Syllabus Delivery Audit - School Curriculum and Standards Authority





School Coordinator Handbook


Instructions for the SDA Coordinator

File naming conventions

WACE requirements

Review criteria

Checklist: Preparing for SDA 2016

Upload process

SCSA review process









Instructions for the SDA School Coordinator

The Syllabus Delivery Audit in 2016 is only for Year 12 General and Foundation courses.

The SDA 2016 Technical IT Help desk number is 9273 6719. Enquiries regarding specific course file content or format should be directed to the Principal Consultant responsible for the course.


Only one current SIRS user for each school can login to upload files. The school must use its primary

SIRS login which is p<<school code>> (e.g. p6789)

The SDA 2016 page is located within SIRS2 at:

Note: This page is not accessible from within the SIRS page.

Timeframe for the uploading of files

Files may be uploaded between 8.00am Thursday 19 November 2015 and 4.00pm Friday 26

February 2016. After this date, schools will not be able to upload files.

Preparation for uploading the files

Two separate documents (i.e. a Course Outline and an Assessment Outline) need to be uploaded for each Year 12 General and Foundation course being delivered at the school.

For Design and Materials Design and Technology, schools should upload a course outline and an assessment outline for each context they are delivering in Year 12.

The files to be uploaded can be either a Word document or in pdf format.

Syllabus Delivery Audit 2016 – School Coordinator Handbook 1

File naming conventions

For 2016, schools are required to ensure that each file is correctly named according to the following naming convention.

Convention Description of document Example

Course unit code, Underscore,

Document type, File format.

A word document for General

Year 12 English Course Outline

GTENG_CO.docx General (G) Year 12 (T) English (ENG)

Underscore (_) Course Outline (CO)

Word document (docx)

General (G) Year 12 (T) English (ENG)

Underscore (_) Assessment Outline (AO)

Word document (doc)

Foundation (F) Year 12 (T) Mathematics

(MAT) Underscore (_) Course Outline

(CO) pdf format (pdf)

Foundation (F) Year 12 (T) Mathematics

(MAT) Underscore (_) Assessment

Outline (AO) pdf format (pdf)

General (G) Year 12 (T) Materials Design and Technology (MDT) Metals (M)

Underscore (_) Course Outline (CO)

Word document (doc)

General (G) Year 12 (T) Materials Design and Technology (MDT) Metals (M)

Underscore (_) Assessment Outline (AO)

Word document (docx)

A word document for General

Year 12 English Assessment


A pdf document for Foundation

Year 12 Mathematics Course


A pdf document for Foundation

Year 12 Mathematics

Assessment Outline

A word document for General

Year 12 Materials Design and

Technology Metals Course


Year 12 Materials Design and

Technology Metals Assessment







Note: the SDA 2016 software will not accept any incorrectly named file.

It is suggested that prior to uploading, schools gather all of the required files, in one folder on the school intranet. This will allow for easy checking that:

 all required files are ready for upload

 all files are named correctly.

Schools may choose to complete the upload of files over several sessions. The software now includes a report that the SDA coordinator can use to monitor upload progress (Reports – Other reports –


2 Syllabus Delivery Audit 2016 – School Coordinator Handbook

WACE requirements (From WACE Manual 2015-2016 Section 2.3)

Every student studying a WACE course must be provided with:

• the school’s senior secondary assessment policy

• the syllabus

• the school’s course outline

• the school’s assessment outline.

Course outline

The teacher determines the sequence in which the syllabus content will be taught and the timing of delivery. The content being assessed in the Externally Set Task needs to be taught prior to the administration of the task. This content is available on the School Curriculum and Standards

Authority website. The school must provide this information to the students, before teaching begins, in the form of a course outline. The document can be provided as a hard copy or electronically if the school ensures that all students have adequate access in this format.

Can be for Unit 3 or semester 1 or the year (Unit 3 and Unit 4)

(Unit 3 and Unit 4)

Assessment outline

An assessment outline is required for each pair of units and must conform with the assessment requirements as specified in the assessment table of the syllabus.

The format for an assessment outline is a school decision but each outline must include the following information:

• the number of tasks to be assessed

• a general description of each task

• an indication of the coverage of the unit content provided by each task

• the approximate timing of each task (e.g. the week the task will be conducted or the start and submission dates for an extended task)

• the weighting of each assessment task

• the weighting of each assessment type, as specified in the assessment table of the syllabus.

Note: The Externally Set Task must be included and weighted at 15%.

The set of tasks in the assessment outline must provide a comprehensive sampling of the syllabus content. The number of assessment tasks is determined by the teacher. Over-assessment must be avoided because too many assessment tasks can interfere with the teaching and learning process.

The school must provide the assessment outline to the students before teaching begins as a hard copy or electronically if the school ensures that all students have adequate access in this format.

Must be for the year (Unit 3 and Unit 4)

Syllabus Delivery Audit 2016 – School Coordinator Handbook 3

Syllabus Delivery Audit: Review criteria

Course outline

 is based on the content of the current syllabus

 provides an appropriate sequence and timing for the delivery of the syllabus content


 meets requirements

 revise the course outline using the current syllabus

 revise the course outline to include all content from the current syllabus

 meets requirements

 revise the course outline to provide an appropriate sequence of delivery of the syllabus content

 revise the course outline to provide an appropriate timing of delivery of the syllabus content

 revise the course outline to ensure that the content for the Externally Set

Task has been included prior to the scheduled assessment date

Assessment outline

 uses the assessment types specified in the syllabus

 uses assessment type weightings which conform to the assessment table in the syllabus

 indicates appropriate timing of the assessment tasks

 provides an adequate coverage of the syllabus content across the set of assessment tasks

 includes an appropriate number of tasks

 is consistent with the course outline


 meets requirements

 revise the assessment outline using the assessment types specified in the assessment table of the current syllabus

 meets requirements

 revise the assessment outline to meet the assessment type weightings specified in the assessment table of the current syllabus

 revise the assessment outline to include the Externally Set Task

 revise the assessment outline to ensure assessment task weightings add to the assessment type weighting

 revise the assessment outline to ensure assessment type weightings add to 100

 revise the assessment outline to ensure assessment task weightings add to


 meets requirements

 revise the assessment outline to include the semester and week of each assessment task

 revise the assessment outline to ensure that the scheduling of the assessment tasks matches the content delivery of the course outline

 meets requirements

 revise the assessment outline to ensure that the set of assessment tasks provides an adequate coverage of the syllabus content

 revise the assessment outline to represent assessment of the pair of units

 revise the assessment outline to remove assessment of content that is not in the current syllabus

 meets requirements

 increase the number of assessment tasks to ensure that each assessment type is included at least twice on content from the current syllabus

 revise the assessment outline to ensure that the number of assessment tasks meets the requirement of the current syllabus

 decrease the number of assessment tasks to avoid over assessment

 meets requirements

 revise either the course outline, the assessment outline or both documents to ensure delivery of content is planned before student achievement of that content is assessed

4 Syllabus Delivery Audit 2016 – School Coordinator Handbook


Checklist: Preparing for SDA 2016

1. Inform all Year 12 General and Foundation course teachers of the requirements for the SDA 2016 (WACE Manual 2015-2016 Sections 2.2, 2.3.3 and 2.3.4)

 a separate course outline and assessment outline – both must include

Units 3 and 4

 the file name matches the document contents

 the file is correctly named according to the naming convention

 the timeline for school upload

Create an electronic folder to store the SDA files from all General and Foundation courses being delivered at the school.




Collect the course outline and assessment outline files and place in this folder.

Check all files are correctly named according to the required file naming convention.

Check that the two files have been provided for each course.

6. Organise the files into alphabetical order for ease of uploading when required.

Syllabus Delivery Audit 2016 – School Coordinator Handbook 5

Upload process

1. Navigate to the SIRS2 page and login using the school's primary SIRS login.

The SDA 2016 page is located within SIRS2 at:

2. A 'Welcome to Syllabus Delivery Audit 2016' screen will appear.

Click on 'Audit document' tab and then click on the 'Upload' option from the dropdown menu.

3. The 'Provider Document Upload' screen will appear. a. The 'Year' box will be populated with the current year. b. The 'Provider' box will be populated with the school's name. c.

Leave the 'Course level' box blank to access both General and Foundation courses or from the dropdown menu, select either:

Foundation Y12, or

General Y12. d. Click the 'Search' button.

6 Syllabus Delivery Audit 2016 – School Coordinator Handbook

4. Upload the file from the SDA folder on the school's intranet in which you have placed the required files.

There are two options for uploading the file.

The Drag and drop method

The Drag and drop method will only work for Internet Explorer 11 and above, Chrome and

Firefox. a. Open the SDA folder on the school intranet b. Click on the alphabetical list on the left hand side of the screen to quickly access the course required. c. Drag and drop the file from the SDA folder into the correct location.

The Select file method a. Click the 'Select file' button. b. Navigate to the SDA folder on the school intranet. c. Select the required file. d. Double click on the file to upload. e. The file appears in the 'Upload File' window.

Syllabus Delivery Audit 2016 – School Coordinator Handbook 7

5. After you have successfully uploaded a file: a. A message in a green banner appears at the top of the screen to confirm that the file has been uploaded to the correct location. This message fades after 5 seconds. b. The file name appears in the location to which it was uploaded. For example,

General Year 11 Animal Production Systems Course Outline is in the correct location.

8 c. If the selected file cannot be uploaded, an alert appears in a pink banner. This could be due to either:

 the file having a name that does not match the required convention

 the file not being uploaded to the correct location. For example, a course outline cannot be uploaded into an assessment outline box and a course outline for one subject cannot be uploaded to the course outline box for another subject.

Syllabus Delivery Audit 2016 – School Coordinator Handbook

6. At any time during the upload process, a file upload progress report can be run to check progress.

This report is available under the Reports tab on the SDA home screen (Reports > Other reports

> DOA 007). The report shows those courses with files successfully uploaded.

7. When you have completed the upload process, run the progress report to check all files have been successfully uploaded and then click the 'sign out' button.

Syllabus Delivery Audit 2016 – School Coordinator Handbook 9

SCSA review process

SCSA trained reviewers and/or Principal Consultants will review the documents provided by your school.

During the review process if the contents of a document do not match the file type when the reviewer opens the file, a message will be sent to the school to inform them that an incorrect

document has been uploaded.

This will show as 'Incorrect document' on the upload page. To upload the correct document, login to

SIRS2 and replace the incorrect file with the correct file. The correct file can be re-uploaded using either:

'Drag and drop' method, or

'Select file' method.

When a file has been reviewed, the Course Outline and the Assessment Outline columns for each course will change from the 'File uploaded <<Course unit code>>_<<Course Outline>>' or 'File uploaded <<Course unit code>>_<<Assessment Outline>>' message to a 'Review completed' message.

10 Syllabus Delivery Audit 2016 – School Coordinator Handbook
