School Development Plan September 2015 – onwards CLT, Staff and Governors: September/October 2015 Dulwich Hamlet Educational Trust: DHJS SDP 2015 onwards Page 1 INTRODUCTION This is Dulwich Hamlet’s School Development Plan (SDP) for 2015-16. The Plan sets out priority areas for development of the school in the year ahead. The Plan does not seek to cover all areas in which we continue to seek excellence but focuses on key priorities for new development. The Plan has been drawn up following consultation with both teaching and support staff. It incorporates actions identified from the various internal tools for selfreview including health checks made by Subject Leaders. We were able to group and classify our 2015-16 priorities within four distinct areas: Pupils, Community, Systems and People. As in previous years, we have organised the plan around the four areas of the Ofsted framework to allow easy connections between improvements proposed for the school, and external evaluation. For September 2015 onwards these areas are: Leadership and Management, The Quality of Teaching Learning and Assessment, Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare and Outcomes. You will find much cross-over from our Pupils, Community, Systems and People grouped priorities within the four Ofsted areas. Target 1: Outcomes - overarches all of our identified priorities The Plan also includes a “Business Plan” section detailing developments not easily covered by the four Ofsted criteria. We aim to maintain the school’s ‘outstanding’ status through a process of continuous school improvement, responding to evidence from internal and external sources, local and national initiatives. Some of the activities in this Plan are new for this year and others build on initiatives begun last year following a review of delivery against last year’s SDP. The Plan is put to the school’s Full Governing Body for approval, and the previous SDP is under constant review according to the agreed timetable. The Plan is published on the School’s website, along with the Equality Plan and a range of policies. Dulwich Hamlet Educational Trust: DHJS SDP 2015 onwards Page 2 OVERVIEW OF DULWICH HAMLET JUNIOR SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2015 onwards TARGET 1: To improve outcomes for pupils (achievement, standards and progress) 1a ATTAINMENT SC/CLT 95% of pupils will reach the new expected standard for reading, writing, SPAG and mathematics The attainment of all groups of pupils is in line with, if not above, national averages Review: 1b PROGRESS SC/CLT Throughout each year group, and across the curriculum, including in English and mathematics, pupils will make substantial and sustained progress, developing excellent knowledge, understanding and skills, considering their different starting points The progress across the curriculum of disadvantaged pupils, disabled pupils and those with SEN matches or is improving towards that of other pupils with the same starting points Review: 1c ACHIEVEMENT SC/CLT Every pupil to have represented the school through either sport, music, drama etc… Target Pupil Premium money to ensure maximum participation in wider school activities 100% take-up of all school trips and journeys, specifically year 5 school journey Review: Dulwich Hamlet Educational Trust: DHJS SDP 2015 onwards Page 3 TARGET 2: To develop leadership and management effectiveness 2a DULWICH HAMLET EDUCATIONAL TRUST Understand how we can maximise the benefits of becoming a multi-academy trust, working in partnership with The Belham School SC/SB/MR Actions: Conduct staff “exchanges” Hamlet staff working at the Belham and vice versa Allow staff to observe each other’s practice at both schools, including support staff, Schools Direct and NQTS Review effectiveness of current systems in place at The Hamlet Develop unified systems across the Trust which meet the needs of the individual schools Create a multidisciplinary advisory team of professionals at The Belham Develop key members of staff, via appraisal, to take on aspects of the SENCO role in both schools in 2017 Review specific assessment systems in both schools Update, or implement, formative SEN assessment systems in both schools Outcomes: Provide termly reports on outcomes where both schools benefit including professional, system and financial collaboration Local Offer for The Belham will be on the school website by the end of 2015 An Inclusion Year timetable - including all tasks to be delegated and the named individuals who will take on these tasks - will be in place for implementation in 2016-2017 The school will be in a position to identify a member of staff to undertake the SENCO qualification Final Review: 2b GOVERNANCE Clarify roles and responsibilities of governors/trustees within the MAT SC Actions: Review agendas, minutes and actions and terms of reference of sub committees and LGBs at Board Level Ensure that no governance matters either “fall through the net” or are unnecessarily duplicated Outcomes: Governors are transparent and accountable, including in recruitment of staff, governance structures, attendance at meetings and contact with parents, systematically challenging senior leaders Final Review: 2c CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Ensure that all teaching and support staff are fully supported in their professional development, and that quality CPD for teachers at the start and middle of their careers and later, including leadership, forms a cohesive programme of staff development CP/SB/MR Actions: Encourage a pro-active and independent mindset towards CPD Utilise a coaching approach to allow staff to support each other and manage pupil progress within year groups Develop emotional intelligence to build leadership skills Devise an Early Professional Development Programme for trainees, NQTs and teachers in Dulwich Hamlet Educational Trust: DHJS SDP 2015 onwards Page 4 their early years post-induction, as appropriate Ensure opportunities are made available to middle leaders to develop their skills in readiness for senior/core leadership. Outcomes: We will create a culture that enables all pupils and staff to excel, where teachers are motivated, trusted to take risks and innovate Staff reflect on and debate the way we teach Final Review: 2d SMSC/BRITISH VALUES Ensure the school’s wider curriculum covers the values of freedom of thought and action, democracy, respect and tolerance, preparing pupils positively for life in modern Britain NT Actions: Assemblies: Class assemblies to inform and educate through current topic work. Upper and lower school assemblies following a theme each half term. Class discussions to include P4C on current news topics & events Young Leader training in sport, House Captains and Music Mentors to be good role models, point of reference and contact, and to voice opinions of pupils. Cross curricular teaching across a broad curriculum taking into account culture, faith and history and using effective questioning Outcomes: Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and, within this, the promotion of fundamental British Values, are at the heart of our work Staff are both confident and competent to challenge pupils’ views and encourage debate Final Review: 2e PUPIL PREMIUM Actions: Review current Pupil Profile systems Ensure all systems, including reporting of expenditure, meet DfE expectations Implement any necessary changes to school’s current system Establish termly reporting of Pupil Premium pupil’s progress as a part of the Appraisal cycle SB Outcomes: Transparent systems for recording, monitoring and reporting upon the progress of Pupil Premium pupils will be maintained termly by teachers All staff will know who Pupil Premium children are and be able to demonstrate progress in line with peers Records of participation in the wider school curriculum (sport, music tuition, after school clubs, school journeys) will reflect the same levels of participation by Pupil Premium pupils as for other pupils Pupil Premium children will have individual progress and target setting meetings with their class teacher Pupil Premium annual reports for both schools will be available on the school websites by mid July 2016 Final Review: Dulwich Hamlet Educational Trust: DHJS SDP 2015 onwards Page 5 2f COMMUNITY LINKS Developing greater community links with organisations/institutions such as: Bold Tendencies, John Donne School Direct Partnership, Goldsmiths University etc… NT Actions: To build on and maintain links with local secondary schools in Science, PE, MfL , Music and to extend to other subjects where possible and appropriate To work collaboratively with John Donne & Goldsmiths for the training of Schools Direct trainees at Dulwich Hamlet. To use our staff expertise in training of all Schools Direct trainees across the partnership. Involve the local community in the summer Enrichment programme Use local museums, art galleries and open spaces to enhance the curriculum Capitalise on local opportunites as they present themselves Raise money for local charities Outcomes: DHJS best practice disseminated DHJS teachers have an informed understanding of the curriculum and levels of teaching, specifically at secondary transfer Schools Direct trainees will become qualified teachers DHJS becomes an even more embedded part of the local community Pupils are able to make links with their local community and have an understanding of the work they do and how it can play a part in the community Final Review: 2g SYSTEMS/COMMUNICATION Promotion of a team ethos Development of a new website SC/CP Actions: Conduct a review (by an external party?) focused on leadership effectiveness and structure, team working, and staff collaboration both at each school within the DHET and between schools Work with Keili Bibbings to produce a new website that fulfills statutory requirements, and successfully projects the school’s vision, culture and ethos Implement staff, parent, and pupil governor workshops to feedback on prototype website Aim to ‘populate’ in January with a ‘go-live’ date by the end of January Outcomes: Everyone understands how their work effects the way the whole school community is working Website meets the needs of the whole school community: staff, current and future parents and is Ofsted compliant Final Review: Dulwich Hamlet Educational Trust: DHJS SDP 2015 onwards Page 6 TARGET 3: To improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment 3a TEACHING CLT Using the teacher appraisal process, ensure that the teachers’ standards are being met, irrespective of career stage (focus on standards 2/4/6/8 2015-16 for all teachers postinduction) To ensure that all teachers plan very effective lessons, promoting a love of the challenge of learning To focus on increasing teachers’ subject knowledge across the curriculum using, online CPD, Inset and other training tools to support and provide confidence Actions: Run the cycle of six appraisal meetings and 2 observations Maintain Teacher Appraisal Folders Regularly moderate findings/evidence Outcomes: Teachers feel valued, supported, recognised and challenged Teachers understand their strengths and areas for development Pay awards are made based on a range of evidence gathered over time and moderated Outcomes: Maintained Appraisal Folders include information on the monitoring (and any subsequent actions taken) of Pupil Premium and pupils with Special Educational Needs Final Review: 3b TEACHING (NQTs) To ensure that NQTs across the DHET are fully supported in their Induction Year so that they are performing at a consistently “Good” level. CP (HB) Actions: Meet on a weekly basis with either the NQT Induction Tutor or Coordinator Year Group Leaders to pro-actively support NQTs in lesson preparation, delivery and feedback EPD Programme planned to deliver quality INSET appropriate to the needs/stage of our NQTs Use the resources and materials available on the NIPT website Seek opportunities for NQTs to see other teachers in action Flag up any concerns to the HT at the earliest opportunity Produce termly reports Outcomes: NQTs feel valued, supported, recognised and challenged NQTs understand their strengths and areas for development NQTs pass their Induction Year Final Review: 3c TEACHING (Schools Direct) To ensure that all SD trainees are fully supported during their Initial Teacher Training year Actions: Dulwich Hamlet Educational Trust: DHJS SDP 2015 onwards CP (TS/NT/TT) Page 7 Class Teacher Mentors to pro-actively support trainees in lesson preparation, delivery and feedback Deputy Headteacher to meet weekly with Class Teacher Mentors to ensure trainees are on track, good progress is being made and quality of experience is consistent for all trainees Deputy Headteacher to meet regularly with trainees to evaluate progress and experience Seek opportunities for trainees to see experienced teachers in action Flag up any concerns to the HT/Goldsmiths Link Tutor at the earliest opportunity Produce termly assessments EPD Programme planned to deliver quality INSET appropriate to the needs/stage of our SD trainees Deputy Headteacher to work collaboratively with John Donne to provide quality INSET for trainees across the partnership Outcomes: SD trainees understand their strengths and areas for development SD trainees meet the Teacher Standards and pass their initial teacher training programme Final Review: 3d TEACHING (Support Staff) Develop a comprehensive support staff appraisal policy SB Actions: Explore what the current national picture is in relation to National Teaching Assistant Standards Ensure support staff at The Hamlet and The Belham are conversant with these standards All Support Staff are mentored through the appraisal process by a member of SMT SMT moderating meetings Review of system by all parties Outcomes: All Support Staff at Dulwich Hamlet will have successfully completed the first official appraisal cycle; this will be evidenced in their appraisal folders. All support staff will have undertaken an aspect of CPD and this will be logged in their appraisal folders. Reviewed and updated system will be ready to implement across the whole MAT in September 2016 Final Review: 3e ASSESSMENT (Summative) Develop a new assessment policy that reflects the school’s response to assessing without levels MR Actions: Carry out a full and detailed review of current summative assessment used within the school and make recommendations for future Ensure CPD opportunities are created to familiarise all staff with the expectations at both the end of KS1&2 assessment Use a new efficient tracking system that incorporates several sources of quantitive and qualitative data Trial a new assessment tool (Scholarpack Yr3)to look at an alternative to Wauton Dulwich Hamlet Educational Trust: DHJS SDP 2015 onwards Page 8 Samuel Outcomes: A consistant approach to summative assessment is in evidence throughout the school All staff completely familiar and confident about how assessment will be reported nationally at both KS1&2 Teachers make consistent judgements about pupil progress and attainment within subjects, across year groups and between year groups Final Review: 3f ASSESSMENT (Formative) Utilise peer to peer and self-assessment more effectively, alongside more incisive feedback from teachers MR Actions: Carry out a full and detailed review of current formative assessment used across the school Introduce child/teacher meetings for target setting Skill share key AFL techniques evidenced throughout the school Through CPD and lesson observations revisit how key questioning (Revised Blooms Taxonomy and DOK) provides key opportunities for assessment Senior leaders to take a detailed look at marking and feedback within school and look for opportunities to create a streamlined and consistent approach across the whole school Outcomes: Pupils have an investment in, and stronger understanding of, their own learning Staff are well equipped with AFL skills to meet the needs of all learners All teachers are using good quality questioning to assess children, using knowledge gained to progress individual, and groups of, learners Consistent and streamlined marking and feedback is in evidenced throughout the school Final Review: 3g LITERACY (Reading Focus) Audit current approach to teaching all aspects of reading (decoding, comprehension, enthusiasm and engagement, fluency) gathering opinions Actions: ‘Literacy Tree’ to deliver half-day training to all staff with a reading focus, Friday 23rd October Review system for teaching and recording ‘reading’ and allow time in staff training sessions to demonstrate and share best practice. Ensure that lessons include not only the teaching of skills, but that they also emphasise the necessity of forming opinions that are based on finding evidence from the text, as well as fostering a love of, and enthusiasm for, books. This will help ensure excellent progress for all children across the school. Review system for teaching and recording reading and allow time in staff training CLT Literacy Subject Leader termly report to CLT & CHC in Spring Term 2016 (NW/SJ) Outcomes: Outstanding guided reading being delivered throughout the school Staff will share a consistent understanding of what Guided Reading is at The Hamlet and there will be a level of consistency and uniformity in its delivery to pupils Dulwich Hamlet Educational Trust: DHJS SDP 2015 onwards Page 9 Teaching and assessment of reading is embedded exceptionally well across the curriculum All teachers will be confident in a variety of teaching strategies for reading Final Review: 3h MATHS (Using and Applying Focus) Embed maths problem solving and application of number into science and geography Actions: Ensure mental fluency is being explicitly planned for and taught across the school Run a joint math and science week based on the national STEM week Outcomes: Pupils are able to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills in other subjects across the curriculum Pupils can discuss and explain the mental strategies they use to solve problems, using mathematical language CLT Maths Subject Leader termly report to CLT & CHC in Spring Term 2016 (TT) Final Review: 3i PSHE Delivering an intelligent and well-considered PSHE education covering global and environmental issues NT (CV/CC) Actions: Appointment of new coordinators Subject to be taught cross circularly through Humanities topics, Literacy units Subject to be taught with needs of our children in mind and alongside Southwark statistics SRE policy will be updated and the schemes of work will be reviewed and possibly adapted Drugs and alcohol education will be taught either discretely or alongside Science Apply for the Bronze Healthy Schools award P4C skills will be disseminated to staff as a means to increase the teaching and learning of PSHE Outcomes: Implementation of new PSHE scheme of work throughout the school Final Review: Dulwich Hamlet Educational Trust: DHJS SDP 2015 onwards Page 10 TARGET 4: To ensure that the highest standards of personal development, behaviour and the welfare of pupils are upheld 4a PUPIL VOICE/INDEPENDENCE MR Utilise new classroom approaches to ensure children develop as independent learners Develop children’s abilities to organise themselves Actions: Provide regular opportunities for children to decide for themselves how they would like curriculum content to develop Create an environment where opportunities are planned for so that volunteering is actively promoted House Captains to take the lead in organising and delivering key events across the school Outcomes: Pupils are confident, self-assured learners. They love the challenge of learning and are resilient to failure Excellent attitudes to learning have a strong, positive impact on pupil progress Pupils are proud of their achievements and of Dulwich Hamlet Junior School Final Review: 4b E-SAFETY MR Safeguarding systems keep aligned with use of social media Actions: Ensure clear/secure communication channels for reporting e-safety issues Provide regular parent e-safety evenings (3x Year) to account for the ever changing challenges of on-line safety Review, reflect and make changes to school policy/practice in line with expectation of OFSTED 2015 ( Outcomes: Pupils, staff and the wider school community have an excellent understanding of how to stay safe online and of the dangers of inappropriate use of mobile technology and social networking sites Final Review: 4c ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY CP/SB Actions: Review current attendance and punctuality systems Ensure we are compliant with National/DfE requirements In absence of an EWO make decisions with regards to our sanctions/support systems Dulwich Hamlet Educational Trust: DHJS SDP 2015 onwards Page 11 Explore feasibility of employing an EWO Tighten our systems Review attendance and punctuality certificate systems Involve pupils in family discussions regarding their attendance and punctuality Outcomes: Robust systems will be in operation to alert CLT when an individual’s absence falls below 95%. Clear systems will be in place (and will have been widely shared with parents) in terms of sanctions and support when attendance and punctuality fall below agreed levels Whole school attendance will be…. TARGET % (tbc) Uniform systems will exist across the MAT Final Review: Dulwich Hamlet Educational Trust: DHJS SDP 2015 onwards Page 12