Course Title: Spanish 2 Teacher: Maria Bautista Room 215 Contact information: Planning Block: 1st Block Textbook Series: Realidades 2 Publisher: Pearson Prentice-Hall, Copyright 2008 Course Overview The Spanish 2 program continues at a more level the four basic skills in learning a language-listening, speaking, reading and writing in cultural content and continues to build a strong foundation for Spanish communication. Listening and speaking skills are developed through the use of DVDs, CDs and oral exercises. The reading selections include dialogues and cultural readings. The writing exercises include workbook, textbook, CD and on-line activities. Students learn about the geography of the Spanish-speaking world, overview of cultural aspects in the Spanish speaking world. The curriculum aligns with the Virginia Foreign Language Standards of Learning. Person to person communication MFLII.1 MFLII.2 Student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in Spanish. Student will initiate, sustain, and close brief oral and written exchanges in Spanish. Listen and Reading for Understanding MFLIII.3 MFLII.4 Student will understand basic Spanish both spoken and written presented through a variety of media Student will use verbal and non-verbal cues to interpret spoken and written Spanish. Oral and Written Presentation MFLII.5 The student will present orally and in writing Spanish in simple sentences and paragraphs. The student will present rehearsed and unrehearsed materials in Spanish Cultural Perspectives, Practices and Products MFLII.6 The student will examine and discuss the interrelationship between perspectives, practices and products of Spanish cultures studied. Making Connections through Language MFLII.7 Students will gain an understanding of perspectives, practices and products of the Spanish speaking world and how they are interrelated. Making connections through Language MFLII.8 The student will use information acquired in the study of Spanish to reinforce ideas in other subject areas. Cultural and Linguistic Comparison MFLII.9 MFLII.10 Students will demonstrate an understanding of cultural similarities and differences between Spanish speaking countries and the United States. The student will develop a better understanding of the English language through the study of Spanish. Communications across Communities MFLII.11 The student will apply information acquired in the Spanish classroom beyond the classroom in recreational, occupational and educational purposes. Topics Covered: Chapter PE: Spanish 1 review: Greetings, Time, Numbers, Body Parts, School Vocabulary, etc. Chapter 1A: ¿Qué haces en la escuela?(school vocabulary, stem-changing verbs Chapter 1B: ¿Qué haces después de las clases?(afterschool activities, saber vs. conocer) Chapter 2A: ¿Cómo te preparas?(daily routines, reflexive verbs) Chapter 2B: ¿Qué ropa compraste ?(shopping, preterit tense) Chapter 3A: ¿Qué hiciste ayer?(places, sports, irregular preterit verbs) Chapter 3B: ¿Cómo se va?(travel vocabulary, commands) Chapter 4A: Cuando éramos niños (childhood vocabulary, imperfect tense) Chapter 4B: Celebrando los días festivos (parties, celebrations, etc – vocabulary only Required Materials for Class: - 3-ring binder with dividers for Spanish class only if possible. Divide binder into 4 categories categories: Notes, Homework, Classwork, Bellwork. Spiral notebook or a composition notebook is required for journal writing in class. Writing utensils Highlighters Notebook paper Course Evaluation: Assessments will be made in listening, speaking, reading, writing and culture. Six weeks grades will be determined as follows: Homework/Classwork 25% (Classwork: written and oral classwork assigned in class, weekly bellworks, exit pass activities, notebook checks, journal entries, etc.) Participation 10% (students’ behavior and cooperation in class. Participation grades will be given on a weekly basis. Students will be informed and warned when loosing participation points) Quizzes 20% (May be retaken once prior to the next test with the highest grade being recorded. Students must come during own time for the re-take). Tests 15% Speeches 10% Projects 20% Sequence of Assessments Students will be assessed weekly for homework and participation. With each textbook chapter, students will be assessed using, at a minimum, 4-6 quizzes. Quizzes will vary in their format, but will include written, listening and oral assessments. Each chapter studied will have a culminating comprehensive chapter test, which will also include a listening and an oral portion. Homework Students will be assigned homework almost every night. Some assignments will be for a completion grade and others will be graded for correctness. Students will not be notified which assignments will be graded for correctness. Unless otherwise stated in class, all assignments will be graded and returned within three days. Late work procedures Students will lose 5 points for every day work is late. After 10 days late the maximum grade will be a 70%(if work is completed correctly). Student MUST write the date when work was turned in, if no date is provided, the teacher will use the date when the work was graded. Projects are very important in this class; therefore, for every day a project is late, students will lose a letter grade. After 10 days late, maximum grade will be a 70%. Missed work due to absences It is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher for work missed due to absence from class. Identical to the School policy, all missed assignments must be made up within a reasonable amount of time: 3 school days. If no work is turned in, student will receive a zero for all missing assignments due to absences. Parents are invited to contact teacher at any time regarding student’s grades and /or missing work. Honor Code: Students are expected to follow the school honor code. If caught cheating or getting answers from other students (unless working on an assignment that specifically allows you to work in partners) you will receive a zero for the assignment and be referred to the office for disciplinary action. I do not tolerate cheating in any form and the student will not receive a “second chance” when it comes to cheating. This is especially important to keep in mind on homework assignments. Classroom Procedures -Cell phones are to be turned off and out of sight. There are no warnings. Cell phones will be confiscated immediately and placed in the box provided by your teacher. After your cell phone has been confiscated once, you will be expected to place your cell phone in the box every day upon entering the room. -A participation grade is given every week. The following will be taken into consideration when giving a participation grade: behavior in class, work completion on a timely manner, the ability to work with others, the ability to follow classroom procedures and rules, oral participation in class and preparedness to class. -Students are to be in their seats and quiet when the bell rings. Students are also expected to begin working on the bell work assignment. Students MUST have a pass when coming to class late. -NO PERMISSIONS will be granted the first 20 minutes of class and/or the last 20 minutes of class. -Students must ask permission to use the restroom or get a drink. Students must signout, and return promptly. These privileges can be revoked at any time if I see fit. Students are required to use “el papelito.” Students are allowed 20 breaks per semester. Once these run out, students will not be allowed to leave the classroom except for emergencies. -After any absence, you will be responsible for retrieving any missed work. There is a binder in the front of the room in which all missed work will be labeled and dated. You are required to turn in any work due on the date of the absence the day you return to school. If turned in later, 5 points will be deducted for each day late. For each missed assignment due to absence, you will have 3 days to complete the assignment once you return to school. - Quizzes may be retaken within a week of the date the quiz is returned to you. This may be done one more time before the next text with only the highest grade being recorded. -Students will be dismissed by teacher and not by the bell. -Student will lose 5 points in participation when NOT prepared for class. -Only water is permitted in class-exceptions would be teacher organized “fiesta” days. -Students must respect everyone in class and must let the teacher teach. Classroom procedures will reflect all policies and regulations as outlined in the student handbook. Need extra help? I am available after school or extra help from 3:15-3:45 every day. Please let me know one day in advance when you are planning to stay for tutoring. I am here to help, so never be afraid to ask. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ I have read the syllabus provided and undertand my responsibilities and expectations as a student in Srta. Bautista’s class. I agree to the rules stated and understand what is required of me. I will always try my best to bring the ítems required to class and obey all procedures of the class as listed in this syllabus. _______________________________________ Student Signature ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ______________ Date ______________ Date