Page The Edinburgh Angus club Instituted 1841 SC 005236 www


The Edinburgh Angus club

Instituted 1841

SC 005236

President: Mr Allan Scott BSc MRICS

Treasurer: Mr John Colquhoun WS

Lady Secretary: Mrs Irene H. Callaghan MBE MPhil BSc

Hon. Secretary: Dr T S Callaghan MD MSc FRCP, The Mary Acre, Argyll Street, Brechin, Angus DD9 6JL

01356 624725


The Edinburgh Angus Club Spring and Summer Newsletter, 2012

Your Secretary really should have started this Newsletter when the warmest March week for 50 years in this area diverted me to more pressing duties, gardening, and generally catching up after the long Scottish winter. We have friends who often come here to go hillwalking; every time they come, the sun splits the heavens. When my wife and I visit them in Essex, however, it always rains, making us curiously welcome visitors there. Anyway – back to work.

The details of last year’s Summer Reception and Awards Ceremony was reported in the Autumn Newsletter, and some photographs may be studied on our website []. The Burn House provided a magnificent setting and a warm welcome, and this year, matters are well advanced for the 2012 Summer Reception and Awards Ceremony, to be held on

Saturday 23 rd June 2012, at the University of Dundee Botanic Gardens, at 3 pm; foregathering from 2.30 pm. The Governors and

Committee will meet there prior to the event for our Governors’ Meeting, at 10.30 am, and the Annual General Meeting for all members will precede the event, at 1.45 pm, again at the Botanic Gardens (everything will be signposted). There is limited parking available at the Botanic Gardens, and on-street parking nearby. The Botanic Gardens spread over some 7 hectares of gardens, and are quite delightful, well worth visiting.

The Lady Members of the Club have donated funds for future ‘Lady Members Edinburgh Angus Club Awards’; any member who wishes to support this award may make a donation for this purpose; please note section (c) overleaf; such gifts will be acknowledged by the Lady Secretary and recorded diligently by our estimable Treasurer.

The 2011 Annual Dinner was held at the New Club, Edinburgh, and was well-supported. No photographs are available; this is a private event and so cameras are inappropriate. Suffice to say that the New Club lived up to its reputation for fine foods and fine wines, a superb evening was had by all against the backdrop of the castle.

And, now; those dates for entry in your diary, 2012. Please put these in NOW otherwise you might forget to attend, which would really never do. The Summer Reception and Awards Ceremony will be held at held on Saturday 23rd June 2012, at the

University of Dundee Botanic Gardens, at 3 pm; foregathering from 2.30 pm. Experience has shown that our widely dispersed membership, often engaged in their professions, have had difficulty in attending the Annual General Meeting traditionally held at the

New Club, Edinburgh, so again this year, the Governors’ and Committee of Management Meeting will be held at the Education Centre,

Dundee University Botanic Gardens (see above, at, with the Annual General Members Meeting [AGM] held at the

Education Centre, Botanic Gardens, at 1.45 pm. I hope that as many members as possible will support the Summer Reception and take the trouble to attend the AGM at 1.45 pm.

The Annual Dinner for Members and their guests will be held at the New Club, Princes Street, Edinburgh on Saturday

November 17 th 2012, reception and drinks from 7.00 pm followed by dinner at 7.30 pm; carriages from 11.00 pm; dress formal and decorations should be worn.

And finally – postage rates increase significantly at the end of this month. With more than 260 members, Royal Mail costs contribute significantly to the expenses of the organisation, and it may be acceptable for those members with internet access to receive the newsletters and incidental messages by e-mail. If this option is acceptable to you, please send (or, in some cases, resend) your

current personal or professional e-mail addresses so that I can use this facility for those members, otherwise we shall continue sending mail as before. In addition, some members have not been in touch for some time; please advise if you wish to continue to receive communications, whether by post or electronically, or whether you wish to demit from membership. And, of course, whilst your

Secretary strives to maintain the accuracy of the Membership list, please advise me if any errors have crept in, or if any of the members have passed away without my knowledge.

T.S. Callaghan

Honorary Secretary, The Edinburgh Angus Club please return pages 2 & 3 to the Hon. Secretary

The Edinburgh Angus club

Instituted 1841

SC 005236

President: Mr Allan Scott BSc MRICS

Treasurer: Mr John Colquhoun WS

Lady Secretary: Mrs Irene H. Callaghan MBE MPhil BSc

Hon. Secretary: Dr T S Callaghan MD MSc FRCP, The Mary Acre, Argyll Street, Brechin, Angus DD9 6JL

01356 624725

Responses to the Secretary (either electronically or by post): -

(a) Recommendations for Membership. All organisations sadly lose members from time to time, and new members are the future life-blood of the Club. Over the past few years the Club has been most fortunate in attracting new members, but more members are always welcome. Members are invited to recommend like-minded individuals to join our Club: life membership is £25 and might, for instance, make a novel birthday, anniversary or

Christmas gift. Many of our newer members have been drawn from the northern reaches of the Edinburgh and

Angus hinterlands of the Club, and new members, especially from the Edinburgh area, would be most welcome.

Please send your recommendations by completion of the form below, or simply by e-mail, with the name(s) of suitable future member(s) to the Hon. Secretary.

I/we ……………………………………………………………………….……..…………………………………………………...…………………………………, of (address)…………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………….………


Recommend……………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….……… of (address) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….


For Life Membership of The Edinburgh Angus Club.


(b) Attendance at the Edinburgh Angus Club and Educational Trust Summer Reception and Awards Ceremony, at the University of Dundee Botanic Gardens, Dundee, on Saturday June 23 rd 2012, arriving at 2.30 pm for 3.00 pm;

please respond; cost per member or guest £10.00 per person(this to contribute to the cost of the Afternoon Tea)

I/we …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………….., of (address) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...


- are able/unable to attend the Annual Summer Reception on June 23 rd 2012 (please delete as appropriate).

If you plan to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held at 1.45 pm, before the Summer Reception, please tick this box

. If attending, please let me know how many members/guests will be in your party and forward the appropriate fees, cheque made out to ‘The Edinburgh Angus Club’. please return pages 2 & 3 to the Hon. Secretary

The Edinburgh Angus club

Instituted 1841

SC 005236

President: Mr Allan Scott BSc MRICS

Treasurer: Mr John Colquhoun WS

Lady Secretary: Mrs Irene H. Callaghan MBE MPhil BSc

Hon. Secretary: Dr T S Callaghan MD MSc FRCP, The Mary Acre, Argyll Street, Brechin, Angus DD9 6JL

01356 624725

 

Responses to the Secretary: -

(b) Donations to the on-going work of the Edinburgh Angus Club and Educational Trust.

Any Charitable Organisation, such as ours, relies on the generosity of its members to make such donations as they see fit and all such donations will be gratefully acknowledged. Please indicate if the donation is from taxed income, so that our Treasurer may apply for additional support from HMRC (see below).

Members may wish their donation to be directed towards the Edinburgh Angus Club Lady Members Award;

The Treasurer will record these funds appropriately within the Edinburgh Angus Club Educational Trust account, a

Registered Charity, and all such donations will be separately acknowledged by the Lady Secretary. If you wish to direct a donation towards this award, please tick the box opposite: -

If your donation is from your taxed income, please sign this declaration:

‘I confirm that this donation is from my taxed income’:- ……………………………………………………………………………………….

I/we ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………., of (address) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Donate £…………………………….. to The Edinburgh Angus Club and Educational Trust.


(d) Club Ties: Recently new Club Ties were commissioned by the Governors of the Club. Woven from silk, these attractive ties display the club logo and diagonal stripe; each tie has cost the Club £16 and are offered for sale at this price; if you wish to order one or more please send a cheque [made out to The Edinburgh Angus Club] for the requisite amount to the Club Secretary, with an additional £1.50 per tie for postage and packaging.

I/we attach a cheque for £……………….

for ………. tie(s) [please complete if appropriate]

(e) And finally, if you are happy to receive future newsletters electronically, please provide your preferred email address here ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… please return pages 2 & 3 to the Hon. Secretary
