
Film_Blue Gold
Blue Gold
1 – Why is Earth called the blue planet? _________________________________________________
2 – What is another name for the water cycle? the _______________________ cycle
3 – True or False?: There is an endless supply of water.
4 – What percentage of the Earth’s water is fresh? _____%
5 – How are we polluting water? (list 2) _____________________________________________________
6 – Where is the most polluted water in the US? _____________________________________________
7 – What precautionary measures do agents take in case they fall in the polluted water?
8 – True or False? Human remains flow through the water._____ _____________
9 – What happened to 60% of the wetlands in the world? _________________________________________
10 – What is an aquifer? ___________________________________________________________________
11 – What does desertification mean? ____________________________________________
12 – Why is erosion a problem? Because water cannot _______________________into the ground because Earth
is getting harder.
13 – What happens when water hits sidewalks and roofs (non permeable ground)?
14 – What do dams do? _________________________________________________________________
15 – Do you live in a water rich country? _____________________________________________
16 – What do you think a water cartel might do? _______________________________________________
17 – Who is Margaret Thatcher? ___________________________________________________________
18 – What is the significance of this number 7 000 000 000? _______________________________________
19 – What did the World Bank propose to do? ___________________________________________________
20 – What does WTO stand for? ________________________________________________________________
Film_Blue Gold
21 – What happened to the president of the farming industry in South Korea?
22 – True or False? Most of the water in France is privatized.
23 – It has been said that what major company owned Mexico? __________________________
24 – What do you require to desalinate water? ______________________________________
25 – True or False? Plastic bottles are taxed at a higher rate than glass bottles. ___________________
26 – What corporations are investing in water (list 2)
27 – What is desalinization? The removal of __________________ from water.
28 – True or False? The Great Lakes are targeted
29 – What is another name for Perrier? ________________________________________________________
30 – What is a SLAPP suit? __________________________________________________________________
31 – What is another name for ice mountain? _____________________________________________________
32 - What is Michigan telling the world? _______________________________________________________
33 – What happens if we massively remove water from an area? (list 3)
34 – Where does most of the apple juice in the US come from? __________________________________
35 – What is Kenya doing to get their way out of debt?
36 – What happened to the activist that attempted to save the Lake in Kenya?
37 – True or False? You can make it rain using dry ice?
38 – What might LA do to try to maintain their water demands? _______________________________
39 – What are many water wars presented to the rest of the world as?
40 – Where is the US military doing their training? Why do you think?
41 – Where is the largest aquifer in the world? _____________________________________________