Computer-based Testing

Computer-Based Assessments
 The following state assessment programs will
be computer-based in Spring 2011:
 FCAT Mathematics Retakes
 FCAT Grade 10 Mathematics
 Algebra I End-of-Course Assessment
 Geometry and Biology End-of-Course Field Tests
 FCAT Reading Retakes (computer-based optional)
Computer-Based Testing
 The computer-based assessments will be
administered using TestNav 6.9, Pearson’s
proven computer-based testing platform.
 Sample tests for computer-based administrations
will be provided as practice tests in the TestNav
6.9 platform.
 ePat practice sessions will be administered to
students with a test script prior to taking the
computer-based tests.
 The ePat link can be accessed from school or home
for additional practice.
 Stand-alone application is installed on each computer used
during testing.
Application download includes all third-party technologies
needed for testing.
Supports Mac and Windows/PC
Students click “Next” or “Back,” or select “Go to” to see an
overview page showing all items and whether each item has
been answered.
Reading passages and related items shown in horizontal
spilt screen with scroll bars so entire item can be displayed
along with scrollable portion of passage. Split screens are
Student must scroll all the way to the end of the item in
order to click “Next,” viewing all choices before responding
and moving to the next item.
What is Proctor Caching?
 A tool to accelerate the delivery of test content
to students and to reduce the amount of
bandwidth required for testing.
 A copy of the live test content is stored on the
local hard drive of the computers.
 All data transmitted and stored by the Proctor
Caching computers are in an encrypted format.
 Proctor Caching can be configured to include
multiple Proctor-Caching computers per school.
 Proctor-Caching computers should be located as close
as possible on the network to the computer being
used for testing.
Sample Proctor Caching
Preparing for Computer-Based
 The first phase will be completion of a webbased FCAT/EOC Certification Tool to collect
information regarding available technology
resources and testing plans from schools.
 All schools administering one or more of the
computer-based tests must complete this webbased tool between Monday, September 13,
2010 through Tuesday, September 21, 2010.
Review of Certification Tool
 The following school personnel must review
and verify the certification tool:
 School Principal
 School Assessment Coordinator
 School Technology Coordinator
Initial Certification Tool
 Web-based tool to verify school readiness:
 Computer Specifications – the number of
computers that meet the minimum specifications
and are available for high-stakes computer-based
 Student Scheduling – number of students and
sessions the school plans to conduct per
 School Checklist – verification of preparations
that will occur at the school prior to testing
Certification Tool and
ePat Practice Session
E-tools for Computer-Based
 Review: Students may use this e-tool to mark
items for review later.
 Eliminate Choice: Students may use this tool to
mark through answer choices that they wish to
 Highlighter: Students may highlight sections or
the item or passage.
 Eraser: Students may use the eraser to remove
marks made by the highlighter or the eliminate
choice tool.
 Help: Students may click the Help icon to learn
more about the e-tools.
Reading Retake E-tool
 Students will NOT be provided scratch paper
for the Reading Retake computer-based
 Notepad: This e-tool will allow students to take
Note: Reading Passage Booklets which include
passages but not questions, are provided for
students if this accommodation is indicated in
their IEPs or Section 504 Plans.
Mathematics Retake/Algebra I
EOC Assessment E-tool
 Calculator: Students will be provided access to a
calculator, which appear in a pop-up window.
 Reference Sheet/Exhibit: Students will be provided
commonly used formulas and conversions to work
the problems, which will appear in pop-up window.
 Straightedge/Ruler: Students will be provided a
straightedge tool, which will look like a ruler without
measuring units.
 Mathematics Work Folders: Students will be
provided blank folders to used as scratch paper to
work the problems. Used work folders are secure
materials and must be returned to the test
administrator at the end of testing.
Recommendations for
Computer-Based Testing
 School Technology Coordinator and School
Assessment Coordinator must work closely to:
 Develop a School Testing Plan
 Confirm that all computers and the school’s
network meet minimum requirements
 Ensure appropriate spacing in labs to allow
utilization of paper/pencil and prevent students
from viewing monitors from others
 Install privacy screens
 Be available to answer questions and provide
technical assistance
Best Practices for ComputerBased Testing
 Resources will be available to help you and appropriate staff to
complete the Certification process.
Regional Trainings: Five regional trainings for district and school
assessment and technology staff.
 Familiarize appropriate staff with the CBT platform, technology
requirements and setup, and administrative tasks required to
manage test sessions.
Online Tutorials: Tutorials that may be accessed online at any time
for training purposes that provide details regarding required
technology and administration elements required for testing.
Test Administration Materials and Supplementary Resources:
Administration policies, scripts for practice tests and test sessions,
and information required for successful site preparation.
Supplemental Pearson User Guides will also be provided for tasks
such as Proctor Caching and TestNav Technology Guidelines.
Bandwidth Assessment Tool: Online tool that schools may use to
assess available bandwidth and hardware used for testing. Once the
required information is collected, the tool will provide
recommendations for testing.
For technical support, please
contact Pearson Support at
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