, and 3 data entry clerks. Liaising
with community agency partners. Co-author of final report, and of journal article
Treatment Foster Care – international audit for programs for children with high needs
Kids Help Phone project – organizing dataset and liaising with community agency
CFI funding proposal writing and editing
International Evidence-Based Foster Care – liaising with international quantitative researchers in
foster care to determine book chapters
Children’s Services worker – provided child protection services for children in care
Family Services Worker – provided ongoing child protection services for children and their families
Supervised Access Program Assistant – provided access for children and families
Social Work Assistant – prepared social work histories for children in care
Treatment Care Worker
New Path Youth and Family Services of Simcoe County (formerly known as
the Robert Thompson Centre)
Day treatment for male and female youth ages 14 to 16 years.
Last updated November 7, 2014
June 1999 Aug 1999
Case management and applied therapeutic skills and modalities with clients and families
Treatment Worker
Wediko Children’s Services
24 hour per day staff for male youth ages 14 to 16 years, most with Asperger’s Syndrome
intensive psycho-educational setting for seriously emotionally and behaviourally disturbed children
Peer Reviewed (14)
Baiden, P., Fallon, B., Black, T., Van Wert, M., & den Dunnen, W., (submitted). Examining factors associated with
police involvement in child maltreatment investigation in Ontario, Canada. Child Maltreatment.
Fallon, B., Black, T, Nikolova, K., Tarshis, S., & Baird, S. (2014). Child welfare investigations involving exposure to
intimate partner violence: Case and worker characteristics. International Journal of Child and Adolescent
Nikolova, K., Fallon, B., Black, T., & Allan, K. (2014). Responding to Intimate Partner Violence: Coordinating law
enforcement and child welfare policies and practices. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience.
Lefebvre, R., Van Wert, M., Black, T., Fallon, B., & Trocmé, N. (2013). A profile of exposure to intimate partner
violence investigations in the Canadian child welfare system: An examination using the 2008 Canadian
Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS-2008). International Journal of Child and
Adolescent Resilience.
Saini, M., Black, T., Fallon, B. & Marshall, A. (2013). Child custody disputes within the context of child protection
investigations: Secondary analysis of the Canadian Incident Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS2003). Child Welfare, 92(1), 115-137.
Saini, M., Black, T., Lwin, K., Marshall, A., Fallon, B., Goodman, D. (2012). Child protection workers' experiences of
working with high-conflict separating families. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(7), 1309-1316.
Chamberland, C., Fallon, B., Black, T., Trocmé, N., & Chabot , M. (2012). Correlates of substantiated emotional
maltreatment in the second Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and neglect. Journal of
Family Violence, 27(3), 201-213..
Fallon, B., Ma, J., Black, T., Wekerle, C. (2011). Characteristics of young parents investigated and opened for ongoing
services in child welfare. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 9(4), 365-381.
Chamberland, C., Fallon, B., Black, T., Trocmé, N. & Chabot , M. (2011). Emotional maltreatment in Canada:
prevalence, reporting and child welfare responses. Child Abuse and Neglect, 35(10), 841.
Fallon, B., Trocmé, N., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, S. & Black, T. (2011). Untangling risk of maltreatment from events of
maltreatment: Ana analysis of the 2008 Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect (CIS2008). International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 9 (5), 460-479.
Tufford, L., Mishna, F., & Black, T. (2011). Mandatory Reporting and Child Exposure to Domestic Violence: Issues
Regarding the Therapeutic Alliance with Couples. Clinical Social Work Journal, 38 (4), 426-434.
Black, T. (2010). Children’s exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV): Challenging assumptions about child protection
practices. Dissertation Abstracts International. Retrieved April 20, 2014 from
Durrant, J., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., Milne, C. & Black, T. (2009). Protection of children from physical maltreatment in
Canada: An evaluation of the Supreme Court's definition of reasonable force. Journal of Aggression,
Maltreatment & Trauma, 18, 64-87.
Barber, J. G., Shlonsky, A., Black, T. L., Goodman, D., & Trocmé, N. (2008). Reliability and Predictive Validity of a
Consensus-Based Risk Assessment Tool. Journal of Public Child Welfare 2(2), 173-195.
Last updated November 7, 2014
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B. & MacLaurin, B. (2008). The Canadian child welfare system response to exposure to
domestic violence investigations. Child Abuse and Neglect 32(3), 393-404.
Book Chapter (1)
Fallon, B., Trocmé, N., MacLaurin, B., Knoke, D., Black. T., Felstiner, C. (2011). Supporting Secondary Analyses of the
Canadian Incidence Studies of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect. (CIS): Partnerships with the child welfare
community. In S. Léveillé, N. Trocmé, I. Brown & C. Chamberland (eds.) Research-Community Partnership in
Child Welfare. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare (
Book Review (1)
Black, T. & Trocmé, N. (2005). Book Review: Protecting Children from Domestic Violence: Strategies for Community
Intervention. Canadian Psychology, 46 (3), 170-171.
Professional Publications (10)
Lwin, K., Schatia, D., & Black,T. (2011). Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) respite pilot program: a collaboration.
OACAS journal, 56(2), 21-23.
DuRoss, C., Fallon, B. & Black, T. (2010). Group home and residential treatment placements in child welfare:
Analyzing the 2003 Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS-2003). Canada’s
Children, 16(3), 67-70.
Fast, E., Felstiner, C., & Black, T. (2007). 2008 Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect.
Canada’s Children, 13(3), 7-11.
Parker, J., Black, T. & Trocmé, N. (2007). Adolescent childbearing and child neglect: What’s the connection? Canada’s
Children, 13(2), 9-12.
Tonmyr, L., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Black, T. & Trocmé, N. (2007). Surveillance and research through child welfare
agencies. Canada’s Children 13(2), 38-41.
Black, T., Fallon, B., Fudge-Schormans, A., Knoke, D., MacLaurin, B., McCormack, M., Pitman, L., & Trocmé, N.
(2007). New findings from the Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect-2003. Canada’s
Children, 13(1), 8-12.
MacLaurin, B., McCormack, M., Trocmé, N., Blackstock, C., Fallon, B., Knoke, D., Black, T., & Pitman, L. (2007).
Understanding the overrepresentation of First Nations children in Canada’s child welfare system: An analysis
of the Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect (CIS-2003). Canada’s Children, 13(1),
Chaze, F., Black, T., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B. & Trocmé, N. (2006). Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse
and neglect (CIS-2003): Selected findings. Canada’s Children, 12(1), 10-13.
Black, T., Chaze, F., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2005). Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and
Neglect – 2003. Canada’s Childrem, 11 (2), 9-10.
Reports or report chapters (16)
Black, T. (2013). Young People’s experiences in the co-op housing programme. PASSPORT 2012: A study on
Youthlink’s Street to School supported programme in Toronto, Canada. Aviva Canada. Retrieved April 20,
2014 from
Fallon, B., Trocmé, N., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Felstiner, C. et al. (2010). Ontario incidence study of
reported child abuse and neglect 2008. Child Welfare Research Portal.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Fast, E. et al. (2010). Executive Summary in PHAC,
Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect 2008. Ottawa, ON.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Fast, E. et al. (2010). Chapter 1: Study Objective and
Last updated November 7, 2014
Scope in PHAC, Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect 2008. Ottawa, ON.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Fast, E. et al. (2010). Chapter 2: Study methodology in
PHAC, Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect 2008. Ottawa, ON.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Fast, E. et al. (2010). Chapter 3: Rates and outcomes of
maltreatment-related investigations: CIS-1998, CIS-2003 and CIS-2008 in PHAC, Canadian incidence study of
reported child abuse and neglect 2008. Ottawa, ON.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Fast, E. et al. (2010). Chapter 4: Characteristics of children
and families in PHAC, Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect 2008. Ottawa, ON.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Fast, E. et al. (2010). Chapter 5: Characteristics of
maltreatment in PHAC, Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect 2008. Ottawa, ON.
Policy for children exposed to domestic violence for the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto. Retrieved September 24,
2009 from
Barber, J., Trocmé, N., Goodman, D., Shlonsky, A., Black, T., & Leslie B. (2007). The Reliability and Predictive Validity
of Consensus-Based Risk Assessment. Toronto: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare (34 pages)
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., Black, T., & Felstiner, C. (2006). Documentation of Statistical Advice and Support for the
Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect, 2003. Technical Paper Series, Public Health
Agency of Canada.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., Black, T., & Felstiner, C. (2006). Report on the Site Dissemination of the Findings from the
Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect, 2003. Technical Paper Series, Public Health
Agency of Canada.
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006). The Canadian Child Welfare System Response to Exposure
to Domestic Violence Investigations. Technical Paper Series, Public Health Agency of Canada.
Durrant, J, Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., Milne, C., Black, T. & Knoke, D. (2006). Punitive violence against children in
Canada. Technical Paper Series, Public Health Agency of Canada.
Fallon, B., Trocmé, N., MacLaurin, B., Knoke, D., Black, T., Daciuk, J., et al. (2005). Ontario incidence study of
reported child abuse and neglect, OIS 2003: Major Findings. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black T. et al. (2005). Canadian Incidence Study of
Reported Child Abuse and Neglect, CIS-2003: Major Findings Report. Ottawa: Public Health Agency of
Canada, Government of Canada.
Fact Sheets (16)
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Fast, E., et al. (2010). CIS-2008: Characteristics of
maltreatment. CWRP Information Sheet #83E. Montreal, QC: Centre for Research on Children and
Families, McGill University.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Fast, E., et al. (2010). CIS 2008: Study methodology.
CWRP Information Sheet #86E. Montreal, QC: Centre for Research on Children and Families, McGill
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Fast, E., et al. (2010). CIS-2008: Characteristics of
children and families. CWRP Information Sheet #84E. Montreal, QC: Centre for Research on Children and
Families, McGill University.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Fast, E., et al. (2010). Rates and outcomes of
maltreatment-related investigations: CIS-1998, CIS-2003 and CIS-2008. CWRP Information Sheet #85E.
Montreal, QC: Centre for Research on Children and Families, McGill University.
Last updated November 7, 2014
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Fast, E., et al. (2010). CIS 2008: Study objectives and
scope. CWRP Information Sheet #87E. Montreal, QC: Centre for Research on Children and Families,
McGill University.
Budau, K., Barnuik, J., Fallon, B. & Black, T. (2009). Geographic location and short-term service dispositions in
Canadian child maltreatment investigations: CIS-2003. CECW Information Sheet #76E. Montreal, QC: McGill
University, School of Social Work.
Durrant., J., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., Milne, C., Black, T. & Petrowski, N. (2009). Physical punishment of children:
Assessing the validity of the legal definition of “reasonable force”. CECW Information Sheet #71E. Montreal,
QC: McGill University, School of Social Work
Fallon, B., Trocmé, N., MacLaurin, B., Black, T. & Petrowski, N. (2008). Ontario incidence studies of reported child
abuse and neglect 1998/2003: Outcomes of investigations. CECW Information Sheet #62E. Montreal, QC:
McGill University, School of Social Work
Durrant, J., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., Milne, C., Black, T. & Knoke, D. (2006). Punitive violence against children in
Canada. CECW Information Sheet #41E. Montreal, QC: McGill University, School of Social Work.
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006). The Canadian child welfare system response to exposure to
domestic violence investigations. CECW Information Sheet #39E. Montreal, QC: McGill University, School of
Social Work.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Black, T. & Roy, C. (2005). Child emotional maltreatment in Canada. CECW
Information Sheet #29E. Montreal, QC: McGill University, School of Social Work.
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Roy, C. & Lajoie, J. (2005). Children’s exposure to domestic violence
in Canada. CECW Information Sheet #28E. Montreal, QC: McGill University , School of Social Work.
Trocmé, N. , MacLaurin, B., Fallon, B., Black, T & Lajoie, J. (2005). Child abuse and neglect investigation in Canada:
Comparing 1998 and 2003 data. CECW Information Sheet #26E. Montreal, QC: McGill University , School of
Social Work.
MacLaurin, B., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., Chaze, F., Black, T & Lajoie, J. (2005). Physical abuse of children in Canada.
CECW Information Sheet #24E. Montreal, QC: McGill University , School of Social Work.
Fallon, B., Lajoie, J. , Trocmé, N. , Chaze, F., MacLaurin, B., & Black, T. (2005). Sexual abuse of children in Canada.
CECW Information Sheet #25E. Montreal, QC: McGill University , School of Social Work.
Roy, C., Black, T., Trocmé, N. , MacLaurin, B., & Fallon, B. (2005). Child neglect in Canada. CECW Information Sheet
#27E. Montreal, QC: McGill University , School of Social Work.
Poster Sessions (5)
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2007, May). Response of the Canadian child welfare system to
cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse &
Neglect. Poster session presented at the 3rd International conference children exposed to domestic violence,
London, Ontario, Canada.
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006, October). Response of the Canadian child welfare system to
cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse &
Neglect. Poster session presented at the Journées annuelles de santé publique (JASP) conference,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Durrant, J., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., Milne, C., Black, T., & Knoke, D. (2006, October). Punitive violence against children
in Canada. Poster session presented at the Journées annuelles de santé publique (JASP) conference,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006, June). Response of the Canadian child welfare system to
cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse &
Last updated November 7, 2014
Neglect. Poster session presented at the Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Program's at the Hospital for
Sick Children: Current Issues in Child Maltreatment 2006 conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Durrant, J., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., Milne, C., Black, T., & Knoke, D. (2006, June). Punitive violence against children in
Canada. Poster session presented at the Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Program's at the Hospital for
Sick Children: Current Issues in Child Maltreatment 2006 conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Invited Professional Presentations (5)
Black, T. (September 2014). President’s and FPSO Directors Workshop: Ontario’s Risk Assessment Tools. Foster
Parents Society of Ontario Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario.
Black, T. (June 14 & 15, 2013). President’s and FPSO Directors Workshop: Ontario’s Risk Assessment Tools. Foster
Parents Society of Ontario Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
Black, T. (June 15 & 16, 2012). President’s and FPSO Directors Workshop: Ontario’s Assessment Tools. Foster
Parents Society of Ontario Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
Black, T. (June 3 & 4, 2011). President’s and FPSO Directors Workshop: Ontario’s Assessment Tools. Foster Parents
Society of Ontario Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
Black, T. (April 23, 2005). President’s and FPSO Directors all-day Workshop: Ontario Risk Assessment Model. Foster
Parents Society of Ontario Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
Professional Presentations (main presenter is underlined) (30)
Nikolova, K., Fallon, B., Black, T., & Allan, K. (2015). Intimate partner violence subtypes and worker characteristics. Society
for Social Work Research (SSWR) Conference, January 2015, San Francisco, USA.
Lee, B., Shlonsky, A., Black, T., & Fallon, B., (2014). Beyond investigations. Paper accepted for presentation at the
International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, July 13 th – 15th, 2014, Sheraton
Harborside Hotel and Conference Center, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA.
Fallon, B. & Black, T. (2014). Major findings from the Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect.
International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, July 13 th – 15th, 2014, Sheraton Harborside
Hotel and Conference Center, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Fallon, B., Black, T., Nikolova, K., Tarshis, S. & Baird, S. (2014). Intimate partner violence and worker characteristics.
International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, July 13 th – 15th, 2014, Sheraton Harborside
Hotel and Conference Center, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Nikolova, K., Fallon, B., Black, T., & Allan, K. (2014). Intimate partner violence and police referrals. International Family
Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, July 13 th – 15th, 2014, Sheraton Harborside Hotel and
Conference Center, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Baiden, P., Fallon, B., Black, T., Van Wert, M., & den Dunnen, W., (2014). Examining factors associated with police
involvement in child maltreatment investigation in Ontario, Canada. Paper accepted for presentation at the
International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, July 13 th – 15th, 2014, Sheraton
Harborside Hotel and Conference Center, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA.
Fluke, J., Black, T. (March 2010). Measuring Child Maltreatment: Multi-National Perspectives on Surveillance. 23rd
Annual Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference. Tampa, Florida, USA.
Chamberland C; Fallon, B. Black, T; Trocmé, N & Chabot M. (March 2008). Emotional maltreatment in young
Canadians: results of the second incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect. EUSARF, Padova.
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (October, 2007). Canadian child welfare system response to
exposure to domestic violence. Presented at the Centre for Research on Children and Families Research
Seminar Series, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.
Last updated November 7, 2014
Chamberland C; Fallon, B. Black, T; Trocmé, N & Chabot M. (March, 2008). Emotional maltreatment in young
Canadians: results of the second incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect second cycles.
EUSARF, Padova.
Chamberland C; Fallon, B. Black, T; Trocmé, N & Chabot M. (October 2007). Les mauvais traitements
psychologiques : un problème invisible qui laisse des traces tangibles Colloque francophone de psychologie et
psychopathologie de l'enfant. 30 ans de clinique de recherches et de pratiques. Paris, France.
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2007, May). Response of the Canadian child welfare system to
cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse &
Neglect. Paper presented at the 3rd International conference children exposed to domestic violence, London,
Ontario, Canada.
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B. & MacLaurin, B. (2007, January). Response of the Canadian child welfare system to
cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse &
Neglect. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR) conference. San Francisco,
California, USA.
Shlonsky, A., Black, T., Trocme, N., Barber, J., Goodman, D., (2007, January). Reliability and predictive validity of a
child welfare risk assessment tool. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR)
conference. San Francisco, California, USA.
Fallon, B., Trocmé, N., MacLaurin, B., Knoke, D., Black, T., Daciuk, J., & Felstiner, C., (2006, November). Select
comparisons from two cycles of the Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (OIS):
Understanding increases in rates of reported maltreatment in Ontario. Report presented at the World Forum
2006: Future Directions in Child Welfare. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B. & MacLaurin, B. (2006, October). L’intervention en protection de la jeunesse dans les
situations d’exposition a la violence conjugale. Paper presented at the Résovi international conference:
Violence Against Women: Diversifying social responses. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B. & MacLaurin, B. (2006, September). Response of the Canadian child welfare system
to cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child
Abuse & Neglect. Paper presented at the XVIth ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect:
Children in a Changing World: Getting It Right. York, United Kingdom.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., et al. (2006, September). Select comparisons
from two cycles of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS): Understanding
increases in Canadian reports to child welfare services. Report presented at the XVIth ISPCAN International
Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect: Children in a Changing World: Getting It Right. York, United Kingdom.
Durrant, J., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., Milne, C., Black, T., & Knoke, D. (2006, July). Punitive violence against children
in Canada. Paper presented at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research
conference, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, United States.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., et al. (2006, July). Select comparisons from
two cycles of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS): Understanding
increases in Canadian reports to child welfare services. Report presented at the International Family Violence
and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, United States.
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006, July). Response of the Canadian child welfare system to
cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse &
Neglect. Paper presented at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference,
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, United States.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., et al. (2006, June). Select comparisons from
two cycles of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS): Understanding
increases in Canadian reports to child welfare services. Report presented at the 2006 National Social Work
Conference: Transformation: Charting Our Course, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006, June). Response of the Canadian child welfare system to
cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse &
Last updated November 7, 2014
Neglect. Paper presented at the 2006 National Social Work Conference: Transformation: Charting Our
Course, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., et al. (2006, June). Select comparisons from
two cycles of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS): Understanding
increases in Canadian reports to child welfare services. Report presented at the Suspected Child Abuse and
Neglect Program's at the Hospital for Sick Children: Current Issues in Child Maltreatment 2006 conference,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Fallon, B., Trocmé, N., MacLaurin, B., Knoke, D., Black, T., Daciuk, J. & Felstiner, C., (2006, June). Ontario Incidence
Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (OIS): Major findings. Report presented at the Ontario
Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) & Canadian Mental Health Organization’s (CMHO) Joint
Conference: Working Together for Ontario’s Children and Families, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Black, T., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006, June). Response of the Canadian child welfare system to
cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse &
Neglect. Paper presented at the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies & Canadian Mental Health
Organization’s Joint Conference: Working Together for Ontario’s Children and Families, Toronto, Ontario,
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., et al. (2006, May). Select comparisons from
two cycles of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS): Understanding
increases in Canadian reports to child welfare services. Report presented at the Foster Care Operators
Association of Ontario (FCOAO) conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., Tonmyr, L., Blackstock, C., Barter, K.,
Turcotte, D., Cloutier, R. (2006, January). The Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and
Neglect – 2003 Major Findings. Paper presented at the 20th International Conference on Child and Family
Maltreatment, San Diego, California, United States.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., Tonmyr, L., Blackstock, C., Barter, K.,
Turcotte, D., Cloutier, R. (2005, October). The Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and
Neglect – 2003 Major Findings. Paper presented at the World Conference on Prevention of Family Violence,
Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Black, T. & Blackstock, C. (August, 2004). Research Workshop for Youth. Promoting Resiliency Conference, Ottawa,
PhD Supervision
Faculty Advisor, University of Toronto, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, Leslie McCallum
RBC Fellowship Supervisor, University of Toronto, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, Kristina
PhD First Year Matching Supervisor, University of Toronto, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work,
Sevil Deljanvan
MSW Placement Supervision
University of Toronto, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, Megan Pratt
University of Toronto, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, Alena Marshall
University of Toronto, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, Jennifer Ma
University of Toronto, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, Amy Johnston
University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, Juliana Doxley (nee Parker)
Relevant Trainings
Nov 2014
Nov 2014
Nov 2014
Oct 2014
Sept 2014
Managing Research Projects, University of Toronto, Provost Office
Best Practices in Graduate Supervision: Setting Up Your Students for Success, University of Toronto,
Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation
Promoting Research in the Media, University of Toronto, Provost Office
Pedagogical Approaches to Equity in the Classroom, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work,
University of Toronto
Technology Fair, University of Toronto, Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation (CTSI)
Last updated November 7, 2014
Sept 2014
Sept 2014
Aug 2014
Aug 2014
Feb 2011
Nov 2010
Oct 2010
Oct 2010
Sept 2010
Web Conferening: Beyond the Basics, University of Toronto, Centre for Teaching Support and
Innovation (CTSI)
BlackBoard Collaborate, University of Toronto, Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation (CTSI)
Setting the Tone for Success: First Day of Class and Beyond, University of Toronto, Centre for
Teaching Support and Innovation (CTSI)
Discussion Techniques to Support Active Learning, University of Toronto, Centre for Teaching
Support and Innovation (CTSI)
Leadership training, Schulich School of Business, Children’s Aid Society of Toronto
Health & Safety Leadership: Legislation, Due Diligence & the Internal Responsibility System &
Hazard Control Combined, Children’s Aid Society of Toronto
Attendance Management, Children’s Aid Society of Toronto
Realizing Our Potential: Developing Effective Leadership within CAST -Mentoring Program,
Children’s Aid Society of Toronto
Human Rights: Discrimination and Harassment Training, Children’s Aid Society of Toronto
Reviewer for Journals
2014 – present
2014 – present
2014 – present
2013 – present
2011 - present
2012 - present
2012 - present
Guest Editor, International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience
Manuscript Reviewer, International Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect
Manuscript Reviewer, International Indigenous Policy Journal
Manuscript Reviewer, International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience
Manuscript Reviewer, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (IJMHA)
Manuscript Reviewer, Child Welfare League of America (CWLA)
Manuscript Reviewer, First Peoples Child & Family Review Journal, First Nations Child & Family
Caring Society of Canada
Committee Membership
2013 - present
2014 – present
2014 – present
2014 – present
2014 – present
2014 – present
2014 – present
Co-chair, Ontario Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (OCANDS), Steering Committee
Member, Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS), Think Tank;
Member, OACAS, Performance Management & Measurement Project
Member, OACAS, Quality Assurance and Evaluation project
Member, OACAS, Evaluation subcommittee
Member, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, Teaching committee
Member, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, Faculty Council
Professional Memberships
Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW)
Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW)
Centre for Research on Children and Families (CRCF), McGill University
Child Maltreatment Research Listserve (Cornell)
Tomorrow’s Professor Listserve (Standford)
Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation (CTSI) Listserve, University of Toronto
References available upon request
Last updated November 7, 2014