20803820 English for Computer Science(专业英语) Final Project Deadline: June 23, 2015, Tuesday Objective: In this final project, you will show your comprehensive English skills, including reading, translation, writing, and oral skills. Assignment Overview: The project has three parts: 1) translation (15 points), 2) writing (15 points), 3) presentation (20 points). Overall, it accounts for 50% of your final score. Requirements: Translation: you need to translate a part of your chosen paper into Chinese. The parts to be translated are specified in the following table. You don’t have to translate any footnotes, figures, or tables. A B 1 2 C D E F All except Acknowledge ment and References I, II, IV, V Abstract, 1, 2, Discussio n and Conclusi ons Abstract, I, III, VI PP 76 – 79 (all) All except Acknowledge ment and References Abstract, Introductio n, Related Work, Conclusio n 3 4 PP D411 – D414 (from Abstract to Conclusio n) 5 Introducti on, Conclusio n 6 PP 1148 – 1152 (from Introducti on to Conclusio n) Abstract, Introduction, Concluding Remarks Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 (Introducti on, An Overview …) Abstract, Introductio n, Related Work, Conclusio ns PP 1 – 5 (from beginning to the part before “Security as an investment” Abstract, I, II, V All except Referenc es Abstract, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 Abstract, 1, 2, 3, 7 Abstract, Introducti on, Conclusio n G H All except References Abstra ct, 1, 2, 5 Abstract, 1, 2 Abstra ct, 1, 2, 6 PP 61 – 65 (from “With the proliferation …” to the part before References Abstra ct, 1, 2, 6 Abstract, Introductio n, Experience s, Related Work, Conclusio ns 7 Introducti on, Overview of the system, Related Work, Conclusio ns 8 Abstract, I, II, VI, VII Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion PP 308 – 311 (from beginning to the part before “Wellinformed” Abstract, 1, 2, 3, 7 Abstract, I, II, V All except Reference s All except Abstract, Acknowledgem ents, and References Abstra ct, 1, 6 Abstract, 1, 2, 8, 9 Abstra ct, I, II, VI Writing: Write a survey (400 – 500 words) about your chosen paper. It should include 3 parts: 1) summarizing the paper (in at most 100 words, do not copy whole paragraphs from the paper); 2) commenting on the main contributions or significance; 3) challenging the paper with at least 2 questions. Presentation: On June 23, each group makes a presentation for 10 minutes. Then I will ask 2 questions. The presentation should cover all the papers selected by your members and focus on only one topic. The questions can be answered by anyone in the group. What to Submit: Translation and Writing: Please pack your translation and writing (.doc, .docx, .pdf, or .rtf) files in one compressed file and send it to me (rxzhang@tongji.edu.cn). The file name is in the format of “<Your ID> <Your name> <Your chosen paper ID>”, for example, “011011 张三丰 E2”. Presentation: Each group submits one report that corresponds to your oral presentation. The file name is in the format of “<Group ID> <member IDs>”, for example, “A 011 021 031 041 051”. Late penalty is 15%/day and no later-than-7-day submission is accepted.