The MOSH Leading Practice Adoption System – a leading practice in its own right S Malatjiand J M Stewart (Chamber of Mines of South Africa and JM Stewart Consulting) There has been a remarkable improvement in the safety performance of the South African mining industry since 2003. Many factors and initiatives have been responsible for this, but ultimately, they all find expression in actiontaken by operational management on mines. Ideally, this action should be voluntary and originate from on-mine considerations of how best to provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and without risk to the health of employees. Although legislative or other top down dictates may sometimes result in short-term improvements, if the action taken constitutes reluctant compliance, it is unlikely to stand the test of time. It is in this context that the MOSH Leading Practice Adoption System has an important role to play, in that it is focussed on achieving conditions that lead to voluntary and eager adoption of identified leading practice. Cutting edge techniques derived from behaviour science have been embedded in the detailed systematic approach of the adoption system to achieve this intrinsically sustainable outcome. In this sense, the MOSH Adoption System is a leading practice in its own right. Its potential contribution in addressing the lesser improvements achieved to date in the area of occupational health, as well as the substantial safety challenge that still remains, should be clear to those committed to achieving zero harm work places in the South African mining industry. The primary purpose of this paper is to present the MOSH Leading Practice Adoption System in a readily understood format. A graphical style presentation with brief supporting notes is used for this purpose. Motivating context for development of the System 2013 Tripartite Industry Milestones Notes MINING INDUSTRY TRIPARTITE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY TARGETS AND MILESTONES SET IN 2003 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY Industry Target: Zero rate of fatalities and injuries Milestones: In the Gold Sector: By 2013 achieve safety performance levels equivalent to current 1. international bench marks for underground metalliferous mines, at the least; adoption system was developed In the Platinum, Coal and Other Sectors: By 2013 achieve constant and continuous to assist industry in its efforts to improvement equivalent to current international benchmarks, at the least. meet the Tripartite agreed OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Industry Target: Elimination of Silicosis Occupational Health and Safety Milestones: The MOSH Leading Practice Milestones. By December 2008, 95% of all exposure measurement results will be below the occupational exposure limit for respirable crystalline silica of 0.1mg/m3 (these results are 2. individual readings and not average results) After December 2013, using present diagnostic techniques, no new cases of silicosis will in 2003 and in 2005 the CEOs of occur amongst previously unexposed individuals (Previously unexposed individual = the major mining companies individuals unexposed prior to 2008, i.e. equivalent to a new person entering the industry at committed their companies to 2008). Industry Target: Elimination of Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) (The present noise achieve the 2013 milestones. exposure limit specified in regulation is 85dB/A) Milestones: The milestones were agreed to 3. After December 2008, the hearing conservation programme implemented by industry must The MOSH Adoption system ensure that there is no deterioration in hearing greater than 10% amongst occupationally was developed in 2007 and exposed individuals piloted in 2008. By December 2013, the total noise emitted by all equipment installed in any workplace must not exceed a sound pressure level of 110dB (A) at any location in that workplace (includes individual pieces of equipment). Copyright Copyright in this brochure is vested in the Chamber of Mines of South Africa. The brochure may be used, without liability to the Chamber, by its members and by others who see benefit in its use, provided that it may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form for the purpose of offering commercial services to any person or organization, without the prior written permission of the Chamber. Use of the brochure and its contents is the sole responsibility and liability of the user. Fatalities / million hours worked Fatality rates for gold mines 0.50 Milestones set CEO Commitment 0.40 MOSH System agreed 0.30 Gold Mines Milestone Target 0.20 0.10 2013 Milestone (0.05) 0.00 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Years 2010 2012 2014 4. progress since 2003, but attainment of the milestones will Fatality rates for Platinum and Coal mines Fatalities / million hours worked Industry has made considerable require further sustained effort 0.30 for the foreseeable future. Platinum mines Coal mines 0.20 Milestone Target 0.10 2013 Milestone (0.03) 0.00 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Years 2010 2012 2014 Key features of the adoption system – industry ownership and behaviour modification 5. Industry ownership – schematic of the MOSH structures The Task Force is comprised of senior executives from mining companies. It decides on the major areas of risk to be addressed by the adoption Chamber Council Adoption Team Sponsors system. MOSH Task Force (One per team) 6. led by experienced persons Advisory Body Chamber Executive (Tripartite) seconded to the Learning Hub by mining companies. The teams, Learning Hub MOSH Secretariat The MOSH Adoption Teams are which include representatives Specialist support for MOSH adoption teams from the mining companies, are supported by a specialist MOSH MOSH MOSH Adoption Team Adoption Team Adoption Team No 1 No 2 No 3 No 4(max) (Noise) (Dust) (Falls of Ground) (Transport & Machinery) secretariat. MOSH Adoption Team 7. Leading Practices having the greatest OHS improvement potential are selected at a workshop involving technical experts drawn from the mining companies and other Facilitation of widespread adoption of leading practice Mosh Leading Practice Adoption System – a leading practice in its own right S Malatji and JM Stewart organisations as appropriate. Page 2 Schematic of the Behaviour Change Process 8. The adoption system recognises that a change in people’s behaviour is Misperceptions Poor understanding Knowledge gaps Disbelief Misperceptions fundamental to the adoption of Existing Mental Model any new practice or technology. Without this, adoption will not -Misplaced Resistance- occur. 9. It also recognises that sustainable adoption requires Direct Enquiry Process prevailing mental models, which can act as barriers to adoption, to be identified and addressed through appropriate behavioural Analysis of direct enquiry responses to establish prevailing Mental Model communication and leadership Expert model of risk situation Compare with expert model and behaviour science to identify communication and leadership gaps and needs Best Available Knowledge behaviour programmes. 10. Established behaviour science Importantly, the required behavioural programmes are derived from a comparison of Behavioural communication plan to address: Misperceptions Knowledge gaps Harmful beliefs Leadership behaviour plan to address: the prevailing mental model with Training needs, etc. Key behaviours Supervisor support scientifically established best It makes sense to me It will improve my safety Safe production is important We must make it work -Well-founded Acceptance- available knowledge. 11. Industry ownership and behaviour modification are two key features of the MOSH New Mental Model Leading Practice Adoption System. Together they distinguish it from all previous approaches at facilitating the transfer and adoption of new technology or practice. Simple logic of the MOSH Adoption process The basic MOSH process Step 1 Identify the leading practice with the greatest OHS benefit 12. The essence of the MOSH Adoption Process is extremely Step 2 Document the leading practice, including behavioral plans simple. It is not new. What makes it special is the detail – full implementation of the detail is thus most important. Step 3 Facilitate widespread adoption of the leading practice Mosh Leading Practice Adoption System – a leading practice in its own right S Malatji and JM Stewart Page 3 13. The two schematic representations of the process shown here Legend for both figures illustrate the systematic BC Behavioural Communication LB Leadership Behaviour step by step approach, COPA Community of Practice for Adoption as well as the time scale LPAG Leading Practice Adoption Guide and detailed nature and LP Leading Practice scope of the process, which is presented here in broad terms. Mosh Leading Practice Adoption System – a leading practice in its own right S Malatji and JM Stewart Page 4 Ongoing provision of specialist support 14. In order to ensure that the industry led MOSH Adoption Teams are fully Permanent full-time specialist secretariat to support Adoption Teams and Process effective in executing the MOSH adoption process they are supported by a dedicated full-time Adoption Specialist for each Adoption Team Behaviour Specialist Monitoring Specialist Administrative support secretariat with the necessary specialist and administrative skills. This is a very important enabling aspect of the adoption system. Establishment of MOSH Adoption Teams in key risk areas Fatalities / million hours Fall of Ground - Fatality rates 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 2002 15. There has been a remarkable improvement in FOG fatality rates since 2002. It is no longer the stand-out leading cause of fatalities in SA mines. 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Year Fatalities / million hours Transport and Machinery - Fatality rates 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 2002 16. accidents as a cause of fatalities in SA mines is now comparable with those caused by falls of ground. With increasing mechanisation the importance of this risk area is likely to grow, and efforts in 2004 2006 2008 2010 Year Mosh Leading Practice Adoption System – a leading practice in its own right S Malatji and JM Stewart Transport and Machinery 2012 2014 this area will need to be intensified. Page 5 % compliance with 0.1 mg/m3 requirement Respirable dust - compliance levels 100 95 Shortfall 90 85 80 17. % Exposures < 0.1 mg/m3 eliminate silicosis one of the Target 75 2003 Control of respirable dust to major challenges facing the 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 mining industry. Silicosis is Years responsible for disability and death on a scale that is clearly unacceptable. Reported new cases of silicosis 1,800 1,600 Number of cases 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 Gold mines 600 Platinum mines 400 200 0 2002 2004 2006 2008 Years 2010 2012 Noise - Exposure and Impact 100 350 PLH = Percentage loss of hearing Exposure: % of employees > 85 dB(A) 300 80 250 70 60 200 50 150 40 30 Exposure 20 Impact 10 0 2006 50 Elimination of Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) due to conditions at work is another major risk area. It is responsible for significant harm being experience by the workforce. Ideally, the problem should be addressed at source by buying quiet equipment and maintaining it so. 2007 2008 2009 2010 Years 2011 Mosh Leading Practice Adoption System – a leading practice in its own right S Malatji and JM Stewart 100 Impact: No. of employees with PLH shift > 10% 18. 90 2012 0 2013 Page 6 Developing an expert understanding of the risk situation Basic Framework of a Generic Causal Chain Risk Summary Table 19. The need for an expert understanding of the Part A – Description of the causal chain risk area being No Nature of the hazard No Exposure to the hazard No Outcomes of exposure addressed is obvious. Description of the different Description of all the ways in Without such an hazard/s (substances / categories of exposed which workers might be understanding the risk equipment / events / etc.) persons, the nature and affected and harmed by Description of the identified of addressing symptoms exposure to the risk, duration of exposure, and including biological or physiological effects. any other details that and not causes is real. characterise the exposure Data Gaps 20. Identify any gaps that need to Identify any gaps that need Identify any gaps that need to be investigated to be investigated be investigated there is another equally important reason. Part B - Current risk mitigation controls and strategies Identify and describe In the adoption system Unless one has such an Identify and describe understanding, it is not Identify and describe possible to identify the Weaknesses knowledge gaps, Identify and describe Identify and describe Identify and describe misperceptions and mistaken beliefs of Part C – Possible improvements in risk mitigation controls and strategies adopters and key Identify and describe Identify and describe Identify and describe stakeholders. It is these Possible new practices Identify and describe mental models that can Identify and describe act as barriers to Identify and describe adoption of a selected. leading practice Example expert model influence diagram - for the dust risk Crushing, tipping, milling, screening, etc. Rock processing Rock transport Scraping, loading, hoisting, conveyors etc. Drilling, blasting, mechanised mining, etc Adequate ventilation for dilution Rock breaking Ventilation planning Ventilation control Source / process Ore Body Traffic flow, Conveyor belts, Transfer/tip location, Production rate, vehicles, material handling Effective control mechanisms to be in place and maintained Correct allocation at the right place Production work plan Ventilation management 21. Insignificant Significant model. The model may take the form of a causal Exposure chain risk summary table Controls Selection / installation Human Factor Monitoring Control at source was identified as the area of highest risk - see expanded detail on controls below Biological and / or an influence Health Outcomes Xray changes (visible tissue change). Lung function changes as a result of fibrosis (restrictive). Autoimmune response resulting in increased susceptibility to TB and other connective tissue diseases, e.g. Scleroderma. Mosh Leading Practice Adoption System – a leading practice in its own right S Malatji and JM Stewart this expert understanding is captured in an expert Mobility Silica, Asbestos, Coal Hard metals (from tool use such as grinders), lung exposure to certain fumes such as ammonia and chlorine Auditing In the adoption system Pneumoconioses (Silicosis, Coal workers’ Pn). Connective tissue diseases. Restrictive/ obstructive airways diseases. TB and other (cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary cancer). diagram. Silicosis & TB (Severity of outcomes), morbidity/ mortality/ quality of life. Family/ societal/ community. Compensation. Retirement medical surveillance Dust risk levy, Poor public image Stock price/ share value . Page 7 Selection of the leading practice with greatest potential Preparatory Work Risk assessment analysis Adoption Team (Group) inputs Review of R&D outcomes 22. Input from selected experts Visits and discussions at mines Draft expert model and list of potential leading practices A special workshop involving the most experienced and knowledgeable people in industry is held to select the leading practice that has the greatest potential to improve Identify / invite key persons to participate in workshop OHS in the risk area in question. Workshop Facilitated & structured to consider / identify potential leading practices 23. The practice is selected using a rigorous procedure and relevant selection criteria agreed upon by workshop. participants. Leading practice selection criteria agreed at workshop Selected Leading Practice with greatest OHS benefit Identification of potential adoption mines and their key persons 24. With input from the Task Force and mining company representatives of the MOSH Adoption Team, all potential adoption mines, and the key Identification of potential adoption mines people at these mines are identified. Is the leading practice applicable at the mine? Input and guidance: 25. Will the mine benefit from adoption? Task Force Rep. Adoption Team Group Specialist This enables: The identification of key adopters, decision makers and other key stakeholders. Contact details of Manager and relevant Specialist? The selection of an appropriate group of persons to be interviewed in the direct enquiry process to establish the Prioritised list of potential adoption mines (To focus on mines with greatest benefit – most likely adopters – interviewees for direct enquiry process – recipients of early behavioural communications material) prevailing mental models, and, 26. The initiation of a communication process to inform key persons of relevant findings and developments. Mosh Leading Practice Adoption System – a leading practice in its own right S Malatji and JM Stewart Page 8 Identification of prevailing mental models 27. The direct enquiry process recognises that all interviewees are experts about what they experience. It is thus a respectful process. It is used to identify the mental models Identify key adopters and other stakeholders of the key adopters, deciders and other stakeholders. Develop direct enquiry protocol (procedures / questions) 28. The carefully developed open ended questions of the direct enquiry process provide the Select persons to be interviewed interviewees with an opportunity to confidentially Train interviewers and conduct enquiries say exactly what they think. 29. The empirically determined mental models provide the Analyse responses and establish mental model basis for developing behavioural communication Develop Behavioural Communication and Leadership Behaviour plans and leadership behaviour plans that are generically applicable to the complete spectrum of identified potential adoption mines. Documenting the leading practice at the Source mine 30. Technical details: Investigate and document A detailed plan is developed for conducting the investigations at the source mine. 31. Investigation of the behavioural aspects is based on the insights Leadership detail: Investigate and document gained in developing the generic Detailed Source investigations report Communications: Investigate and document behavioural plans. 32. The behavioural aspects observed at the source mine are used to update the generic behavioural plans. Example materials Training Communications Signage 33. The investigations seek to capture all the information needed to enable the practice to be replicated at another mine. Mosh Leading Practice Adoption System – a leading practice in its own right S Malatji and JM Stewart Page 9 Identifying and documenting the full value case 34. The value case is determined for each leading practice through a process of careful investigation. Financial Impacts Strategic Impacts Initial cost Operational cost Financial benefits Production Etc. 35. Health & Safety Relationships Image Investor support Etc. The value case includes business case considerations but it also identifies the often more important strategic benefits associated with adoption of the leading practice. 36. Setting the goal of achieving zero harm at work is aspirational and admirable: The Generic Value Case adopting and appropriately acting on it requires high-level strategic decision making. Provision of a Leading Practice Adoption Guide to facilitate widespread adoption Part 1: Strategic Context The problem The practice The value case Part 2: Detailed Adoption Guidance Part 3: The Leading Practice Technical details Behavioural communication Leadership behaviour 37. This is a user-friendly document that contains all the information that a potential adoption mine needs to voluntarily decide Summary framework of overall adoption plan 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 whether or not to adopt the Weeks Activity Ste p 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 practice, and to then successfully 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Facilitate adoption decision S ecure support for adoption E stablish and effective mine adoption team P repare initial plan for adoption Initiate baseline monitoring programme E stablish effective relationship with the COP A Update key stakeholders on progress P lan and conduct direct enquiries Customise generic behavioural plans Harmonise leading practice with with mine standards Assess risks and develop final adoption plan for approval Develop training and communication materials Brief and train key mine persons 14 Implement pilot adoption of the practice 15 M onitor evaluate and report on performance 16 Finalise and implement mine-wide roll-out plan adopt the practice should it decide to do so. 38. The Leading Practice Adoption Guide (LPAG) makes it clear that the leading practice comprises of three equally important legs. All three need to be implemented for adoption to be complete and sustainable. Detailed appendices: Pro-forma plans - Worksheets -Example materials Mosh Leading Practice Adoption System – a leading practice in its own right S Malatji and JM Stewart Page 10 Customisation of the leading practice at adoption mines Mine-specific circumstances 39. The adoption procedures outlined in the Leading Practice Adoption Conduct direct enquiries to establish mine-specific mental model issues Review practice against mine operational standards Guide include guidance on customising the leading practice to fit in with mine-specific circumstances. Customise noncore elements of Leading Practice Customise Generic Behavioural Communication Plan Customise Generic Leadership Behavioural Plan The Leading Practice Adoption Workshop - initiates facilitation of widespread adoption Workshop Purpose To initiate the process of facilitating widespread adoption To establish a Community of Practice for Adoption – a COPA 40. Who to attend? Mine Managers Relevant specialists Other key stakeholders Key persons from all identified potential adoption mines are invited to attend the Leading Practice Adoption Workshop. 41. The workshop, which leads to the establishment of a Community of Practice for Adoption (a COPA)actively What is covered? Leading Practice details Value case Behavioural processes Leading Practice Adoption Guide Role and function of COPA Establishment of COPA Mosh Leading Practice Adoption System – a leading practice in its own right S Malatji and JM Stewart starts the process of facilitating industry wide adoption of the selected leading practice. Page 11 Establishment of a Community of Practice for Adoption – for on-going facilitation Who? Mine Managers (initially) Relevant specialists Mine Adoption Team Manager Mine Behavioural Overseer 42. COPA Provide ongoing facilitation of the adoption process Modus operandi? Regular meetings Jointly implement Leading Practice Adoption Guide Work directly with lead adopter mine Assist other adoption mine to extent possible The COPA serves as a mechanism for mines to acquire guidance, assistance and specialist training to achieve successful adoption of the Leading Practice. 43. The COPA terminates its existence when its members feel that it is no What? Explain / use Leading Practice Adoption Guide Provide / arrange training Problem solving Provide / arrange assistance Share adoption experience Continuous improvement Mine visits as appropriate longer needed. Conclusion – the process is continuous Disband COPA when no longer needed Identify new leading practice with best potential Cycle of continuous OHS improvement 44. The process of continuous improvement never stops. Investigate / document new practice for adoption Establish COPA and facilitate widespread adoption Acknowledgement The role and contribution of the MOSH Adoption Teams, the Learning Hub Secretariat and Chamber member mining companies to the development of the MOSH Leading Practice Adoption System is gratefully acknowledged. So too is the contribution of Decision Partners LLC, Pittsburgh, USA, particularly in regard to development of the behaviour-based techniques that form a key element of the system. Much of the material presented in this paper is drawn from the Guidance Handbook on the MOSH Leading Practice Adoption System prepared by J M Stewart on behalf of the Chamber of Mines of South Africa. Mosh Leading Practice Adoption System – a leading practice in its own right S Malatji and JM Stewart Page 12