Mystery and Suspense: Sherlock Holmes Project


College English 9: Greek Mythology Project

The myths of Greek culture continue to be studied for the link to the past they provide, for within these instructional and entertaining stories exist the key to our human past; the universal themes and symbols of these tales still resonate, even in this very modern age we live in. Think of it: Greek myths been modeled, or referenced, time and time again in movies, cartoons, books, and drama, making the gods, goddesses, and themes resonate with fans throughout the years.

For this “creative analysis” project, you are to explore a character from Greek mythology in visual form. Your ultimate goal is convey the many intricacies of your selected character in a visually attractive project. You have two (2) options for your project.

Option #1: Welcome to the Digital Age!

I’m sure the characters from Greek mythology would be pretty tech savvy if they were alive today; their love of sharing stories would naturally lead them to social networking sites or online forums. What would a Greek character’s digital footprint look like?

Create either a Facebook page or a Twitter feed for a character selected from Greek mythology.

The poster you create should resemble the social media site exactly . Attention to detail is important for this option. You must understand all the nuances of Facebook or Twitter to maximize the potential of this option. The goal of the assignment is to visually convey the characterization of your selected character; the friends, likes, comments, photos, relationships, retweets, and profile pictures should all be accurate to your character and convey a sense of his or her thoughts, feelings, and actions . An observer should be able to view your pr oject and get a true sense of the character’s life and relationships.

Size Requirement: Your poster should be at least 18” by 18.”

Layout Requirements: The profile page you create (or Twitter feed) for your selected character MUST include status updates, profile pictures, friend lists, comments, likes, interests, hobbies, general information, and recent activity. (In the case of Twitter, tweets, retweets, mentions, direct messages, etc.)

Color Requirements: Your project should mimic the general layout and color scheme of Facebook or Twitter. The closer your project resembles an actual

Facebook page, the better!

Option #2: Symbol Collage

For the second option, you may create a collage of images symbolizing your selected character from various magazines and newspapers. This poster should only contain images that relate to your selected god, goddesses, or human character; you should scour magazines, newspapers, and online databases for colorful, symbolic images . Remember, a collage is a collection of many overlapping pictures, not a few images strewn about a poster. Your collage should have a density to it; there must be a lot for the audience to take in.

The whole poster board should be covered!

Size Requirement: Your poster must be at least 18” by 18.”

Color Requirement: Your collage must contain various colors; please do not simply print black and white images from online.

Text Requirement: Your collage should have at least five (5) lines of text relating to the relevance of the images on your poster.

The text may be quotations from Coolidge’s Mythology collection! Re-read your myth to catch descriptions and other forms of characterization.


The school does not have access to a supply of poster board; however, talk to me if you are having trouble gathering materials for this project. We can find something for you to use.

Project Choice: _________________________

Character Choice: _______________________

Class Brainstorm:
