Our School Development Plan 2013 – 2014 We have 4 key priorities every year linked to identified areas for development following school selfevaluation. It is always about improving our school and what we do. The senior leadership team, staff and governors monitor, and evaluate progress towards these each term. This helps us keep track of all children’s progress and meet their needs. The 4 priorities are:Priority 1: Raising attainment and accelerating progress in reading, writing and mathematics. We always set challenging targets for children whatever their ability or need. Every child matters. This year we will pay special attention to maths so that it matches the standards reached in reading and writing. Children’s behaviour, attendance and punctuality are important elements of this. Priority 2: To continually improve the quality of teaching and learning, including the conditions for learning. We are striving to be an outstanding school. We want to ensure that teaching and learning is consistently good with much of it outstanding. We have 3 new teachers and 2 new teaching assistants this year. Priority 3: To develop the school as a professional learning community. Professional development of staff is integral to what we do in school and critical in driving up standards. As a staff we take this seriously and put in training linked to our monitoring and self-evaluation. We are committed to first class teaching. This year we are developing as a school: Metacognition and how to optimise learning Effective feedback to children impacting on learning The use of data in ‘closing the gap’ and impacting on learning ICT programming The new primary curriculum for September 2014 In addition we will be consolidating the work we undertook last year with the Talk Boost programme as well as embedding the use of Numicon in school. We have been asked to be a pilot school trialling the new website for the Talk Boost programme. Mrs Gibson is an Early Years lead teacher for the authority. Priority 4: To develop communication and involvement of children and their families in the life of our school. Community is very important to us and for your children. We will be sending you invitations throughout the year to join us for many events in school including breakfasts, lunches, sampling the cooking etc!! You are always warmly welcomed – we just love to have you join us! Never hesitate – just say yes!! In addition to these four key priorities, our subject leaders monitor and evaluate progress in their subject area. They put together an action plan every year to drive up teacher knowledge and understanding as well as standards. They monitor and evaluate this along with the Governing body. School Leadership Team 2013 - 2014 Senior leadership team: Mrs Yendall, Mrs Mount, Miss Hammond and Mrs Gibson Foundation Stage / Key Stage 1 team leader: Mrs Gibson Middle leaders: Mrs Dougherty, Miss McHugh Business manager: Mrs Capel Subject Leaders 2013 - 2014 Literacy Numeracy Science ICT SEND /Inclusion Mrs Yendall and Mrs Dougherty Mrs Mount Mrs Balmer Mrs Gibson Mrs Yendall/Miss Hammond History Geography and Global Learning D and T Music / Creative Arts R.E. Art PSHCE MFL (French) P.E. Miss McHugh Miss Woolloff Miss Sellar Mrs Dougherty Miss Emslie Mrs Yendall Miss Emslie Mrs S. Dougherty Mrs Clay/Miss McHugh Support for your child’s education Your support for your child’s education is crucial to their progress. Please tell us if there are any adjustments we need to make to help you support your child, for example: letters in large font; letters in different languages; wheelchair access; explaining things over the phone; a discussion with a school colleague of the same gender. We are all only too happy to help. The best time to talk with us is after school when we don’t have classes to register and teach. Please don’t worry about things – come and talk to us. Mrs Clark is our Home School link worker and learning mentor. Mrs Mullins is our parent support advisor.