Vitae - Western Illinois University

119 South Randolph
Macomb, IL 61455
(309) 298-1897 (work)
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
Ph. D. Degree in School Psychology. May, 1986
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. June, 1979 Graduated Magna Cum Laude
University Teaching
Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL. 8/94 – Present
Psychology 221 Psychology of Child Development
Psychology 425 Psychology of Exceptional Children
Psychology 442 Principles of Behavior Modification
Psychology 543 Practicum III: Counseling and Assessment
Psychology 544 Practicum IV:
Psychology 581 Individual Psychological Evaluation: Intellectual Assessment
Psychology 590 Introduction to School Psychology
Psychology 591 Behavioral Consultation
School Psychologist
LaHarpe Public Schools, LaHarpe IL (8/2001-present)
District #742 Community Schools, St. Cloud, Minnesota. 10/83 - 6/94
Publications/Scholarly/Creative Activities
Bevan, K., Wise, P.S., & Kelly, R. (1996, October). Requirements for
admission to school psychology doctoral programs. NASP
Communique , 25 (#2).
Cunningham, L. & Kelly, R.M. (1998). Assistive technology: A handout for
teachers. In A. S. Canter & S. A. Carroll (Eds.), Helping children at home
and school: Handouts from your school psychologist. (pp. 535-537).
Bethesda, MD: The National Association of School Psychologists.
Cunningham, L. & Kelly, R.M. (1997, October). Assistive technology: A handout
for teachers. NASP Communique, 26.
Feldmann, G. M., Kelly, R. M., & Diehl, V. A. (2004) An interpretative analysis
of five commonly used processing speed measures. Journal of
Psychoeducational Assessment, 22, 151-163.
Kelly, R.M. (1999, March). Assessment technology I: Data gathering. NASP
Communique, 27.
Kelly, R.M., Wise, P.S., Cruise, T.K., & Swerdlik, M. (2002, Winter) A statewide collaborative approach to intern supervision, Trainer’s forum, 22.
Kelly, R.M. & Cunningham, L. (2004). Assistive technology for students with
disabilities: A guide for parents and educators. In A. S. Canter, L.Z.
Paige, M. K. Roth, I. Romero, & S. A. Carroll (Eds.), Helping children at
home and school-2: Handouts from your school psychologist. (pp
Section 8, 48-52). Bethesda, MD: The National Association of School
Kelly, R.M. & Cunningham, L. (2010). Assistive technology for students with
disabilities: A guide for parents and educators. In A. S. Canter, L.Z.
Paige, & S. Shaw (Eds.), Helping children at home and school-III:
Handouts for parents and educators. (pp Section 8, Handout 8).
Bethesda, MD: The National Association of School Psychologists.
Paoni, M., Wise, P.S., & Kelly, R. (1996, December). Classroom aide-teacher
relationship. NASP Communique, 25.
Sotozaki, H. & Kelly, R. M. (2010). Phonological processing in a logographic
language: A case study of slow reader in Japanese. The International
Journal of Arts and Sciences. 14, 414-427, ISSN: 1944-6934
Kelly, R.M. (2005, Fall). Illinois Fall 2005 Annual intern/intern supervisor
workshop. School Psychology Illinois, 27 (1), 29-30.
Wise, P. S.; Cruise. T.K. & Kelly, R.M. (Spring 2000). Technology needs of rural
school psychologists. (Rural research report, volume 11, issue 5).
Macomb IL: Western Illinois University, Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs.
Conference Presentations
Berjohn, M. K.; Cruise, T.; Kelly, R.; Metzler, N.; Sanna, B.; Sibley, D.; Swerdlik, M.;
Wheaton, J.; Williams, L. & Wise, P. (2002, January). The school psychology
internship: Getting off to a good start. Workshop presented at Illinois School
Psychologists Association Annual Meeting, Springfield, IL
Conlon, R.; Conlon, C.; Estes, D.; & Kelly, R.M. (1981, April). Behavioral intervention:
A step-by-step approach Paper presented at National Association of School
Psychologists National Convention in Houston, TX.
Cruise, T.K. & Kelly, R.M. (2005, March). The “IT” factor of school psychologists
versus other school personnel. Poster presented at National Association of
School Psychologists National Convention in Atlanta, GA.
Cruise, T.K. & Kelly, R.M. (2004, April). What does “IT” take to be a good school
psychologist?. Paper presented at National Association of School
Psychologists National Convention in Dallas, TX.
Cruise, T.; Kelly, R.; Wise, P.; Berjohn, M.K.; Sanna, B; Sibley, D.; Swerdlik, M.; &
Wheaton, J. (2001, March). Intern supervision: Development of entry-level
skills on how to provide constructive feedback to interns. Workshop
presented at Illinois School Psychologists Association Annual Meeting in
Arlington Heights, IL.
Cruise, T.; Wise, P.; Kelly, Swerdlik, M., Sibley, D., & Ward, M. (2003, April).
Internship supervision: Providing constructive feedback. Paper presented at
National Association of School Psychologists annual meeting, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.
Hull, G. Kelly, R.M. & Reyes-Fry (2003, April). DIBELS: Utilizing early literacy
identification & instruction with kindergarten students. Paper presented at
National Association of School Psychologists annual meeting, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.
Kelly, R. M. (2000, July). Incidence of bullying and preliminary school-based
intervention plans. Poster presentation for annual meeting of International
Association of School Psychologists, Durham, NH, USA.
Kelly, R. M. (1985, April) Observation stability from handicapped preschool to
mainstream kindergarten. Paper presented at National Association of School
Psychologists National Convention in Las Vegas, NV .
Kelly, R.M.; Andersen, B.; Bleuer, J.; Crooks, S.; Semplowski, A.; Skarren, L.;
Urbonas, Catherine; White, B. & Winters, K. (2009, January). Response to
Intervention: Blueprints for Implementation. Paper presented at the meeting
of the Illinois School Psychologist Annual Convention in Springfield, IL.
Kelly, R.M.; Bangert, B.; Casey, S.; Connolly, A.; Efflandt, M.; Erickson, W.;
Garlisch, M.; Peak, R.; Rogers, E.; Wooley, E. Woolard, M. & Wise, P. S.
(2007, February). Tier 2 Interventions: Examples of scientifically based
programs. Paper presented at the meeting of the Illinois School Psychologist
Annual Convention in Springfield, IL.
Kelly, R.M.; Cruise, T.K. & Hull, G.L. (2005, March). Achieving better outcomes for
children: involving parents in team meetings. Mini-skills workshop presented
at National Association of School Psychologists National Convention in Atlanta,
Kelly, R.M.; Cruise, T. K. & Hull, G.L. (2006, February). Team members’ perceptions
of special education eligibility team meetings. Paper presented at the meeting
of the Illinois School Psychologists Association Annual Convention in St.
Charles, IL.
Kelly, R.M., Cunningham, L., Hull, G. Smith, N., & Holck, D. (2000, March).
Bullying/Violence: How to assess & create safe schools. Paper presented at
National Association of School Psychologists annual meeting, New Orleans,
Kelly, R.M. & Forstner, D. (1993, August) Site based management: Local school's
democratic decision making. Paper presented at XVI International School
Psychology Colloquium in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia.
Kelly, R.M. & Forstner, D. (1992, March). Implementing successful multi-level family
and school partnerships. Paper presented at National Association of School
Psychologists National Convention in Nashville, TN.
Kelly, R.M. & Hull, G. L, (2008, February). Specific Learning Disabilities Case Studies: RTI
and Cognitive Assessment. Paper presented at the meeting of the National
Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Kelly, R. M. & Hull, G. (2003, April). Evaluating bullying interventions: Enhancing
outcomes for all children. Poster presented at National Association of School
Psychologists National Convention in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Kelly, R.M.; Hull, G.L.; & Cruise, T.K. (2004, April). Special education team meetings
matter: Parent involvement. Paper presented at National Association of
School Psychologists National Convention in Dallas, TX.
Kelly, R.M.; Hull, G.L.; Gradert, G.; & Morley, M. (2009 February). High School
Response to Intervention: Practical Application. Paper presented at National
Association of School Psychologists National Convention in Boston, MA.
Kelly, R.M.; Hull, G. & Holck, D. (2001, April). Risk prevention for bullying:
Interventions and evaluations. Paper presentation at National Association of
School Psychologists Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
Kelly, R. M.; Hull, G.; Urban, N. & Obalil, K. (2002, February). Bullying: An
interdisciplinary team approach to serve all children. Paper presentation at
National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention in Chicago
Kelly, R.M.; Knight T. A. & Scott, N. (2006, February). Supervision Ethics Part I:
Categorizing ethical dilemmas. Paper presented at the meeting of the Illinois
School Psychologists Annual Convention in St. Charles, IL .
Kelly, R.M.; Knight T. A. & Scott, N. (2006, February). Supervision Ethics Part II:
Application of ethical dilemmas. Paper presented at the meeting of the Illinois
School Psychologists Annual Convention in St. Charles, IL.
Kelly, R.M.; Knight, T. & Scott, N. (2007, March). Responsiveness to ethical
dilemmas: An intern’s and supervisor’s decision tree. Paper presented at the
meeting of the National Association of School Psychologist Annual
Convention in New York, NY.
Kelly, R.M. & Martinelli-Fernandez, S. (2008). Character Education in Public
Schools: A Philosophy of Learning, Principles, and Caring. Paper presented
at the 9th Annual International Conference on Ethics Across the Curriculum,
Dublin, Ireland.
Kelly, R.M. & Sotozaki, H. (2010, July). Cross Linguistic Comparisons to better
teach reading in English and Japanese. Poster presented at the 32nd Annual
Conference for International School Psychology Association, Dublin, Ireland.
Kelly, R. M. & Smith, N. (1999, April). Report writing and computers: consumer
reports. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of School
Psychologists, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Kelly, R.M.; Waner, K.R.; & Hull, G.L. (2010, March). Reading recovery: Can school
psychologists contribute? Poster presented at the meeting of the National
Association of School Psychologists National Convention, Chicago, IL .
Kelly, R.M.; Wise, P.S.; Baker, L.M.; Bolinger, J.M.; Born, E. D.; Clark, M.L.; Del Re,
C.M.; Goodner, S.J. ; Lazzara, A. J., Pachla, A.J.; Petitgout, S. N. and Wade,
J. F. (2008, February). Scientifically Based Reading Programs for Tier 1 and
2 Interventions. Paper presented at the meeting of the Illinois School
Psychologists Association Annual Convention, Springfield, IL.
Papini, D.R. & Kelly, R.M. (1999, April). Gender differences in early adolescent
adjustment to school transition. Poster presented at the meeting of the
Southwestern Psychological Association, Albuquerque, NM.
Swerdlik, M.E., Kelly, R., Cruise, T. Wise, P., Sanna, B; & Sibley, D. (2002,
February). Increasing the effectiveness of internship supervision: A
collaborative continuing professional development effort between a state
association and university training programs. Paper presented at the annual
conference of the Trainers of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.
Wise, P.S.; Cruise, T. K. & Kelly, R.M. (2001, April). Using technology to enhance rural
service delivery. Poster presentation at National Association of School
Psychologists Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
Wise, P.S. & Kelly, R. M. (1999, April). Evaluating our alumni: how to collect
program data and have fun in the process. Poster presented at the meeting
of the National Association of School Psychologists, Las Vegas, NV.
Current Professional and Academic Service
NCATE Program Reviewer for School Psychology Programs (NASP)
Review applicants for National Certification in School Psychology through NASP
 Regional
Co-chair and coordinate Intern Supervision Workshop held at Illinois State University
in September each year
 University
University Teacher Education Council, Member
 Department
Curriculum committee
 Community
WeeCare Board Member
Grants and Special Awards
Kelly, R.M. & Papini, D.R. Attachment and learning during the transition to junior high
school: risk and resiliency Grant received from Western Illinois University
Research Council ($2970), November, 1995.
Kelly, R.M. & Wise, P.S. Seeking national accreditation for and improvement of the school
psychology specialist degree program through evaluation. Grant received from
Western Illinois Faculty Development Office ($500), May, 1995.
Professional Memberships/Affiliations
Illinois School Psychology Association
International School Psychology Association
National School Psychology Association