SUMNER HILL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL WEEKLY LESSON PLAN OVERVIEW SUBJECT: Honors English I TEACHER: Kathryn Evans DATE: October 13 – 26, 2015 TOPIC/CONCEPTS TO BE TO Kill a Mockingbird Background Information and Introduction ACCOMPLISHED THIS WEEK: SUMMARY OF STRATEGIES AND POSSIBLE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: (Tues) A Day, 10/13 (Wed) B Day, 10/14 Do Now: Test Prep Tuesday/Wordy and Nerdy Wednesday 1. Scottsboro Trial exploration 2. Watch background video and begin completing setting foldable 3. Complete foldable Homework: Test next class period on all background information covered in class (Thurs) A Day, 10/15 (Fri) B Day, 10/16 Do Now: Think and Write Thursday/Front Page Friday 1. Test on background information 2. Vocabulary foldables 3. quote foldable Homework: narrative/setting writing assignment (Mon) A Day, 10/19 (Tues) B Day 10/20 (Wed) A Day, 10/21 (Thurs) B Day, 10/22 (Fri) A Day, 10/23 (Mon) B Day, 10/26 Do Now: Motivational Monday/Test Prep Tuesday 1. Discuss homework 2. Shoe Activity Do Now: Wordy and Nerdy Wednesday/ Think and Write Thursday 1. issue questions and debate/discussion 2. download novel and discuss reading schedule 3. read Chapter 1 of To Kill a Mockingbird Do Now: Front Page Friday/ Motivational Monday 1. point of view foldable 2. reach chapters 2 – 3 LONG-TERM ASSIGNMENTS & REMINDERS Homework: foreshadowing worksheet Homework Due On the Following Days A: Thursday, 10/15 A: Monday, 10/19 A: Tuesday, 10/26 B: Friday, 10/16 B: Tuesday, 10/20 B: Wednesday, 10/27