T HETFORD GRAMMAR SCHOOL Bridge Street, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 3AF Telephone: 01842 752840 Fax: 01842 750220 Headmaster: M. S. Bedford BA (Wales), PGCE (Oxon), MPhil (Cam), NPQH Head of Preparatory School: Mrs N. Peace BA (Hons) QTS 8th September 2015 Dear Parents, I am keen to continue my lunchtime sports club at school as I know several of the pupils cannot make the after school sessions on a Monday. I therefore propose that the club will run on Wednesday lunchtimes so hopefully more pupils can attend. The club is open to all the boys from Year 4-6 and primarily will be used to train/practice for upcoming sport fixtures. This term the sport will be Rugby, in the Spring Football, and in the Summer it will be Cricket. The timings will work as follows – 10.35am 12.35pm 1.15pm 1.35pm - Pupils to change at morning break into their Games kit. - I will collect pupils at the start of lunch. - End of training session. I will accompany the pupils to the dining hall to eat their packed lunches. - Pupils register as normal with their tutor group. In order to get the most out of the time I propose that the pupils who usually have a school dinner order a packed lunch on Tuesdays which they can collect at morning break on Wednesdays ready for lunchtime. It is not ideal to have a school dinner prior to a sports session so the pupils will have their lunch towards the end of lunch time after the session. Please could you complete the reply slip below and return to the Preparatory School post box as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, Mr M Hill PE Department ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TGS Preparatory School Lunchtime Sports Club (Year 4-6 Boys) I give permission for my child ………………………………………… (Name) to participate in the lunchtime sports club and I understand that they will need to bring a packed lunch or order a school packed lunch at Tuesday break and collect at Wednesday break from the Dining Hall. Signature:……………………………………………………….. (Parent/Guardian) Date: ………………… Registered Charity No: 311263