
Auxiliary Material for
A geophysical model for the emission and scattering of L-band microwave radiation from rough
ocean surfaces.
Thomas Meissner and Frank J. Wentz
(Remote Sensing Systems, 444 Tenth Street, Suite 200, Santa Rosa, CA 95401, USA)
Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans, 2014
This auxiliary material includes tables containing coefficients for the various geophysical model
functions that are used in this publication.
1. ts01.txt: The coefficients bki of the 5th order polynomial fit to the harmonic coefficients of
the scatterometer GMF. k=0,1,2 indicates the order of the harmonic and i=1,2,3,4,5 the order
of the power in the polynomial. The values are provided for all 3 radiometers and
polarizations VV, HH, and VH. The value for i=1,2,3,4,5 is the 1st column and the value for
bki is the 2nd column.
2. ts02.txt: The coefficients aki of the 5th order polynomial fit to the harmonic coefficients of
the wind induced emissivity GMF. k=0,1,2 indicates the order of the harmonic and
i=1,2,3,4,5 the order of the power in the polynomial. The values are provided for all 3
radiometers and V-pol and H-pol. The value for i=1,2,3,4,5 is the 1st column and the value
for aki is the 2nd column.
3. ts03.txt: Expected errors for the channels (scatterometer HH and radiometer H-pol) that are
used in the MLE as a function of surface wind speed. The 1st column is the wind speed. The
next 3 columns are the expected standard deviations of σ0HH [in real units], TBH [in K] and
the NCEP background wind speed WNCEP [in m/s] for radiometer 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
4. ts04.txt: The correction ΔE1 (WHHH, σ’0VV) to the wind induced emissivity. The values are
provided for all 3 radiometers and polarizations V-pol and H-pol. The 1st column is the HHH
wind speed WHHH [in m/s], the 2nd column is the scatterometer VV-pol cross section σ’0VV
after removing the wind direction signal [in real units], the 3rd column is the number of
observation in each interval, and the last column the value of ΔE1 [multiplied by 290 K].
Intervals with less than 100 observations are not listed.
5. ts05.txt: The correction ΔE2 (WHHH, WH) to the wind induced emissivity. The values are
provided for all 3 radiometers and polarizations V-pol and H-pol. The 1st column is the HHH
wind speed WHHH [in m/s], the 2nd column is the significant wave height WH [in m], the 3rd
column is the number of observation in each interval, and the last column the value of ΔE2
[multiplied by 290 K]. Intervals with less than 100 observations are not listed.