June 1, 2014 The Honorable _______________________________________________________________________ United States House of Representatives The Capitol Washington, DC RE: Food Aid Programs Dear Representative: As members of All Saints Church in Pasadena, CA, we take seriously our Baptismal Covenant in which we promise to “strive for justice and peace among all people”. Justice begins with having enough to eat and the absence of justice threatens the peace. Therefore, we strongly support food aid programs to assist hungry people in the world. Today I’m writing about U.S. food aid, a valuable federal program that addresses global hunger. Food aid feeds 50 million hungry people a year overseas, but much of the program is diverted to pay international shipping companies that run U.S. flags and claim to protect U.S. jobs. In reality, food aid accounts for a mere .15% of overall shipping loads, less than one-half of 1%. The Food for Peace program is supposed to provide food security in developing countries, not pay off shipping companies. Please support bipartisan efforts in Congress to reform U.S. food aid in ways that benefit hungry people. Senators Corker and Coons plan to introduce a reform bill soon and we hope to see a House companion bill shortly thereafter. Their proposed reforms include allowing USAID more flexibility to buy food near where it’s needed rather than ship it overseas. Local and Regional Purchase will mean getting food to hurricane victims up to 14 weeks more quickly and feeding millions more hungry people by not spending the budget on shipping. Buying food aid in the developing world also stimulates the agricultural economy in developing countries, which is the number one step we can take this year to address global hunger. Please co-sponsor this legislation to reform food aid when it is introduced in the House. God shows compassion for hungry people in the Bible. We can do our part by making these programs work better for hungry people today. Sincerely, Sign & Print Name __________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Comments: June 1, 2014 Senator Dianne Feinstein United States Senate The Capitol Washington, DC RE: Food Aid Programs Dear Senator Feinstein: As members of All Saints Church in Pasadena, CA, we take seriously our Baptismal Covenant in which we promise to “strive for justice and peace among all people”. Justice begins with having enough to eat and the absence of justice threatens the peace. Therefore, we strongly support food aid programs to assist hungry people in the world. Thank you for being an ongoing champion of poor and hungry people in the developing world. Today I’m writing about U.S. food aid, a valuable federal program that addresses global hunger. Food aid feeds 50 million hungry people a year overseas, but much of the program is diverted to pay international shipping companies that run U.S. flags and claim to protect U.S. jobs. In reality, food aid accounts for a mere .15% of overall shipping loads, less than one-half of 1%. The Food for Peace program is supposed to provide food security in developing countries, not pay off shipping companies. Please support bipartisan efforts in Congress to reform U.S. food aid in ways that benefit hungry people. Senators Corker and Coons plan to introduce a reform bill soon, and I urge you to co-sponsor it and champion it within the Senate. Their proposed reforms include allowing USAID more flexibility to buy food near where it’s needed rather than ship it overseas. Local and Regional Purchase will mean getting food to hurricane victims up to 14 weeks more quickly and feeding millions more hungry people by not spending the budget on shipping. Buying food aid in the developing world also stimulates the agricultural economy in developing countries, which is the number one step we can take this year to address global hunger. Please co-sponsor this legislation to reform food aid when it is introduced. God shows compassion for hungry people in the Bible. We can do our part by making these programs work better for hungry people today. Thank you, Sincerely, Sign & Print Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Comments: June 1, 2014 Senator Barbara Boxer United States Senate The Capitol Washington, DC RE: Food Aid Programs Dear Senator Boxer: As members of All Saints Church in Pasadena, CA, we take seriously our Baptismal Covenant in which we promise to “strive for justice and peace among all people”. Justice begins with having enough to eat and the absence of justice threatens the peace. Therefore, we strongly support food aid programs to assist hungry people in the world. Thank you for protecting the interests of poor and hungry people here in California as well as overseas. Today I’m writing about U.S. food aid, a valuable federal program that addresses global hunger. Food aid feeds 50 million hungry people a year overseas, but much of the program is diverted to pay international shipping companies that run U.S. flags and claim to protect U.S. jobs. In reality, food aid accounts for a mere .15% of overall shipping loads, less than one-half of 1%. The Food for Peace program is supposed to provide food security in developing countries, not pay off shipping companies. As a member of the Senate Commerce Committee, your advocacy on this issue is crucial. Please support bipartisan efforts in Congress to reform U.S. food aid in ways that benefit hungry people. Senators Corker and Coons plan to introduce a reform bill soon, and I urge you to co-sponsor it and champion it within the Senate. Their proposed reforms include allowing USAID more flexibility to buy food near where it’s needed rather than ship it overseas. Local and Regional Purchase will mean getting food to hurricane victims up to 14 weeks more quickly and feeding millions more hungry people by not spending the budget on shipping. Buying food aid in the developing world also stimulates the agricultural economy in developing countries, which is the number one step we can take this year to address global hunger. Please co-sponsor this legislation to reform food aid when it is introduced. God shows compassion for hungry people in the Bible. We can do our part by making these programs work better for hungry people today. Thank you, Sincerely, Sign & Print Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Comments: