Classroom Procedures For Mrs. Smith`s Classes

Classroom Procedures For Mrs. Smith’s Classes
Please contact me at or by calling the school at 937-748-3950.
Entering the Classroom/Materials
a. Date your homework and place homework in appropriate homework tray as you enter
b. Sit in your assigned seat and keep walkways clear.
c. Read the white board and begin the Bell Ringer and/or instructions from the power point.
d. Students are required to bring their textbook, notebook, pen/pencil, calculator and homework to class every day
even if you don’t use it every day. You may also bring your laptop/ipad to class to be used on classroom materials.
a. It is the students’ responsibility to get any missed work upon your return (found on the side of the room).
b. Students must use their Hall Pass to use rest room – 3 per quarter. Turn them in unused at the end of the quarter
for extra credit points – 3 = 15, 2 – 10, 1 = 5 extra credit points.
c. One student at a time may use the restroom, not during the middle of class.
d. UNEXECUSED Absence = cannot make up work.
e. Assignments, Lecture notes and Homework Schedules may be posted on my web page. You can access these files
24/7 via the internet.
Homework and Homework Schedules
a. Each week you will get a tentative syllabus with the homework assignments.
b. Homework is to be completed BEFORE the beginning of class.
c. Date and turn in homework to the Homework Tray at the Start of class unless told to do otherwise.
d. Papers with no names or that are not dated will be returned. After 2 warnings you will have 10 points deducted
from the grade!
e. You must show all of your homework (which makes it easier to find any mistakes!)
f. Homework will be checked for completion and/or accuracy.
g. You may turn in assignments 1 – 5 days late for half credit, zero credit after that.
a. A day for review will be utilized before each test – If you are absent on this day, you are still responsible for taking
the test on the scheduled day!
b. It is your responsibility to schedule a time to make up any missed quizzes or tests.
Working in Lab Groups
a. You will be assigned to a lab group for each activity.
b. Do not switch lab groups or “float” between lab groups. “Floating” will result in a zero for the lab.
c. All members of the group are to participate and are to complete their own work.
d. DO NOT allow a partner to copy your work if they have not actively participated in the lab.
e. Horseplay or other safety violations will result in removal from the lab and a zero for the lab/work.
a. Every student is capable of choosing appropriate behavior that will maximize his/her opportunity to learn and no
student has the right to disrupt my teaching or other students’ learning.
b. Any issues with classroom behavior will be handled with one or more of the following:
Before/after school detention
Parent contact/meeting
Referral to the office
c. Substitute, Visiting Teachers, Other Faculty or Staff Members – Being written up or otherwise disciplined for ANY
reason by a substitute or visitor to the classroom will result in a 30 minute teacher detention.
General Classroom Rules
1. Follow all classroom procedures. Follow all SHS rules and regulations explained in your student handbook.
2. Be respectful of school property.
3. Be kind to each other!
4. Bring your curiosity and desire to learn.
Grades for Science 2014 – 2015
Bell Ringers
a. You may be required to complete a science questions (date, question, and answer) that are called "Bell
b. Approximately 3 - 5 minutes after class starts, I will randomly call on 1 or more students to answer the bell
ringer question.
c. Giving a correct answer will earn you a Bell Ringer Ticket.
d. 5 tickets can be redeemed for 5 bonus points; 10 tickets can be redeemed for a Free Late Homework Pass or 10
bonus points. These are to be turned in at the end of the quarter only.
e. “I don’t know” answers are not acceptable.
f. On days when the Bell Ringer is an instruction for you to complete; please continue to write any homework
assignments or due dates in your agenda but you are not required to write it on the Bell Ringer form.
g. Points will be deducted from your Notebook Grade for each question not answered correctly, missing
questions, and non-dated bell ringers.
Tests – Tests will be given at the end of each chapter or unit covered in class.
i. Points = 100 each
a. The notebook should be a 2 inch three ring binder with the following tabs marked clearly:
i. First Day Papers: Classroom Procedures, Grades for Math and Science (this sheet), Hall Passes, Class
Supplies Sheet, Gradesheets, Laboratory Procedures, Bell Ringers, Reference Sheets, Misc Papers that
don’t fit anywhere else, etc.
ii. Tab 1: 1st Quarter work
iii. Tab 2: 2nd Quarter work
iv. Tab 3: 3rd Quarter work
v. Tab 4: 4th Quarter work
vi. Other criteria: All work from previous quarters is in rings and in order
vii. Other criteria: Neatness, In order, On Time, Hole punched papers/in rings.
b. Points will be deducted for notebooks that are missing assignments, missing dividers, notes that are not
complete, or non-holed punched papers.
c. Notebooks are graded as a continuing project and are your responsibility: notebooks that are lost, stolen, or
otherwise damaged will receive zeros for missing papers, etc.
d. Notebook Order Sheets will be given 1 week prior to the notebook due date and must be placed in the front of
the notebook with your name on it. This is what I use to give you your grade!
i. Points = 200 per quarter
Homework and In Class Assignments
a. Homework will be worth points depending on difficulty and length.
b. Homework due dates will be posted on the Homework Schedule every Monday.
c. You must date all papers when turning them in for credit. Papers that are not dated will have 5 points deducted
from the total score.
i. Points = 20 - 75 each
Laboratory Activities
a. For most lab activities, you will have a worksheet or lab write up to complete that states what you have learned
from the lab. For most labs, you will also be graded on participation and accuracy of procedures
i. Points = 25 - 75 each
Quarterly Projects
a. You will complete Quarterly Projects during the year.
i. Points = 100 each