Non-Credit, Leadership RAP Internship Contract CHANCELLOR’S LEADERSHIP STUDIES PROGRAM ETHNIC LIVING AND LEARNING COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP STUDIES PROGRAM The purpose of this agreement is for you, your instructor (the Leadership RAP Director) and your internship supervisor to outline the goals, activities, and learning objectives for your non-credit internship through the Leadership RAP to fulfill the requirement for the Certificate in the Study and Practice of Leadership. Please be as explicit as possible when completing the following agreement. Be sure your supervisor keeps a completed and signed copy. Keep one copy for yourself and return the original copy to the instructor. CONTACT INFORMATION Student name_________________________________ SID#__________________ E-mail ______________________________________ Phone #___________________ Organization ___________________________________________________________ Supervisor Name________________________________________________________ E-mail______________________________________Phone# ____________________ Instructor name: Ann Scarritt E-mail: Leadership RAP 406 UCB University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado 80309 Phone#: (303) 735-0373 Fax: (303) 735-2682 INTERNSHIP What is the organization’s mission? (provide source citation) Position Description Describe in detail your internship roles and responsibilities. Supervision a) Describe the supervision that you will receive at the organization. b) What will be the method of evaluation? Minimum number of hours that you have agreed to complete: 144. Start date____/___/____ End Date____/____/____ Responsibilities Under This Agreement I, the Internship student agree to: 1. Perform to the best of my ability those tasks assigned by my supervisor which are related to my learning objectives and the responsibilities of this position. 2. Follow the rules, regulations and requirements of the employer’s organization. 3. Complete all required assignments and consult as needed with my instructor for guidance and feedback. 4. Notify my instructor of any changes I need to make in this agreement or of any problems that develop during the placement. I, the Employment Supervisor, agree to: 1. Provide the necessary orientation, training, precautionary safety instructions, and supervision in the performance of the position duties and responsibilities on this agreement. 2. Complete both a mid-term and final written evaluation of the student’s performance during the placement and send it to the instructor listed on this application. I, the Instructor agree to: 1. Attest that the proposed internship is relevant to the study and practice of leadership and the student’s area of interest. 2. Agree to monitor, and evaluate the internship as appropriate. 3. Agree to insure that the evidence needed to document the students learning experience for the purposes of fulfilling the internship requirement of the Certificate for the Study and Practice of Leadership is appropriate, completed, and submitted in a timely fashion before the certificate is awarded. Agreement By signing this form, you agree to the conditions stated above. Student signature_________________________________ Date________ Instructor’s signature______________________________ Date________ Supervisor’s signature_____________________________ Date________ Updated 1/2015