The Research Behind Strengthening Families An Evidence Informed Approach Traditional EBP Model Tested by RCT Implementation w/ Fidelity Strengthening Families Evidenceinformed Approach = Results Adaptive Practice Distributive Network Adaptive Practice Adaptive Practice Adaptive Practice Results The Knowledge Building Process Phase 1: Search the evidence to find out what factors really reduce child abuse and neglect Phase 2: Explore the connection between factors that prevent child abuse and neglect and what quality early childhood programs do to build them Phase 3: Learn about policy and practice changes needed to infuse the model statewide through a partnership with 7 pilot states Phase 4: Create a structure for continuous learning with a network of implementing states Phase 5: Support investments in continued research and knowledge development Phase I: Literature Review Conducted by the Erikson Institute Review of existing literature to identify which protective factors were correlated with lower rates of child abuse and neglect Served to define not only which protective factors but some of what we know about how to build them Phase I:Dialogue Sessions • • • • • • CBFRS Child Trends CWLA Family Support America Free to Grow Natl. Alliance of Children’s Trust Funds • • • • • NAEYC NCCAN NACCRRA Natl. Child Care Assn Prevent Child Abuse America • USA Child Care • Zero to Three Phase II: Learning from exemplary program practice Expert Nomination •Advisory Committee •Head Start Collaboration •Early Childhood Specialist •Child Care Administrator •Children’s Trust Fund lead •CBFRS lead •Other key informants Program Info Collection •Survey •Program summaries •Brochures •Calendars •Evaluations •Replication Site Visit •Director Interview •Key Informant Interviews •Parent Focus Group •Staff Focus Groups •Program Observation Program Write-ups Implementation Tools Phase III: The Seven State Pilot 2 year partnership with states to identify policy and practice changes needed to take SFI statewide Wide latitude on implementation strategies United by a consistent set of hallmarks for statewide implementation Phase III: Hallmarks More programs use the protective factors framework Parent leadership is demonstrated at all levels Integration of Strengthening Families into Early Care and Education initiatives in many settings is evident Early Care and Education and child welfare services (CWS) build stronger, mutually beneficial relationships Documentation describes key decision points and provides evidence that the “Hallmarks” are being achieved Phase IV: Continuous Learning with a National Network Members • Create new tools • Test strategies • Share their knowledge with others through a learning network CSSP • Provides technical assistance • Coordinates crosssite learning • Captures lessons learned • Creates new tools S tre n g th e n in g F a m ilie s N a tio n a l N e tw o rk WA ME MT ND OR V MN ID T SD NY WI N H MA MI WY RI CT PA IA NV CA NJ NE OH IL UT DE IN WV CO MO KS MD VA KY NC AZ TN OK NM AR SC MS TX AK AL GA LA FL HI DC Phase V: Knowledge Building QIC-EC On-line tools Home-based child care study Youth Thrive Study of state implementation AIM Office on Child Abuse and Neglect Catherine Nolan, Director Children’s Bureau Melissa Brodowski, Federal Project Officer for the National QIC-EC Research & Demonstration Projects National Advisory Committee Darrell Armstrong Brenda Donald Bernie Dorsey Jim Hmurovich Annette Wisk Jacobi Sandra Jimenez Nadja Jones Panu Lucier Roxane Kaufman Erwin McEwen Suzanne Randolph David Sanders Lisbeth Schorr Rizwan Shah Sonia Velazquez Fred Wulczyn Literature Review Deborah Daro, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago National Alliance of Children’s Trust & Prevention Funds Center for the Study of Social Policy (Lead Organization) ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families Leadership Team Teresa Rafael Judy Langford Nancy Seibel Charlyn Harper Browne, Project Director Martha Reeder Carolyn Abdullah Robin Higa Jean McIntosh Gina Chaney Betty Johnson The Strong Start Study: Strengthening Young Families Affected by Substance Use through High Fidelity Wraparound (Denver, CO) M. Kay Teel, Steven Rosenberg, Jan Waller-Taylor Project Dulce: The Developmental Legal Collaboration (Boston, MA) Robert Sege, Edward De Vos, Louisa Sullivan Fostering Hope: Concentrating Services in High Poverty Neighborhoods (Salem & McMinnville, OR) James Seymour, Steve Rider, Katie Winters The Family Networks Project (Columbia, SC) Cheri Shapiro, Janice Kilburn Learning Network National organizations receiving information and updates, providing input and feedback, and supporting implementation of the QIC-EC Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellows Jessica Dym Bartlett, Tufts University Andrea N. Gromoske, U of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Megan R. Holmes, U of California, Los Angeles Kathryn Maguire-Jack, U of Wisconsin, Madison Peggy Nygren, Portland State University Cross-Site Evaluation InSites, Beverly Parsons, Executive Director Patricia Jessup Marah Moore Vonda Kiplinger Phase V: The on-line suite of tools Registration Self-assessment Protective Factors Survey Staff Survey Dashboard Report Generator