Grammar Test Review: Verbs

Ms. Kelly / Language Arts 8
Grammar Test Review
Unit 2: Verbs
*Finish this test review by Weds, 12/16. Come to class with questions. Test on Tues,
12/22. This test review will be collected on Tues, 12/22 for a minor assessment grade.*
Define each term (*on the actual test, this section will be matching)
1. Action Verb:
2. Direct Object:
3. Indirect Object:
4. Linking Verb:
5. Predicate Noun:
6. Predicate Adjective:
7. Helping Verb:
8. Present Tense:
9. Past Tense:
10. Progressive Tense:
11. Perfect Tense:
Ms. Kelly / Language Arts 8
12. Future Tense:
13. Active Voice:
14. Passive Voice:
15. Irregular Verb:
*On the actual test, you will not have to come up with these sentences yourself.
16. Write a sentence that includes an action verb (in any tense). Underline the action
17. Write a sentence that includes a direct object (NO indirect object). Underline the
direct object.
18. Write a sentence that includes both a direct object and an indirect object.
Underline the direct object and circle the indirect object.
19. Write a sentence that includes a linking verb and links the subject to a predicate
noun. Underline the linking verb and circle the predicate noun.
20. Write a sentence that includes a linking verb and links the subject to a predicate
adjective. Underline the linking verb and circle the predicate adjective.
21. Write a sentence that includes a helping verb. Underline the helping verb.
22. This sentence is written in past tense. Re-write the sentence so that the verb
“cooked” is in present tense: Last Wednesday, I cooked dinner for my parents.
Ms. Kelly / Language Arts 8
23. This sentence is written in present tense. Re-write the sentence so that the verb
“complete” is in past tense: Every night, I complete my homework.
24. Re-write the sentence “I play guitar” three times, conjugating the verb “play.”
Past Progressive Tense:
Present Progressive Tense:
Future Progressive Tense:
25. What meaning does the progressive tense communicate? How is it different than
regular past/present/future tense?
26. Re-write the sentence “I finish the essay” three times, conjugating the verb
Past Perfect Tense:
Present Perfect Tense:
Future Perfect Tense:
27. What meaning does the perfect tense communicate? How is it different than
regular past/present/future tense?
28. This sentence is written in present tense. Re-write the sentence so that the verb
“climb” is in future tense: Every weekend, I climb the rock wall.
Ms. Kelly / Language Arts 8
29. This sentence is written in passive voice. Re-write the sentence in active voice:
The dog was fed by Sally.
30. This sentence is written in active voice. Re-write the sentence in passive voice:
My dad fixed the car.
Conjugate the following irregular verbs. Each verb is listed in the present tense. Rewrite it in the past tense and the past perfect tense.
31. Today I swim.
Yesterday I…
I had…
32. Today I catch.
Yesterday I…
I had…
33. Today I run.
Yesterday I…
I had…
34. Today I grow.
Yesterday I…
I had…
35. Today I give.
Yesterday I…
I had…
36. Today I wear.
Yesterday I…
I have…
37. Today I cut.
Yesterday I…
I had…