Curriculum Vitae Shih

Curriculum Vitae
Shih-Jye Wu (吳世傑)
February, 2014
Contact Information
Address: Department of Political Economy, National Sun Yat-Sen University,
70 Lien-Hai Road, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Tel: +886-07-525-2000 ext. 5588
Fax: +886-07-525-5582
Current Position
Associate Professor, (2007/02~)
Department of Political Economy,
National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
Previous Positions
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Economy, National Sun Yat-Sen
University, Taiwan (2003/8~2007/1)
Assistant Professor, Department of International Trade, National Pintung Institute
of Commerce, Taiwan (2000/8~2003/7)
Assistant Professor, Department of International Business, Southern Taiwan
University of Technology and Science, Taiwan (1999/8~2000/7)
Ph. D., International Business, National Chengchi University, Taiwan (1999)
M. A., Economics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (1994)
B. A., Politics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (1990)
Research Fields
International Trade, Industrial Organization
Teaching Fields
International Trade, Industrial Economics, and Microeconomics
1. Wu, Shih-Jye, Chang, Yang-Ming, and Chen, Hung-Yi, 2014, “Antidumping
Duties and Price Undertakings : A Welfare Analysis”, International Review of
Economics and Finance, Vol. 29, 97-107.[SSCI, first author]
2. Hsu, Su-Ying, Lo, Chu-Ping, and Wu, Shih-Jye, 2014, “The Nexus of Market
Concentration and Privatization Policy in Mixed Oligopoly”, Economic Modelling,
Vol. 38, 196-203.[SSCI, correspondence author]
3. Wu, Shih-Jye, and Chen, Hung-Yi, 2014, “Subcontracting and Trade Policy”,
Taiwan Economic Review, forthcoming.[TSSCI, first author]
4. Yang, Yao-Po, Chen, Yi-Wen, Wang, L.F.S., and Wu, Shih-Jye, 2014,
“Technology Licensing in Mixed Oligopoly”, International Review of Economics
and Finance, forthcoming.[SSCI]
5. Tsai, Tung-Hsu, Wu, Shih-Jye, and Hwang, Hong, 2013, “Waste Recycling
Policies under Extended Producer Responsibility: Take-Back Mandate vs.
Deposit-Refund”, Global Journal of Economics, forthcoming. [EconLit]
6. Chang, Yang-Ming, Chen, Hung-Yi, Wang, L.F.S, and Wu, Shih-Jye, 2013,
“Corporate Social Responsibility and International Competition: A Welfare
Analysis”, Review of International Economics, forthcoming.[SSCI]
7. Yang, Yao-Po, Hu, Jin-Li, and Wu, Shih-Jye, 2013, “Market Structure,
Production Efficiency, and Privatization”, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics,
8. Wu, Shih-Jye, Tsao, Ku-Gi and Lin, Yan-Shu, 2012, “City Development,
Infrastructure Investment, and Tax Competition”, City and Planning, Vol. 39,
247-266.[TSSCI, first author]
9. Wu, Shih-Jye, Chang, Y.M. and Chen, H.Y. (2011), “Antidumping Petition: To
File or Not To File”, Economic Bulletin, Vol. 31, 631-643. [EconLit, first author]
10. Tsai, Ming-Fang, Chou, Jun-Long, Wu, Shih-Jye, and Lee, Yi-Shan, 2009,
“Technology Licensing in the Presence of Intermediate Good Market”, Academia
Economic Papers, Vol. 37, 557-585.[TSSCI]
11. Yang, Y.P., Wu, Shih-Jye, and Hwang, Hong, 2009, “Liberalization in
Tariff-Quotas and R&D Investment”, Taiwan Economic Review, Vol. 37, 135-160.
[TSSCI, correspondence author]
12. Wu, Shih-Jye, 2007, “Antidumping Protection and The Byrd Amendments”,
Academia Economic Papers, Vol. 34, 381-410.[TSSCI, single author]
13. Wu, Shih-Jye, and Lin, Yan-Shu, 2006, “Import Competition, Subsidy for
Investment in Product Quality, and Quality Reversal”, Taiwan Economics Review,
Vol. 34, 1-26.[TSSCI, first author]
14. Wang, K.C.A. and Wu, Shih-Jye, 2005, “Trade Export Policy for Final Products
with Strategic Participation in Middle Product Market”, Taiwan Economics
Review, Vol. 33, 33-58.[TSSCI]
15. Wu, Shih-Jye, Yang, Yao-Po, and Hwang, Hong, 2002, “Technology Licensing
Under Tariff and Quota Policies”, Taiwan Economics Review, Vol. 30,
49-75.[TSSCI, first author]
16. Wu, Shih-Jye, and Hwang, Hong, 2002, “On the Theory of Tariff Escalation”,
Academia Economic Papers, Vol. 30, 709-442.[TSSCI, first author]
17. Yang, Yao-Po, Wu, Shih-Jye, and Hwang, Hong, 2002, “Production Function and
Optimal Trade Policy”, Academia Economic Papers, Vol. 30, 1-28.[TSSCI]
18. Wu, Shih-Jye, Hwang, Hong, and Hwang, Tsair-Yuan, 2002, “Comparing Welfare
Effects Between Alternative Policies: Privatization v.s. Profit Requirement”,
Proceedings of Annual Conference of Taiwan Economic Association.[on Pending
list of TSSCI]
19. Chiou, Jiunn-Rong, Wu, Shih-Jye, and Hwang. Hong, 1998, “Export-share
Requirement and Technology Choice”, Academia Economic Papers, Vol. 26,