Marketing Master Class - Frequently Asked Questions


Marketing Master Class - Frequently Asked Questions

What are The Wakefield Mysteries?

Theatre Royal Wakefield has commissioned writer Nick Lane and director Andrew Loretto to work on a brand new production of The Wakefield Mysteries. Based on the original medieval plays, which depicted stories from the bible for the largely illiterate population of Wakefield at the time, our modern take will be a dynamic re-telling of those stories with local young people at its heart.

The Theatre has been awarded funding for the second stage of this project which will allow us to develop the script for the third and final stage which will be the production itself. Before we can get to stage three we need YOU!

Who can take part?

We are looking for 12 young people altogether, aged 13 to 30, to be our Mystery Makers to promote and document The Wakefield Mysteries project as it enters phase two – the script development stage. You should be interested in gaining skills in marketing with particular emphasis on social media, blogging, interviews and video / vox-pox.

You should be interested in the process of the project as you will have an effect on how we develop and tell people about the final production stage. You should be keen to come along and have fun as well as being open-minded and ready to get stuck in to the challenging tasks we have planned.

You should have a committed and enthusiastic attitude to the project, willingness to learn new skills, meet creative people and be part of a creative process. Have a certain level of technical knowledge and be confident in using smart phones and social media.

When and where do the sessions take place?

We will hold an initial marketing master class and then split the group with four Mystery Makers going to each of the separate rehearsal/workshop sessions. For these sessions we are working with three Mysteries

Hubs around the district so participants will be split between these three areas.

Mysteries Master Class - Venue TBC – central Wakefield

Wednesday 7 January, 5pm -7pm

Hub 1 – Wakefield College

Hub session 1 – Monday 12 January, 4.30pm – 7.30pm

Hub session 2 – Monday 26 January, 4.30pm – 7.30pm

Hub session 3 – Monday 2 February, 4.30pm – 7.30pm

Hub 2 – Carleton Community High School

Hub session 1 – Tuesday 13 January, 4pm – 7pm

Hub session 2 – Tuesday 27 January, 5pm – 8pm

Hub session 3 – Tuesday 3 February, 4pm – 7pm

Hub 3 – Hemsworth Arts and Community Academy

Hub session 1 – Wednesday 14 January, 4pm – 7pm

Hub session 2 – Wednesday 28 January, 4pm – 7pm

Hub session 3 – Wednesday 4 February, 4pm – 7pm

Evaluation – Wakefield Cathedral (during half term)

Wednesday 18 February & Thursday 19 February

Times for both days are to be confirmed but they will take place during the day.

You will need to free attend the master class plus at least one of the Hub sessions and the final evaluation days at the cathedral.

Continued over page...

What sort of things will we be doing?

Our Marketing Team will host a master class where you will find out all about the project as a whole and the role of a Mystery Maker. You will also receive training in the various communication tools we want the

Mystery Makers to take charge of while documenting our rehearsals/workshops.

The main aim of the Mystery Maker is to capture and communicate the development of The Wakefield

Mysteries via interviews : with participants, the creative team( ie: Director, Writer etc); photo’s / video of sessions, participants and creative team; writing / reviewing what is happening, who’s involved, new processes, ideas etc. The captured media would be communicated virally via: a dedicated Facebook Page;

Twitter account; Vine account; YouTube and other optional social media as well as a dedicated blog site and e-newsletters.

All of the communications will be part of the Marketing Team’s integrated communication planfor the project – this will ensure the work of the Mystery Makers is promoted on a wider platform using existing communication platforms such as the theatre website, facebook and twitter as well as e-newsletters.

How can I sign up?

Read through the rest of the information here and if you would like to take part get the permission form filled in and sent back to us by Wednesday 31 December at the latest.

Will it cost money to take part?

No this project is FREE to you as we have successfully applied for funding to support this stage of The

Wakefield Mysteries.

Who are the Marketing Team?

Julie McGawley – Marketing & Audience Development Manager:

Julie has an extensive marketing career spanning 15 years as well as a degree in marketing. Julie has a creative flair as well as being able to lead the strategic marketing planning for the theatre. Julie has been with the theatre since 2008 and was responsible for developing the cohesive e-marketing strategy which has become bedrock to the integrated marketing communications.

Kealey Woodward – Marketing & Press Officer:

A highly experienced marketer with over 14 years experience in performing arts marketing. Kealey trained in

Performance Management at Bretton and has been with Theatre Royal Wakefield for over 10 years. Kealey is a fountain of knowledge and knowhow in all things technical. Amongst many of her key roles Kealey manages the theatre website and leads on the theatre’s social media content.

Amy Charles – Marketing Assistant:

Amy is a fully trained photographer and joined the marketing team in July 2013. Amy is a highly skilled photographer and has a successful freelance career as well as exceeding in her marketing capabilities within the theatre marketing team. Amy is our resident production photographer and an expert in filming and creating trailers for our shows. Young Writers (our young reviewer’s blog) is managed by Amy and was her initiative.

What is expected of me?

We expect our participants to be open-minded and ready for a challenge.

You should arrive at each session on time and ready to work hard and have lots of fun.

You should be able to work well in large and small groups of different ages as it is essential for a short project like this that everyone has a professional attitude throughout.

You will need to be available for ALL sessions to get the most out of the project and to see how it develops.

What if my question has not been answered here?

Please contact Janine Heseltine on 01924 334 115 or email


You or your son / daughter would like to take part in The Wakefield Mysteries project as a Mystery Maker.

During each session, the participants will be supervised by staff from Theatre Royal Wakefield who have all been ‘police checked’ and associated artists. All have experience of working with young people.

Name of Participant

Date of Birth

Name of Parent/ Carer

Address (inc Postcode)

Participant’s phone

(optional if under 18)

Participant’s email

(optional if under 18)

Parent/Carer’s phone

Parent/Carer’s Email

Participant’s School /

College / University

(if applicable)

Does your child have any access needs / mobility issues that we should be aware of?

Yes / No (delete as necessary)

If yes, please give details:


Does your child have any allergies or medical conditions that we should be aware of?

Yes / No (delete as necessary)

If yes, please give details:


Please tick all that apply below: o

I give permission for my son / daughter to take part in The Wakefield Mysteries project o

I give permission for photographs / video pictures to be taken which may be used for documentation or publicity purposes. o

I give permission for my child to go home on their own

OR o

I will pick my child up after each session (they do not have permission to go home on their own)

Do you have access to any of the following: smart phone / laptop / digital camera / tablet device (please circle)

(Please note; you can still take part if you do not have access to any of this technology)

Signed:____________________________________(parent/carer OR participant if 18+) Date:____________

Send to Janine Heseltine, Theatre Royal Wakefield, Drury lane, Wakefield WF1 2TE or

by Wednesday 31 December at the latest.
