Handout 25


Data for Final:

Data Set 1: 85 87 85 80 92 87 88 73 85 78 71 90 99 75 63

Data Set 2: 66 86 74 87 67 74 84 83 75

Data Set 3: 82 75 64 95 86 86 71 87 86

Data Set 4: 85 88 86 95 75 99 92 101 77

Data Set 5: 109 102 102 98 85 95 96 98 123 94 102

GM conducts a sample of newly designed engine to see if there’s a reduction in emissions from a previous known level of 117 ppm. The population standard deviation of the emissions will be the same as the previous engine and thus is known.

What test is being performed?

What’s the null and alternative hypothesis?

What assumptions must be met?

What calculator function will be used?

What distribution is applicable?

How will the critical values be found?

A manufacturer of electronic components believes the quality of goods made in a new factory is superior to the old factory. To test this, random samples of goods is taken in both factories to estimate the defect rate in the two facilities.

What test is being performed?

What’s the null and alternative hypothesis?

What assumptions must be met?

What calculator function will be used?

What distribution is applicable?

How will the critical values be found?

A medical study will test whether a new treatment is effective in reducing the blood sugar levels in some elderly. The study randomly selects a group of subjects. Blood levels are measured both before and after the treatment.

What test is being performed?

What’s the null and alternative hypothesis?

What assumptions must be met?

What calculator function will be used?

What distribution is applicable?

How will the critical values be found?

A committee to elect a candidate to Congress conducts a poll to see if more than 40% of the voters are undecided.

What test is being performed?

What’s the null and alternative hypothesis?

What assumptions must be met?

What calculator function will be used?

What distribution is applicable?

How will the critical values be found?

Though, the average student score has stayed the same, a math instructor believes that the difference between good students and poor students has increased. The instructor conducts a random sample of new math students to see if the variation in student performance on the placement test has increased from the previous, known population standard deviation of 13%.

What test is being performed?

What’s the null and alternative hypothesis?

What assumptions must be met?

What calculator function will be used?

What distribution is applicable?

How will the critical values be found?

A researcher wants to find the mathematical linear relationship between pollution levels in cities and the number of asthma emergencies treated in ERs. Data from 50 different randomly selected locations is collected.

What test is being performed?

What’s the null and alternative hypothesis?

What assumptions must be met?

What calculator function will be used?

What distribution is applicable?

How will the critical values be found?

A mountain climbing organization wants to find the safest rope to use. They conduct numerous samples of the breaking point of 4 different ropes. They want to know whether the ropes are all the same or if they differ in their breaking point.

What test is being performed?

What’s the null and alternative hypothesis?

What assumptions must be met?

What calculator function will be used?

What distribution is applicable?

How will the critical values be found?

The Santa Cruz Boardwalk wants to know how many of their customers live in Santa Cruz County.

They want an estimate that they are highly confident in. They do a survey of 200 randomly selected visitors to the Boardwalk.

What process is being performed?

What assumptions must be met?

What calculator function will be used?

What distribution is applicable?

How will the critical values be found?

Do women pay more for dry cleaning? A survey of 50 men who had a shirt cleaned at a dry cleaners and a survey of 50 women is conducted and the price they are charged for the shirts is compared.

What test is being performed?

What’s the null and alternative hypothesis?

What assumptions must be met?

What calculator function will be used?

What distribution is applicable?

How will the critical values be found?

A committee to elect a candidate to Congress conducts a poll to see if more than 40% of the voters are undecided.

What test is being performed?

What’s the null and alternative hypothesis?

What assumptions must be met?

What calculator function will be used?

What distribution is applicable?

How will the critical values be found?

A TV ratings agency measures how much TV people watch. They want to know if the variance of how much TV people watch has changed over the last 5 years. They have a random sample from 5 years ago and a random sample from this year.

What test is being performed?

What’s the null and alternative hypothesis?

What assumptions must be met?

What calculator function will be used?

What distribution is applicable?

How will the critical values be found?

Prior to the introduction of 4G LTE cellular data transmission, people downloaded an average of

13.2 MBs per day on their smart phones. A cellular company does a random sample of 200 4G

LTE clients to see how much they’re downloading now to see if they’re downloading more.

What test is being performed?

What’s the null and alternative hypothesis?

What assumptions must be met?

What calculator function will be used?

What distribution is applicable?

How will the critical values be found?


An economist did a random sample of 10 industries. She measured the HH Index and average level of profits. The HH Index measures the level of competition. The higher the index, the more competition.

Regress Profit on the HH Index. Analyze the results (a, b, X-intercept, r


What is the predicted level of profit if the HH Index is 258 (first data point)?

What’s the residual from this (error)?

2 )?

Conduct a hypothesis test on whether less competition results in higher profits





3.2% 258

6449 15.5%

1037 6.4%

5539 11.6%

370 4.7%

9342 15.6%

3376 7.2%

4396 12.1%





If a merger (between two companies) were to reduce the HH Index by 500, what would this do to profits in the industry?

The highest the HH Index can be is 10,000. What would profits be in such an industry?

Normal Distribution

The dressed weight of a turkey hen raised for 15 weeks (under specific conditions of feed and environment at a turkey ranch) is normally distributed with a men 13.8 pounds with a standard deviation of 1.7 pounds.

What is the probability of a turkey weighing 14 pounds? (this is a trick question)

What is the probability of a turkey weighing between 12.5 and 14.5 pounds?

What is the probability of a turkey weighing more than 15 pounds?

If 10 turkey hens are chosen at random, what is the probability that the average weight is more than

14 pounds?

If 10 turkey hens are chosen at random, what is the probability that the average weight is less than

13 pounds?

A new feeding program is tried. 30 turkey hens are put on this program and the resulting weight is

14.1 pounds. Can you conclude the program is successful?
