Louisiana Current Events Summary 1. Current Event articles must be within the last (6) weeks. You may use newspapers, magazines, or the internet to select an appropriate article. We will do 1 article each 9 weeks of school. 2. Articles must be directly related to Louisiana History: State or local politics, Louisiana environment, state or local economy. **** NO SPORTS **** NO MURDER**** The article needs to be a ‘news article’, not an opinion or editorial. 3. You must include a copy of the article and adhere to the following: Summarize the article using your own words on a separate sheet of paper in 2 or more paragraphs (at least 5 sentences per paragraph). Typed or black or blue ink. React to the news article in your summary. This means to write how the article made you feel, what you think, or how it may have changed your feelings or opinions. THIS IS A CHANCE TO FREELY SHARE YOUR OPINION IN A RESPECTFUL AND INTELLIGENT MANNER on the current event you are reporting on! Attach the article to the back of your summary. Your table group must peer review the article. All peer reviews must be attached and turned in with your article by the due date. PEER REVIEW Peer Scoring of ____________________ Current Events Article Peer Name__________________________ Compliments________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Suggestions________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Question regarding article: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ PEER REVIEW Peer Scoring of ____________________ Current Events Article Peer Name__________________________ Compliments________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Suggestions________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Question regarding article: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ NAME___________________________ Date________________ Current Events Rubric 3 CATEGORY 4 – Above Standards Meets Standards 2 Approaching Standards 1/0 - Below Standards Quotes, Concept All of the examples are Most of the evidence Some of the pieces of Evidence and examples Words, and 5 W’s specific, relevant and and examples are are NOT relevant full explanations are specific, relevant and are relevant and include AND/OR most are not given. explanations are an explanation, but not explained and summary is given. in author’s own words. mostly plagiarized. Grammar & Spelling Author makes no errors Author makes 1-3 Author makes 4-6 Author makes more than in grammar, sentence errors in grammar, errors in grammar, 6 errors in grammar, structure, or spelling sentence structure, sentence structure, or sentence structure, or that distracts the or spelling that spelling that distract spelling that distracts reader from the distract the reader the reader from the the reader from the content. from the content. content. content. All members of table The peer reviews are Only 1 peer review is There are no peer group completely filled attached to the attached to the reviews attached to the out the peer review for summary but are summary and is summary. the article being incomplete. incomplete. Article summary is Article summary is not Article summary is not typed or written in blue typed or written in blue Peer Review evidence and examples submitted. Proper Format and Article summary is Organization typed or written is blue typed or written in or black ink, has a blue or black ink, has or black ink, and/or or black ink. No heading. heading, title, and is a heading, title, and No article is attached. submitted on time. is submitted on time. Incomplete heading and Summary is organized Summary is organized title. Summary has 1 or into 2 or more into 2 paragraphs. less paragraphs. paragraphs. A Acceptable Attached item is not a challenging newspaper newspaper article of current event newspaper article of sufficient sufficient length is article and/or it is not a length is attached. attached. sufficient length. submitted late. No title. Example of Summary: The article titled, “Johnson Introduces Transition Team Leaders” from the Sacramento Bee, discusses the new Mayor of Sacramento’s plans to transition into office. Kevin Johnson was elected to be the new mayor of Sacramento on election day (November 4, 2008). On November 10, he announced that he has chosen his transition team that may eventually total to 100 people. The transition team will help Kevin Johnson by advising him on the city’s budget, schools, transportation, and the procedures he will need to follow as mayor. November 25, 2008, will be his first official day as mayor of Sacramento, replacing Heather Fargo who was the mayor for two terms. I think this article was well written. It was very informative and it helped me understand the role of the mayor a little bit better. It surprised me to read that before the mayor’s job begins there are 100 people to help him transition into the job.