July August show trail - Qu`Appelle Valley Horse Pull Club

Mother Nature seems to have turned off the tap for a while. The forecast is for
sun, and I hope that is what we will have for each pull competition this year. As
you read this, one pull has already been completed. The Duval pull was held on
June 23rd. Please check the club’s website to find out the placings and weights.
The next pull will be July 1 in Carnduff, start time is 2:00pm. Then off to
Weyburn July 4th, start time 12:00pm. Followed by Ogema on July 7th. Ogema is
celebrating its’ 100 birthday so come out and take part in all the activities offered. Then it’s off to Calgary!
Another breed of horse you will see at the horse pulls competitions is the Percheron. This breed originated in a small
province about 50 miles southwest of Paris, France, called Le Perche. Alvin Sanders, author of A History of the Percheron
Horse (©1917) describes the race of men who developed this race of horse: “Their horses are a part of their inheritance,
particularly prized and accustomed to the affectionate attention of the entire household”. (Sounds like the horses at our
place!) “Their docility, growing out of their intimate human relationship, is therefore an in born trait”. These horses
weren’t just horses. They were part of the family. The Percheron has a lot of very interesting history behind it. At one
point the breed was almost extinct.
Percheron horses are predominantly black or grey, with some white markings. At one time you weren’t able to
register your Percheron if it had excessive white on it. The American registry allows a roan, bay or chestnut horse to be
registered now. If you live in France or Britain you can only register black and
grey horses.
Percheron horses are used for many disciplines. Primarily bred as a
coach horse, it served in the war; pulled heavy mail carriages, moved large
barge loads, plowed field and work on rail lines. Pretty well anywhere you
need a very strong and dependable worker. The largest team of working
Percherons in Europe is found in Disneyland Paris, where the breed makes up
30% of the parks horses (Wikipedia). A Famous team in the United States you
may have seen appeared in the Tournament of Roses Parade , is the Heinz
hitch of Percherons. Today Percherons are crossed with lighter horses and
you may see them in rings performing dressage or show jumping. And of course at horse pulls competitions!
Thank you to Ron Sebastian, who took my camera and I with him one
morning to check his band of brood mare, which enabled me to have pictures
for this article. I had lots of excellent models, and enjoyed the trip.
Remember to check the club’s website for competition results; and photos from the completion. You may even
find a photo of the next champion Percheron pulling horse! News, links, schedules , photos and results are posted on
the club’s website http://qvhpc.yolasite.com.
Congratulations go out to Rick Byrne and Donna Fincati, who were married on May 5th. We wish you the best!
To book the club for your next event or if you would like information about the club, please contact Norman
Vertefeuille @ 306-731-3108 or e-mail QVHPC@yahoo.ca.
“Preserving Our Draft Horse Heritage
By Moving Forward
One Load At A Time”
Qu’Appelle VAlley Horse pull Club
Contributed by
Wilma Olmsted
Photos by Prairie Wind Photography