July 2013 GHD Report PRIMP Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Cowra STP, WTP and Saleyards Table of contents 1. 2. 3. Background .................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Water and Sewer Operations .............................................................................................. 3 1.2 Cowra Saleyards .................................................................................................................. 3 1.3 PIRMP Purpose ................................................................................................................... 3 Pollution Incident Response Planning ........................................................................................... 4 2.1 Risk Assessment ................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 Potential Pollutants and Safety Equipment ......................................................................... 5 2.3 Maps .................................................................................................................................... 5 2.4 Notifiable Incidents ............................................................................................................... 6 Incident Response ......................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 4. Immediate Notification Incident ............................................................................................ 7 Training & Review ........................................................................................................................ 13 4.1 Training .............................................................................................................................. 13 4.2 PIRMP Review ................................................................................................................... 13 Table index Table 1 Hazards ................................................................................................................................ 4 Table 2 Inventory of Pollutants and Safety Equipment ..................................................................... 5 Table 3 Incident Contact Details – Council – Saleyards ................................................................. 10 Table 4 Incident Contact Details – External.................................................................................... 11 Table 5 Incident Response Training ............................................................................................... 13 Figure index Figure 1 Incident Response Flowchart – WTP .................................................................................. 8 Figure 2 Incident Response Flowchart – STP ................................................................................... 9 Figure 3 Incident Response Flowchart – Saleyards ........................................................................ 10 Appendices Appendix A - Maps 2|P a g e 1. Background 1.1 Water and Sewer Operations 1.1.1 Cowra Sewage Treatment Plant Cowra’s sewage treatment plant (STP) was commissioned in 2011, replacing the original facility built in the 1930s. The new plant operates on a process of intermittently decanted extended aeration (IDEA) with UV disinfection. Flows through this plant currently average approximately 2 ML per day. The capacity of the plant is 14,800 EP. Effluent from this plant is able to be reused or discharged directly to the Lachlan River under licence from the EPA. 1.1.2 Cowra Water Treatment Plant Cowra’s water treatment plant (WTP) was constructed in the 1930s and has been upgraded in 1959 and 1985. Another upgrade is currently being undertaken (2012-2013). The plant operates on a conventional treatment process and has a theoretical capacity of 32 ML per day although in recent years, the peak production has been approximately 23 ML per day. Backwash from this plant is discharged to the Lachlan River under licence from the EPA. 1.2 Cowra Saleyards Cowra Saleyards is located on the Young Road and operates as a livestock selling centre. There are two sales per week, with a cattle sale held every Monday and a sheep sale every Friday. 1.3 PIRMP Purpose The licensed properties operate under the following Environment Protection Licences (EPL): EPL 1572 Cowra Water Treatment Plant EPL 3648 Cowra Sewage Treatment Plant EPL 11336 Cowra Saleyards. These EPLs are issued under Section 55 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH). The EPLs contain requirements to report pollution incidents as outlined in condition R2: Note: The licensee or its employees must notify the EPA of incidents causing or threatening material harm to the environment immediately after the person becomes aware of the incident in accordance with the requirements of Part 5.7 of the Act. R2.1 Notifications must be made by telephoning the Environment Line service on 131 555. R2.2 The licensee must provide written details of the notification to the EPA within seven days of the date on which the incident occurred. The introduction of the Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act) in February 2012 requires that holders of EPLs maintain a Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP). The PIRMP is held by the Technical Services section and is applicable to the Council water supply, sewerage and saleyard operations. Council maintain a separate PIRMP for landfill operations. 3|P a g e 2. Pollution Incident Response Planning 2.1 Risk Assessment The main hazards which were identified for the licensed facilities are detailed in Table 1 along with control measures to minimise the occurrence and consequences (people and environment) of the identified risks. Table 1 Hazards Location Hazard Control Measure/s Consequence WTP Chemical spill to land Bund Training of WTP operators STP Insufficient sewage treatment – overflow of STP New STP with storage designed to manage inflows up to a 1 in 100 year rainfall event. Any overflow throughout the plant is pumped back to the beginning of the treatment process. Lagoon height logged weekly to maintain freeboard. STP connected to SCADA with alarms to STP Manager. Training of STP operators Offsite soil contamination Potential exposure of community to water treatment chemicals Pollution of downstream waterbody Saleyards Fuel spill to land (truck fuel tank) Designated traffic control/routes Effluent dam overflow Effluent irrigation across site. Mechanical screening of contaminants Wetland filtration for nutrient removal 4|P a g e Likelihood of material harm Moderate Escalating Factors Low Nil Localised soil contamination Low Localised soil contamination Low Increased traffic flow through saleyards. Poor vehicle maintenance. Failure to follow designated routes. High rainfall High stock throughput Failure of bund 2.2 Potential Pollutants and Safety Equipment Details of potential pollutants and safety equipment are provided in Table 2. Table 2 Inventory of Pollutants and Safety Equipment Potential Pollutant Location Polyaluminium Chloride Caustic Soda (NaOH) Chlorine gas (Cl2) Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) Sodium Fluoride (Na2SiF6) Sodium hypochlorite solution Calcium hypochlorite tablets Caustic Alum Sewage WTP STP 1,000 L 23,000 L 2 ML/day Roundup Saleyards 2L 2.3 Maximum Quantity 60 kL 60 kL 2910 kg 500 kg Safety Equipment & Devices Glasses, safety boots and high vis vests Goggles and gloves Respirators Alarms Fire fighting equipment Glasses, safety boots and high vis vests Goggles and gloves Respirators PPE as per MSDS SCADA SCADA 1000 kg 50 kg 1000 kg Nil Maps Pollution incident response maps have been prepared to facilitate planning for incident response and provide readily accessible and accurate information to support the assessment of an incident and assist in the implementation of incident response procedures and clean up. The following maps are provided in Appendix A: Cowra Locality Map Features Map – WTP Features Map – Saleyards Features Map – STP 5|P a g e 2.4 Notifiable Incidents 2.4.1 POEO Act Definitions A pollution incident is defined by the POEO Act as: an incident or set of circumstances during or as a consequence of which there is or is likely to be a leak, spill or other escape or deposit of a substance, as a result of which pollution has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur. It includes an incident or set of circumstances in which a substance has been placed or disposed of on premises, but it does not include an incident or set of circumstances involving only the emission of any noise. Material harm is defined by the POEO Act as: (1) For the purposes of this Part: (a) harm to the environment is material if: (i) it involves actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings or to ecosystems that is not trivial, or (ii) it results in actual or potential loss or property damage of an amount, or amounts in aggregate, exceeding $10,000 (or such other amount as is prescribed by the regulations), and (b) loss includes the reasonable costs and expenses that would be incurred in taking all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent, mitigate or make good harm to the environment. (2) For the purposes of this Part, it does not matter that harm to the environment is caused only in the premises where the pollution incident occurs. 6|P a g e 3. Incident Response 3.1 Immediate Notification Incident 3.1.1 Incident Response and Notification As per the definition of an immediate notification incident in section 2.4.1 and resulting from the risk assessment in Table 1, Council have identified the following incident related to their water, sewer and saleyard operations that requires immediate notification: Offsite spill of chemicals from the WTP. Council’s procedures for responding to an immediate notification incident are outlined in 7|P a g e Figure 1 Incident Response Flowchart – WTP Incident Occurs Customer call to Council WTP Staff identify incident Water & Wastewater Engineer Notified WTP Staff assess severity WTP Staff to take necessary action to eliminate infiltration of stormwater system WTP Staff hand over cleanup to Cowra RFS and assist as required Inform customer that job completed Notify Water & Wastewater Engineer of completion of job 8|P a g e Water & Wastewater Engineer to conduct notifications as per section 3.1.2 Table 2 Incident Contact Details – Council – STP Incident Occurs Customer call to Council STP Staff identify incident Water & Wastewater Engineer Notified STP Staff assess severity STP Staff to take necessary action to eliminate infiltration of stormwater system STP Staff hand over cleanup to Cowra RFS and assist as required Inform customer that job completed Notify Water & Wastewater Engineer of completion of job 9|P a g e Water & Wastewater Engineer to conduct notifications as per section 3.1.2 Table 3 Incident Contact Details – Council – Saleyards Incident Occurs Customer call to Council Saleyard Staff identify incident Manager Cowra Services Notified Saleyard Staff assess severity Saleyard Staff sandbag stormwater drains Saleyard Staff hand over cleanup to Cowra RFS and assist as required Inform customer that job completed Notify Manager of Cowra Services of completion of job 10 | P a g e Manager Cowra Services to conduct notifications as per section 3.1.2 Name Peter Ford Role Water and Wastewater Engineer Ken Keliher WTP Supervisor Paul Gregg STP Supervisor Chris Cannard Manager – Cowra Services Bob Bowd Saleyard Supervisor Paul Devery General Manager Council Emergency contact number After hours emergency contact Table 4 Incident Contact Details – External Organisation Emergency Services EPA Bathurst Regional Office NSW Ministry of Health On Call Public Health Officer Bathurst Regional Office Workcover Fire & Rescue NSW Cowra Rural Fire Service 3.1.2 Contact Number 6340 2104 0428 863 084 6340 2170 0428 422 409 6340 2160 0428 674 238 6340 2088 0428 636 663 6342 2654 6340 2013 6340 2000 0419 219 231 Contact Number 000 131 555 6332 1838 0428 400 526 6339 5601 13 10 50 1300 729 579 6363 6666 Responsibilities In the event of an immediate notification incident responsibilities for incident management are as follows: On Call WTP Officer is responsible for actioning response to the incident. Water & Wastewater Engineer is responsible for notifying external authorities, potentially affected community and ensuring adequate resources are available for incident response. General Manager is responsible for liaising with the media. The Water & Wastewater Engineer shall determine the most appropriate means of contacting potentially affected community including: Door knocking Letterbox drops Phone Local media Signage. 11 | P a g e Information provided to the community would depend on the incident but could include: Description of the incident Status of incident Response actions Actions to minimise harm Likely duration. As per the EPLs, the licensee must provide written details of the notification to the EPA within seven days of the date on which the incident occurred. 3.1.3 Notification of External Authorities EPL 3648 requires details of sewage incidents be recorded. Where sewage or partially treated sewage is discharged from the premises as a result of a bypass of the sewage treatment plant, or an observed or reported overflow has occurred from the reticulation system, and overflow or a bypass may pose a risk to public health, the licensee is to promptly give appropriate notification to any parties that are likely to be affected, including: the potentially affected community the Department of Health other parties as appropriate. When the licensee notifies the Department of Health or Safe Food NSW Shellfish Quality Assurance Program of a bypass or overflow incident, the licensee must also notify the EPA. Notifications are to be given as soon as practicable after the licensee or one of the licensee’s employees or agents becomes aware of the incident, and must include all relevant information including the information required under the EPL. 12 | P a g e 4. Training & Review 4.1 Training Personnel involved in water, sewer and saleyard operations undertake a range of training to assist in the response to potential incidents and to test the adequacy of incident response procedures and plans. Details of the training and testing of the PIRMP is provided in Table 5. Table 5 Incident Response Training Type of Training NSW Office of Water Part 1 – Chemical Dosing Systems NSW Office of Water Part 2 – Water Treatment Operations NSW Officer of Water Part 1 – Waste Water Treatment Operations NSW Officer of Water Part 2 – Advanced Treatment Water quality analysis Confined space Toolbox meetings Overflow clean up Site induction Emergency simulation Incident debrief 4.2 Personnel Involved WTP Operators Frequency Once Records Human Resources WTP Operators Once Human Resources STP Operators Once Human Resources STP Operators Once Human Resources WTP and STP Operators WTP, STP and Reticulation Operators Site staff All Sewer staff New staff On-the-job NOW training As required by training provider Weekly On-the-job Once All Water/ Sewer staff Personnel involved in incident Independent chair Annual Within one month of an incident Human Resources Human Resources Minutes Nil Records Department Minutes Minutes PIRMP Review The PIRMP will be reviewed when there is a material change to operations including but not limited to: Modification of EPL 3648, 1572 or 11336 Changes in standard operating procedures referred to in this PIRMP Change in legislative requirements Recommendations arising from an incident debrief, emergency drill or emergency simulation exercise. The responsibility for reviewing the PIRMP is the Manager Technical Services. An update of the PIRMP would trigger all staff to undergo refresher training as part of the team toolbox meetings as per Table 5. 13 | P a g e Appendices GHD | Report for Cowra Shire Council - Pollution Incident Response Management Plan, 21/21831 Appendix A – Maps 15 | P a g e 16 | P a g e GHD 72 McNamara St, Orange, NSW 2800 PO BOX 950, Orange, NSW 2800 T: (02) 6393 6400 F: (02) 6393 6401 E: oagmail@ghd.com © GHD 2013 This document is and shall remain the property of GHD. The document may only be used for the purpose for which it was commissioned and in accordance with the Terms of Engagement for the commission. Unauthorised use of this document in any form whatsoever is prohibited. G:\21\21831\WP\8208.docx Document Status Rev No. Author Reviewer Name 0 D. Scott 1 D. Scott Approved for Issue Name Signature Date G. Metcalfe G. Metcalfe 16/01/2013 G. Metcalfe G. Metcalfe 27/03/2013 Signature www.ghd.com