Sarah McNurlan 10/12/11 Objective Core Standards Materials Procedure Activities Bacteria are Prokaryotic, have cell walls and non-membrane bound organelles Bacteria get energy different ways (photoautotroph, chemoautotroph, heterotrophs) Bacteria reproduce in 2 ways: fission and conjugation Not all bacteria are bad Some bacteria have Plasmids 3: Cellular Structure Comparison between prokaryotic and eukaryotic properties 6: Interdependence Bacteria cannot survive for long without a host 7: Molecular basis of heredity Bacteria transferring genetic information in conjugation 9: Changes in living systems Coloring worksheet Questions on overheads 1. Students are asked a series of questions: What are Bacteria? How big are bacteria? How do bacteria infect? How do bacteria make their food? 2. Students view the scale website and video on usefulness of bacteria Students are shown the Mindmeister website and are instructed to make connections between the facts they have learned about bacteria Completing R/S strain bacteria coloring sheet with attached questions Sarah McNurlan 10/12/11 Assessment Look over student mindmeister flowcharts, and look for key connections Sources Bacteria can be heterotrophic, photoautotrophic, or chemoautotrophic Bacteria can reproduce two ways Bacteria have cell walls Pearson Prentice hall Biology Exploring life Campbell, Williamson, Heyden, © 2004 Holt Biology Johnson, Rinehart, Winston , © 2004 The Microbiology Coloring Book Alcamo, Elson, © 1996 Image: