MH SAQ study O+G SAQ 1 A 29 yr old female presents to the ED with lower abdominal pain. Observations are stable, blood tests are within normal range and her pregnancy test is negative. 1. Which 4 risk factors suggest pelvic inflammatory disease? (2 marks) multiple sexual partners high frequency sexual intercourse first sexual intercourse at a young age cervical instrumentation 2. When should treatment be initiated? (2 marks) clinical signs – uterine/ adnexal tenderness, cervical motion tenderness no other cause can be found – empirical treatment on minimal diagnostic criteria 3. What are the 4 main indications for hospital admission? (2 marks) clinically severe PID with temp >38oC failure to respond to 24-48hrs of outpatient therapy oral inappropriate – poor compliance or vomiting surgical emergencies cannot be exluded – ectopic pregnancy/ appendicitis co-morbidities – diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency complications – tubo-ovarian abscess, Fitz-Hugh Curtis syndrome NB any of the above 4 scores 2 marks 4. What discharge topics should be discussed with the patient? (4 marks) sexual practice – safe sex risk of infertility public health referral partner treatment SAQ 2 A 32 year old lady who is 36 weeks pregnant presented with headache, drowsiness and her observations and results are as follows: Pulse 110 bpm BP180/110mmhg RR24/min Sats 96%air; Hb 9gm/dl WCC 8 x109/L PLT 34 x109/L LFT: AST 120 u/L, ALT 135 u/L, LDH 750 u/L 1. What is the diagnosis? (2 marks) Pre-eclampsia with HELLP variant (haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets) 2. What 2 anti-hypertensive drugs would you consider to treat her blood pressure? (2 marks) Labetalol 10 mg IV followed by IV infusion 1-2mg/min Hydralazine IV – second line (Hydralazine remains the drug of choice for women with asthma or congestive heart failure) NB nifedipine an alternative option 3. You have paged the PICU doctor and obstetrician to your resuscitation room, however, your patient starts to have a seizure. What are the first four things you would do? (4 marks) Left lateral position and support airway/administer Oxygen check BSL and treat if low Magnesium Sulphate 4-6Gram IV (over 5 min) followed by maintenance infusion 1G/hr Midazolam 3-5mg IV PRN to control seizures 4. What are the 4 signs of maternal toxicity with magnesium sulphate which would predict either respiratory or cardiac arrest? (2 marks) Loss of patellar reflexes Respiratory rate < 10 Slurred speech, weakness, feeling extremely sleepy, double vision Muscle paralysis SAQ 3 The triage nurse rings you regarding a 32 year old with diabetes and bipolar disorder who is a frequent presenter to your ED. She often presents with disruptive behaviour but the nurse is concerned that today she appears disorientated, ataxic and complains of nausea and vomiting for the last two weeks. Temp HR BP RR Sats 37.4 110 90/60 22 97 °C /min mmHg /min % on air Her lithium level is 3 mmol/L. a. List 4 potential causes you would consider in this patient that may have resulted in lithium toxicity. pre-renal impairment: dehydration pregnancy with hyperemesis UTI lithium induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus DKA/HHS drug interaction with impaired renal excretion - NSAIDs hyponatraemia acute overdose in the setting of chronic ingestion b. A urine bHCG confirms pregnancy, and a UTI. List four antibiotics used to treat UTI and discuss why you would or would not use them in pregnancy. Safe nitrofurantoin (avoid after 36/40) amoxycillin (may be resistant, depends on local sens but safe in preg) trimethoprim (after the first trimester, folic acid antagonist may increase neural tube defects in first trimester) cephalexin (broad spectrum but safe in pregnancy) Less optimal tetracyclines - tooth discolouration norfloxacin - renal abnormalities ciprofloxacin - avoid in pregnancy c. Your 4th year student asks you about the role of charcoal in lithium overdose. You explain that charcoal does not bind lithium. Name 3 classes of drugs seen in overdose that are not bound by charcoal and give two examples of each. toxic alcohols - methanol, ethylene glycol, isopropyl glycol, ethanol heavy metals - iron, lead, potassium, mercury, arsenic, cyanide acids/alkali d. What alternative enhanced elimination technique may have a role in lithium toxicity? haemodialysis e. Name 3 toxicokinetic or toxicodynamic features of a drug that make it amenable or appropriate to this method of enhanced elimination, and 2 other drugs toxicities where the method plays a role. carbemazepine toxic alcohols sodium valproate theophylline phenobarbitone salicyclate potassium f. You find on questioning that it is likely she is 16/40 pregnant, homeless and with no regular medical care. List and expand briefly on 4 issues that should be discussed with this woman, including other services that may need to be involved. pregnancy medical care - obstetric physician input given ongoing need for diabetes control and likely lithium requirement during pregnancy lithium being teratogenic (tricuspid valve abnormalities) Tie in with GP psychiatric care and support during pregnancy - tie in with maternal mental health maternity care, including scans social supports - social worker involvement pregnancy advice - safe behaviours/listeria avoidance/drugs in pregnancy/smoking/alcohol SAQ 4 A 38 year old woman 35 weeks pregnant comes to the ED with visual disturbance and headache. Her BP is 165/100 mmHg. FBC Hb 8.1 Plt 50 WCC 5.1 poikilocytes seen WTU Blood ++ Protein+++ Nitrates - LFT Bil 12 AST 1000 GGT 817 a. Describe 2 abnormalities of the FBC and explain them. (2 marks) Anaemia due to haemolysis Low platelets due to microangiopathy as part of HELLP syndrome (Haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets) b. What is the likely diagnosis? (2 marks) Pre eclampsia and HELLP syndrome c. To control BP what drug, including dose and route, would you use? (3 marks) Labetalol 10mg IV or 100mg PO Can use hydralazine 10mg IV d. Give 3 other steps in the management of this patient. (3 marks) Call anaesthetist and senior obstetrician. Magnesium 4-6mg IV Arrange to deliver baby. Treat in darkened, quiet room You are checking pathology results when you come across a positive chlamydia result. The pathologist has flagged that this is a notifiable disease. a. What action should you take? (5 marks) Recall the notes Ascertain whether the patient is aware Contact the patient and organise for appropriate treatment, advice on barrier precautions, further screening and treatment of sexual partners (may be via GP) Notify the Communicable Diseases Department for further action/contact tracing Document all actions in patient notes b. Give three other examples of incidents that require mandatory reporting in the ED. (5 marks) May include: Child sexual or physical abuse, elder abuse, incompetent/negligent/substance-abusing/mentally ill (in some jurisdictions) colleague, death during anaesthetic, death in care, death without clear natural cause. SAQ 5 A 40-year-old female has been brought in following increasing confusion and agitation at home this morning. She has had no other symptoms. She is day 3 after normal vaginal delivery of a healthy baby at another hospital, but her antenatal history is unknown. Ambulance officers report a generalised tonic-clonic seizure in the ambulance which required 5mg IV midazolam to terminate, followed by ongoing drowsiness and confusion. On arrival in the ED she begins to seize. ED staff and ambulance officers activate the ‘arrest call’ button and transfer her to the Resuscitation Room. When you arrive she is being nursed on a bed and a provisional trainee is supporting her airway with jaw thrust. Her intravenous cannula has tissued. On examination: Airway: snoring / partly obstructed RR 40 /min O2 saturations 95% HR 130 /min BP 180/100 mmHg Generalised tonic-clonic seizure Afebrile a. List the causes of seizure you would consider in this patient. (4 marks) Eclampsia – timing unusual because post-partum but still likely Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis Meningoencephalitis e.g. post-epidural Hypoxia e.g. due to pulmonary embolus Plus at least one not directly related to pregnancy / delivery: e.g., hypoglycaemia, toxic ingestion, structural intracranial e.g. bleed, epilepsy b. What is your initial management? (4 marks) Form a team and assign roles Address ABCs esp airway: simple adjuncts initially eg suction, NPA and lie on side o Breathing: high flow O2 and nasal CO2 monitor o Circulation: IV/IO access and send bloods / bedside BSL Stop the fit: 2nd step of classic status epilepticus regime: Midazolam IV/IO/IM 5mg Seek and treat a cause from the list above, esp eclampsia (see drugs in Q3) Get help: o Obstetrics, renal / neurology, ICU c. If you suspect eclampsia, what initial drugs/ dose/route/rate would you administer? (2 marks) Magnesium sulphate: officially 4G IV over 30 mins is RNS OG policy, but it comes in 10mmol amps. Closest is 20mmol (=5G). Safe enough to give over 20 mins provided you dilute it and watch the BP. Followed by IV infusion. Hydralazine: 5mg IV over 10 mins, can repeat. SAQ 6 A 35 year old woman who is 30 weeks gestation, is brought to your emergency department after a witnessed cardiac arrest. (a) What are 4 leading causes of maternal death in pregnancy ? (2 marks) Trauma (homicide, MVA, suicide) Pulmonary embolism (thrombus) haemorrhage (placental abruption/ placenta praevia) Maternal cardiac disease (AMI, peripartum cardiomyopathy, dysrhythmia) (b) List 4 airway and ventilation issues that may occur as a result of pregnancy. (4 marks) Increased risk of aspiration – due to decreased lower oesophageal sphincter tone, increased abdominal pressure, decreased gastric emptying. More oedematous airways – tongue and supraglottic airways oedematous, and more friable (therefore more likely to bleed and swell) (may need to use smaller ETT) Decreased FRC and increased O2 consumption – develop hypoxia more quickly, less tolerant of apnoeic periods. Mask ventilation more difficult due to low FRC, elevated diaphragms, and raised intra abdominal pressure. Obesity relatively common in pregnancy, causing relative neck extension when supine (causing greater anterior placement of larynx). Also shorter neck in obese gravid women Large breasts, causing difficult larygoscopy When ventilating, significant respiratory alkalosis should be avoided as this can cause decreased uterine blood flow. (c) What are the indications for a perimortem caesarean section? (2 marks) Cardiac arrest in mother, gestational age >24 weeks (age of feus in weeks corresponds to the distance in cm from fundus to symphysis pubis from 18-30 weeks). Preferably within 5 minutes of arrest, up to 20 minutes – survival of infant directly related to the time elapsed from maternal arrest to delivery. Poorer neurological outcomes for child if performed > 5mins post arrest. (May benefit maternal outcome also – as it removes the aortocaval compression, and decreases abdominal pressure. CPR should continue during and after the procedure. Consent not required) SAQ 7 A 38 yr old pregnant woman 35 weeks pregnant presents with visual disturbance and headache. Her Blood pressure is 165/100. Some of her investigation results are listed below: CBE UA LFT Hb 8.1 Blood ++ Bil 12 Plt 50 Protein+++ AST 1000 WCC 5.1 Nitrates GGT 817 poikilocytes seen a) List the possible complications of her likely diagnosis. (4 marks) =HELLP syndrome Placental abruption Spontaneous splenic/hepatic haemorrhage Endorgan failure ICH IUFD Raised ICP/cerebral oedema/seizures b) What is the definitive treatment for her primary pathological condition? (1 mark) Delivery of the fetus. c) Outline the management priorities for her emergent management. (5 marks) Control BP/reduce risk of seizures MgSo4 IV bolus 4gm over 5 mins plus repeat 2 g, followed by 2gm/hour infusion (monitor serum levels (2.0-3.0 mmol/L and clinically loss of reflexes and resp depression indicate toxicity) if diastolic remains >105 Hydralazine (5-10mg over 2-4mins, followed by infusion 5-10mg/hr aiming for adequate perfusion of mother and fetus and improved mental status/ improved symptoms Nimodipine/labetolol third line thrombocytopaenic/coagulopathy (HELLP) -platelets, FFP replacement as indicated, avoidance of central access in noncompressible sites analgesia explanation to patient/partner early involvement obstetrics/neonatology and ICU consider steroids for fetal lungs maturity in view of potential imminent delivery SAQ 8 A 25 year old woman has been rushed in to your resuscitation room. She has just delivered a baby in the passenger seat of a car being driven by her husband. The baby was 38 weeks gestation and appears to be well. The placenta was delivered in the car. The woman is experiencing heavy vaginal blood loss. 1. In the section below, list 6 possible causes of her vaginal bleeding. For each cause give: - one cardinal finding of examination that would support that cause - one cardinal principle of management of that cause (18 marks) Cause 1 _____________________________________________________ Examination Feature _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Management Principle _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Cause 2 _____________________________________________________ Examination Feature _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Management Principle _____________________________________________________ Cause 3 _____________________________________________________ Examination Feature _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Management Principle _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Cause 4 _____________________________________________________ Examination Feature _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Management Principle _____________________________________________________ Cause 5 _____________________________________________________ Examination Feature _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Management Principle _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Cause 6 _____________________________________________________ Examination Feature _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Management Principle _____________________________________________________ Cause Retained products of conception / placenta Examination incomplete placenta, non-contracted uterus Management OT for manual removal, oxytocin Cause uterine atony Examination non-contracted uterus Management uterine massage, oxytocin, empty bladder Cause trauma – vaginal/cervical laceration Examination direct inspection / speculum examination shows laceration Management surgical correction Cause uterine rupture Examination severe abdominal tenderness Management surgical correction in OT Cause uterine inversion Examination visual inspection of perineum shows inverted uterus, fundus too low Management uterine re-location - OT Cause coagulopathy Examination no other cause obvious, blood not clotting Management correct coagulopathy with blood products PASS 12/18 corrects to 6.5/10 SAQ 9 (A 34 year old G7P6 30/40) 1. Complete the following table indicating the likely need for neonatal resuscitation if she delivers. Give four (4) four features in each column. Maternal Foetal Intrapartum 2. List the features that would be used to determine the Apgar score. 3. List five specific treatments (with doses as appropriate) that may be required within the first ten minutes of delivery. Answers Q1 Maternal PROM Antepartum haemorrhage Hypertension/eclampsia Diabetes mellitus Substance abuse Foetal Multiple gestation Post-term Pre-term Intra-uterine retardation Polyhydramnios Intrapartum Foetal distress Abnormal presentation Precipitate labour growth Prolonged labour Maternal infection or chronic Congenital abnormalities illness Absence of antenatal care Thick staining of amniotic fluid Instrumental delivery LSCS Q2 colour tone heart rate respiratory effort reflex irritability Q3 cpap ventilation/intubation Warming (drying, cling film wrap, beanie, radiant heater). Aim for normothermia vascular access (IO insertion, umbilical catheter with 5F catheter) adrenaline (0.1ml/kg 1:10000 via IO or umbilical catheter, 0.1ml/kg via ETT) naloxone (0.1mg/kg IV or IO) dextrose (5mg/kg 10% dextrose IV) SAQ 10 A 35 year old lady presents to your emergency department via ambulance. She delivered a healthy term baby 2 hours ago at home but has had significant PV bleeding since. She is conscious but her BP is 70/40. 1. What are the four (4) categories of causes for post partum haemorrhage? Give 2 examples of each. Category Example 2. Describe six (6) steps you would take to stop this woman’s bleeding. Your attempts at stopping the bleeding in the emergency department are unsuccessful. You contact the O&G registrar who states he is busy in theatre for the next 2 hours and is unable to attend. 3. Describe your response. SAQ 25 (Graeme Thomson) Q1. To pass: For the 4 categories of causes of PPH; Tone plus 2 of the 3 others (Trauma, Tissue, Thrombin). Then 2 examples for each of those, giving 6/8 examples. I allowed 5/8 if the categories were correct. Better answer: All 4 categories with 2 examples from each. There are many examples to choose from. Q2. To pass: An oxytocic plus 4 other steps that could reasonably be expected to reduce bleeding in ED. I discounted multiple similar steps, like multiple oxytocic drugs. Better answer: 6 steps, especially the most important ones (deliver remaining placental tissue, massage uterus, oxytocic, empty bladder, control bleeding point, replace clotting factors). Q3. To pass: Escalation to an O&G consultant. Better answer: To include continuing resuscitation of the patient. Altogether there were 16 points that I wanted for a top answer (8 in Q1, 6 in Q2 and 2 in Q3). To get a 5, a candidate needed to get around 11 points but scores varied up and down if the most important points were included or missed.