Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan Unit Title: Subject: Dates: Grade: Teacher: Unit 2 ELA Sept. 17-21 2 Cheryl Week 1 ”Animal Thompson & Classification” Kela Wright Day One Learning Targets: RFS2.3b I can find some spelling sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams. RW 2.2 I can recognize an informative text that introduces the topic, uses facts, definitions, and has a conclusion. RW2.7 I can use sources and tools to research a topic. RW2.7 I can organize important information about a topic. Day One Activities: Spelling: Day One Formative Assessments: * Animals of the world Promethean * “Animals of the World” Sing, Spell, Read, and Flipchart Promethean Flipchart on R:// *Research graphic organizer Write Phonics Packet drive * Sing, Spell, Read and Write Introduce & Chant * Read, “Reptiles” by: Melvin Phonics Packet Spelling and Words of and Gilda Berger Day One Summative Assessments: the week *Discuss informative ABC order text/passage features Day One HOT Questions: * Assign student to a specific Q: How are reptiles and amphibians animal for researching different? * Discuss and model strategies and how to use sources (internet, books) to research using graphic organizer about “reptiles” * Provide graphic organizer, for children to research their animal class 2012-2013 Page 1 of 4 Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan Day Two Learning Targets: RFS2.3b I can find some spelling sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams. RW 2.2 I can recognize an informative text that introduces the topic, uses facts, definitions, and has a conclusion. RW2.7 I can organize important information about a topic. RW2.2 I can write an informative text that introduces the topic, uses definitions, and has a conclusion. RIF2.5 I can use a variety of text features to locate key facts or important information quickly. Day Two Activities: *Guess the Covered Word * Read, “What’s it Like to Be a Fish?” * Model (using the graphic organizer from yesterday) how to use information gathered to write about animal class *Model how to use text features to find important info *Students will write about their animal class using the info they gathered from graphic organizer Spelling: Sing, Spell, Read, and Write Phonics Packet Write each spelling word horizontally and vertically, sharing the same beginning letter. Circle that beginning letter. Day Two Formative Assessments: *Guess the covered Word *Writing Piece * Sing, Spell, Read, and Write Phonics Packet *Spelling words Day Two Summative Assessments: Day Two HOT Questions: Q: Why do you think the author chose to write this story? Day Three Learning Targets: RFS2.3b I can find some spelling sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams. RW2.2 I can write an informative text that introduces the topic, uses definitions, and has a conclusion. RW 2.2 I can recognize an informative text that introduces the topic, uses facts, definitions, and has a conclusion. RW2.7 I can organize important information about a topic. RLA2.2e I can use materials such as dictionaries to check correct spelling. RLA2.4e I can determine the meaning of an unknown word by using glossaries and beginning dictionaries. Day Three Activities: Spelling: Day Three Formative Assessments: * Building Words *Making words w/ short vowel * Research Papers Sing, Spell, Read and and long vowel words *Observation of editing, revising, and Write Phonics Packet * Read, “Mammals” by: dictionary use Write each spelling Melvin and Gilda Berger *Rainbow spelling 2012-2013 Page 2 of 4 Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan aloud word. Write it again Day Three Summative Assessments: *Model how to use a using one color for all dictionary to check spelling of the consonants and Day Three HOT Questions: and finding the meaning of one color for all of the Q: What is your favorite mammal? words vowels. Why? *Allow time to finish and edit research papers about animal group * Provide dictionaries to correct spelling Day Four Learning Targets: RFS2.3b I can find some spelling sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams. RLA 2.2a I can identify collective nouns. RLA2.4e I can determine the meaning of an unknown word by using glossaries and beginning dictionaries. Day Four Activities: *Introduce Dictionary Center *Review collective nouns using collective Noun Worksheet *Collective Noun Class Book *Collective Nouns Match up whole Group-if the noun students walk around to find their partner that matches their card. 2012-2013 Spelling: Sing, Spell, Read and Write Phonics Packet Write each spelling word in a “beginning letter blitz.” Write each word over and over to form the shape of its beginning letter. Day Four Formative Assessments: * Collective Noun Worksheet * Collective Nouns Match up * Collective Noun Class Book *Beginning letter blitz spelling words Day Four Summative Assessments: Day Four HOT Questions: Q: Create a sentence using a collective noun. Page 3 of 4 Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan Day Five Learning Targets: RFS2.3b I can find some spelling sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams. RLA 2.2a I can identify collective nouns. RW 2.2 I can recognize an informative text that introduces the topic, uses facts, definitions, and has a conclusion. RLA2.4d I can use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict the meaning of compound words. Day Five Activities: Spelling: Day Five Formative Assessments: * Observation of Cherry Pie * Compound Words Lesson Packet Sing, “Compound Cherry Pie Day Five Summative Assessments: Word Boogie” Spelling Test ELA Spiral Lesson 5 (pg.28-31) Compound words Spelling Test ELA Spiral (passage Vocabulary Test features, compound words, collective Day Five HOT Questions: nouns, vowel teams) How are collective nouns and Vocabulary Test irregular plural nouns the same? (person,place, thing, animal=noun) 2012-2013 Page 4 of 4