STUDENT NAME:_____________________ STUDENT ID #__________ EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL 24 HIGH SCHOOL DRIVE EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP, NEW JERSEY 08234-9450 (609) 653-0100 DR. TERRY CHARLTON Principal Ext: 1601 – Fax (609) 927-8844 CARLEENA SUPP Assistant Principal Ext: 1649 – Fax (609) 653-6586 DR. ALICIA SCELSO Assistant Principal Ext. 2686 – Fax (609) 653-6206 SHANE CHISHOLM Assistant Principal Ext. 1604 - Fax (609) 653-6609 GEORGE WEST Assistant Principal Ext. 1606 – Fax (609) 653-6328 EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 SENIOR AMBASSADOR APPLICATION Dear Parent/Guardian: Egg Harbor Township High School will be offering a Senior Ambassador program for eligible students in the 2015-2016 school year. Up to one hundred ten (110) seniors will be selected to participate. If a student chooses to drive, there is a $100 non-refundable parking fee per school year (check made payable to EHTHS). To be eligible, students must have met the following criteria by the end of junior year: Earned 100 course credits. Satisfactory attendance and discipline record as determined by the Assistant Principal. Academically eligible as per student handbook guidelines. Senior Ambassadors agree to mentor an assigned group of freshmen students throughout the school year. Mentoring will take place during teacher / staff supervised assigned study halls once per week. Therefore, Senior Ambassadors must schedule a study hall for the 2015-2016 school year. Senior Ambassadors must also agree to the following: Attend three days of MANDATORY training from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm, August 10-12. Attend Freshman Orientation August 24th (date pending Board of Education Calendar approval) from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm. Attend Freshman Orientation August 24th (date pending Board of Education Calendar approval) evening parent meeting. Remain academically eligible, have no significant discipline events as determined by the administration, and have no attendance issues throughout the school year. Complete the Senior Ambassador Application packet that will be posted on the High School website during the week of February 9 and discussed during scheduling by the student’s Guidance Counselor. Submit two staff recommendations and a typed essay as follows: In 250 words or less, describe what you feel a mentor is, and identify the qualities in yourself that would enable you to successfully mentor a younger student. STUDENT NAME:_____________________ STUDENT ID #__________ CHOOSE YOUR STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WISELY!!! You may choose any staff members in this building—but you want to make sure that the person you choose will give information that will most accurately reflect YOU. An informational meeting will be held on Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 6:00 pm in the High School Auditorium to discuss the program, and answer any questions you may have. Additional information on parking rules, regulations and expectations as well as Teen Driver Safety will be provided. By signing this application I understand that, if approved, my child will be a “Senior Ambassador” and therefore given a parking permit and the privilege of driving to school. A parking permit will be issued from the Assistant Principal’s office with a number corresponding to a space in the “Front Lot”. Parking in any other space will be considered a violation. If this application is approved, the student and parent must sign a more detailed Driving Contract and provide copies of: 1) Student’s Driver’s License, 2) Vehicle Registration, and 3) Proof of Current Insurance. This application packet is due to your child’s guidance counselor no later than April 2, 2015. Applicant must complete packet in its entirety. Staff recommendation pages must be completed where applicable by the student and given to staff members in a timely manner for completion and submission by April 2, 2015. Students will be informed of the administration’s decision by May 4, 2015. If one of the three criteria listed above is in question, the decision on an individual student may be delayed until the end of the school year. I further understand that the decision of the faculty council that determines who is accepted into the Senior Ambassador Program is final and there are no appeals. _________________________________ Student Name (Print) _________________________________ Parent Name (Print) _________________________________ Student Signature/Date _________________________________ Parent Signature/Date Recommendation #1 staff member: _______________Recommendation #2 staff member:______________ Guidance Office Certification: I certify that the above named student has earned 100 credits. _________________________________________ Counselor/Guidance Director Signature ________________ Date Assistant Principal Certification: I approve the above named student for further review for the Senior Ambassador program based on student’s lack of discipline and positive attendance history. _________________________________________ Assistant Principal Signature ________________ Date STUDENT NAME:_____________________ STUDENT ID #__________ SENIOR AMBASSADOR STAFF RECOMMENDATION FORM Recommendation #1 Staff member name: _____________________________________ Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary 1 2 3 4 Listening to Listening to Listening to Listening to directions or the directions or the directions or the Demonstrates directions or concerns of concerns of concerns of others ability to listen the concerns of others reflects others reflects reflects the highest well. others reflects a development and mastery of level of mastery of beginning level. movement stated objective. stated objective. toward mastery. To understand and identify with another Demonstrates person’s ability to situation empathize with reflects a others. beginning level. To understand To understand To understand and and identify with and identify identify with another person’s with another another person’s situation reflects person’s situation reflects development and situation reflects the highest level of movement mastery of mastery of stated toward mastery. stated objective. objective. Reflects Reflects a development and Reflects mastery beginning level movement of stated of stated toward mastery objective. objective. of stated objective. Reflects the highest level of performance. Reflects Reflects a development and Reflects mastery movement Demonstrates beginning level of stated of stated toward mastery initiative and objective. objective. of stated self-motivation. objective. Reflects the highest level of performance. Demonstrates dependability and timeliness. Demonstrates ability to take part in or redirect group discussions effectively. Reflects Reflects a development and Reflects mastery beginning level movement of stated of stated toward mastery objective. objective. of stated objective. Reflects the highest level of performance. Understands and takes confidentiality seriously. Reflects Reflects a development and Reflects mastery beginning level movement of stated of stated toward mastery objective. objective. of stated objective. Reflects the highest level of performance. What additional qualities do you think this student possesses to successfully mentor a 9th grader? Staff Signature: _____________________________ DO NOT RETURN TO STUDENT. Please return to the Guidance Office. Thank you. Score STUDENT NAME:_____________________ STUDENT ID #__________ SENIOR AMBASSADOR STAFF RECOMMENDATION FORM Recommendation #2 Staff member name: _____________________________________ Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary 1 2 3 4 Listening to Listening to Listening to Listening to directions or the directions or the directions or the Demonstrates directions or concerns of concerns of concerns of others ability to listen the concerns of others reflects others reflects reflects the highest well. others reflects a development and mastery of level of mastery of beginning level. movement stated objective. stated objective. toward mastery. To understand and identify with another Demonstrates person’s ability to situation empathize with reflects a others. beginning level. To understand To understand To understand and and identify with and identify identify with another person’s with another another person’s situation reflects person’s situation reflects development and situation reflects the highest level of movement mastery of mastery of stated toward mastery. stated objective. objective. Reflects Reflects a development and Reflects mastery beginning level movement of stated of stated toward mastery objective. objective. of stated objective. Reflects the highest level of performance. Reflects Reflects a development and Reflects mastery movement Demonstrates beginning level of stated of stated toward mastery initiative and objective. objective. of stated self-motivation. objective. Reflects the highest level of performance. Demonstrates dependability and timeliness. Demonstrates ability to take part in or redirect group discussions effectively. Reflects Reflects a development and Reflects mastery beginning level movement of stated of stated toward mastery objective. objective. of stated objective. Reflects the highest level of performance. Understands and takes confidentiality seriously. Reflects Reflects a development and Reflects mastery beginning level movement of stated of stated toward mastery objective. objective. of stated objective. Reflects the highest level of performance. What additional qualities do you think this student possesses to successfully mentor a 9th grader? Staff Signature:____________________________ DO NOT RETURN TO STUDENT. Please return to the Guidance Office. Thank you. Score