Reflections on Standard IV With the creation of technology standards comes the question of technology assessment. How can we determine if the students have learned the technology component that should be met? Even in ideal situation where teachers are exposing and expecting students to use technology, there seems to be difficulty in obtaining quantitative results. “Although current technology literacy assessment practices remain relatively weak, this is not completely indicative of a lack of commitment” (Williamson & Redish, 2009). The development of assessment tools has lagged behind the integration of the topic matter. In order to demand the level of technology understanding to be raised, there must be proof that the current level is low. Without a quality measurment tool for assessment, there is no way to prove the disconnect and things will remain as they are (Williamson & Redish, 2009). I agree with Williamson and Redish that computer-based testing allows for assessment results to be reports at a much faster create than the traditional months and that districts need to prepare student for this type of assessment by providing ”formative classroom assessment and district-level benchmark testing.” However, I have issue with a technology-based implementation of these high-stakes tests in mathematics. In math courses, it is not enough to “figure out” the answer; you must understand how to get the correct answer. In fact, the AP Calculus exam grades the work of the student. If a mistake is made in the first part of a problem that results in a wrong answer, the reader allows for that answer and grades the remaining parts with that data. This takes much more time than grading a multiple-choice test; however, the student’s understanding of concepts is being graded not his answers. If this is the method that results in college credit, what makes grade level assessments think that a true assessment can be determined with multiple-choice test alone? In addition, there is the inherent problem of quickly clicking from page to page that students have developed. This does not allow the student time to process the question much less calculate an answer before they feel the need to move to the next page. The obvious fix would be to expose student to the computer-based testing before the high-stakes exam but this is a not widely used method (TF-IV.A.1 and TF-IV.B.1) (Williamson & Redish, 2009). Some content areas lend themselves well to computer-based assessment; English/Language Arts, Social Studies and Foreign Language would all be easily tested on the computer. Science would be much harder. So much of science is based on computation of data that it would be difficult without guidance. Mathematics is all computation driven. If the trend continues and computer-based testing is here to stay, the focus of curriculum needs to shift to support this type of assessment (TF-IV.B.1). The logistic question puzzles me: how does a campus get enough computers, as well as space, to test all students using technology? This testing must be done often enough that students become comfortable taking online test in anticipation of the high-stakes assessment they are required to take. Teachers have voiced concerned with the amount of time it will take to create this type of assessment entails. The question arises, not what to do but who will do it. How do you let teachers know that the power of technology is with putting it into the students’ hands? Using the test generator provided with the book adoption is not enough. The technology assists the teacher in the creation of the material and is therefore not addressing the technology needs of the students. I need to discuss with my campus supervisor which teachers would be most open to trying the technology. In Leadership for Accountability, EDLD 5333, we addressed the idea of using technology in as a part of a larger accountability model (TF-IV.A.1). The state reported data was evaluated and strengths and weaknesses were identified. A professional development was created to involve teachers with the discovery of needs to address and brainstorm ideas to use technology as one of the medium of instruction (TF-IV.A.2, TF-IV.B.1 and TFIV.C.1). With the technology based student information system, data can be accessed and used to better understand the students. I am thankful that our SIS has the students’ history as related to academics. Past report cards, TAKS data and Stanford scores are readily available to consider when determining the needs of current students. (TF-IV.A.2) In Teaching with Technology, EDLD 5364, the focus was to incorporate technology into all facets of the learning cycle, including formative and summative assessments (TFIV.A.2, TF-IV.B.1 and TF-IV.C.1). During Instructions Design, EDLD 5368, I formulated a plan in which computer-based learning was present and included the assessment of learning (TF-IV.B.1). As I took Teaching with Technology as well as creating my site-based experiences, I found that one of the exciting things about Google Apps and Moodle is the ease of creating and distributing online assessment. In the past teachers were required to create an interaction. With today’s Web 2.0 capabilities, it takes very little time to create the assessment and then make it available to students. In the Moodle support I am creating, the idea is to make this accessible to all teachers. (TF-IV.B.1, TF-IV.A.2) During my attendance at the Texas Computer Educators Association 2010 conference, I was exposed to many Web 2.0 tools that could easily be used in assessment (TF-IV.C.1, TF-IV.A) I think one of the more important methods is the ease of formative assessment. Item such as response systems that take a set up have been around but are not utilized to their full potential. Google Apps has many uses but I felt the most interesting one was the Web 2.0 Wall site where students could log in and write on the wall the teacher was using for instruction. This was an innovative use of a handheld devise. As long as the district is okay with phone/texting use during the class period. Questions and comments could quickly be asked about certain items. (TF-IV.C.1). Another example of a novelty becoming so common place that and it is used as a tool with a purpose. However, teachers are uncomfortable when students use a new technology, not without concern. How are they using it? But once students get used to technology advancement, it becomes something we can use without distraction. Once teachers integrate the technology into the curriculum in a way that the focus is not longer the newness of the technology, this is when the true capabilities will emerge (TF-IV.A.2) As we move into the age of technology, districts are beginning to use technology for administrative needs. The problem remains with the actually education of the students. Even in schools where technology is available, technology “remains underused” and “teaching practices remain largely unchanged” (Williamson & Redish, 2009). There seems to be a small amount of research to warrant making sweeping adjustments but this should change as more teachers use the technology available to them to further their curriculum and assist students in their understanding. References Williamson, J., & Redish, T. (2009). ISTE’s technology facilitation and leadership standards: What every K-12 leader should know and be able to do. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.