Plant and Animal Cell Model Grading Rubric

Plant and Animal Cell Models
Names: ______________________________________________________________________________
Animal Cell Model
Animal Cell Key
Plant Cell Model
Plant Cell Key
3-D model that does
not exceed maximum
dimensions. Model
includes all required
organelles and they
are very clearly
identified. Organelles
are very detailed and
the design of the
model is innovative.
3-D model that does
not exceed maximum
dimensions. Model
includes all required
organelles but they are
not all clearly
identified. Organelles
are detailed and the
design of the model is
neat and attractive.
3-D model with one
dimension that
exceeds the maximum
dimension. Model
includes most of the
required organelles but
it is difficult to identify
them. Organelles lack
some details but the
model could have been
refined for a more
attractive product.
Includes all required
organelles and they
are very easy to
identify in the model.
The organelles'
function is thoroughly
described. Shows a lot
of thought and
attention to detail.
There are no spelling
3-D model that does
not exceed maximum
dimensions. Model
includes all required
organelles and they
are very clearly
identified. Organelles
are very detailed and
the design of the
model is innovative.
Includes all required
organelles but they are
not very easy to
identify in the model.
The organelles'
function is adequately
described. Shows
some thought and
attention to detail. 1-2
spelling errors.
Includes most of the
required organelles but
they are not very easy
to identify in the model.
The organelles'
function is partially
described. Shows
some thought but not a
lot of attention to detail.
3-4 spelling errors.
3-D model that does
not exceed maximum
dimensions. Model
includes all required
organelles but they are
not all clearly
identified. Organelles
are detailed and the
design of the model is
neat and attractive.
3-D model with one
dimension that
exceeds the maximum
dimension. Model
includes most of the
required organelles but
it is difficult to identify
them. Organelles lack
some details but the
model could have been
refined for a more
attractive product.
Includes all required
organelles and they
are very easy to
identify in the model.
The organelles'
function is thoroughly
described. Shows a lot
of thought and
attention to detail.
There are no spelling
Includes all required
organelles but they are
not very easy to
identify in the model.
The organelles'
function is adequately
described. Shows
some thought and
attention to detail. 1-2
spelling errors.
Includes most of the
required organelles but
they are not very easy
to identify in the model.
The organelles'
function is partially
described. Shows
some thought but not a
lot of attention to detail.
3-4 spelling errors.
3-D model with more
than one dimension
that exceeds the
maximum dimension.
Model includes some
of the required
organelles and it is
difficult to identify
them. Organelles lack
some details but the
construction of the
model appears
careless or haphazard.
Includes some of the
required organelles but
they are not very easy
to identify in the model.
The organelles'
functions are not
adequately described.
Shows little thought or
attention to detail.
More than 4 spelling
3-D model with more
than one dimension
that exceeds the
maximum dimension.
Model includes some
of the required
organelles and it is
difficult to identify
them. Organelles lack
some details but the
construction of the
model appears
careless or haphazard.
Includes some of the
required organelles but
they are not very easy
to identify in the model.
The organelles'
functions are not
adequately described.
Shows little thought or
attention to detail.
More than 4 spelling
Project Grade