Chapter 19 — Engaging General Counsel in the Pursuit of Safety

The Patient Safety Handbook, Second Edition
Barbara Youngberg
Transition Guide
Transition Guide
Chapter 1 — Understanding the First Institute of Medicine Report and its Impact on Patient
Marsha Regenstein, PhD, MCP
Unchanged from Chapter 1 of previous edition
Chapter 2 — The Patient Safety Movement: The Progress and the Work that Remains
Manisha Shaw, MBA, RCP & Miller
Completely New
Chapter 3 — Accelerating Patient Safety Improvement
Thomas R. Krause, Ph.D. and John Hidley, M.D.
Completely New
Chapter 4 — The Importance of Leadership to Advance Patient Safety
Barbara Balik
Completely New
Chapter 5 — An Organizational Development Framework for Transformational Change in
Patient Safety: A Guide for Organizational Leaders
Raj Behal, MD, MBA
Unchanged from chapter 4 of previous edition
Chapter 6 — The Role of the Board of Directors in Advancing Patient Safety
Sarah Mick , JD, LLM and Shawn Mathis JD, LLM
Completely New
© 2013 Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
The Patient Safety Handbook, Second Edition
Barbara Youngberg
Transition Guide
Chapter 7 — Toward A Philosophy Of Patient Safety: Expanding The Systems Approach To
Medical Error
David Resnick, JD, PhD
Unchanged from chapter 5 of previous edition
Chapter 8 — Mistaking Error
David D. Woods, Phd And Richard I. Cook, MD
Unchanged from chapter 7 of previous edition
Chapter 9 — The Investigation And Analysis of Clinical Incidents
Charles Vincent and David Hewett, MD
Unchanged from chapter 8 of 1st edition
Chapter 10 — Applying Epidemiology to Patient Safety
Mark Keroack, MD, MPH and Emily Rhinehart, RN, MPH, CIC, CPHQ
Unchanged from chapter 10 of 1st edition
Chapter 11 — Patient Safety Is an Organizational Systems Issue: Lessons from a Variety of
Karlene H. Roberts, PhD, Kuo Yu, And Daved Van Stralen, MD
Unchanged from chapter 11 of 1st edition
Chapter 12 — Admitting Imperfections: Revelations from the Cockpit for the World of
John J. Nance, JD
Unchanged from chapter 12 of 1st edition
Chapter 13 — Creating a Just Culture: A Non-punitive Approach to Medical Error
Laura Ashpole
© 2013 Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
The Patient Safety Handbook, Second Edition
Barbara Youngberg
Transition Guide
Completely new chapter
Chapter 14 — Addressing Clinician Performance problems as a Systems Issue
John Fromson, MD
Unchanged from Chapter 27 of 1st edition
Chapter 15 — Health Care Literacy and Patient Safety
Carolyn Chapman, JD
Edited version of chapter 28 from Principles of Risk Management and Patient Safety
Chapter 16 — The Leadership Role of the Chief Operating Officer in Aligning Strategy and
Operations to Create Patient Safety
Julianne Morath, RN, MS
Unchanged from chapter 17 of 1st edition
Chapter 17 — The Role of the Risk Manager in Advancing Patient Safety
Grena Porto
Unchanged from chapter 19 of 1st edition
Chapter 18 — Reducing Medical Errors: The Role of the Physician
Roy Magnusson, MD, MS, FACEP
Unchanged from chapter 20 of 1st edition
Chapter 19 — Engaging General Counsel in the Pursuit of Safety
Barbara J. Youngberg, JD, MSW, BSN, FASHRM
Unchanged from chapter 21 of 1st edition
Chapter 20 — Growing Nursing Leadership in the Field of Patient Safety
Mary Salisbury, RN, MSN and Robert Simon, EdD, CPE
Unchanged from chapter 22 of 1st edition
© 2013 Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
The Patient Safety Handbook, Second Edition
Barbara Youngberg
Transition Guide
Chapter 21 — Teamwork, Communication and Training
Richard Lauve, MD
Unchanged from chapter 24 of 1st edition
Chapter 22 — Teamwork: The Fundamental Building Block of High Reliability Organizations
and Patient Safety
G. Eric Knox, MD and Kathleen Rice Simpson, PhD, RNC, FAAN
Unchanged from chapter 25 of 1st edition
Chapter 23 — Health Information Technology and Patient Safety
Laura B. Morgan
Completely new chapter
Chapter 24 — Sleep Deprivation in Health Care Professionals: The Impact on Patient Safety
Mahendr S. Kochar, MD, MS, MBA, JD and Barbara A. Connelly, RN, MJ
Completely new chapter
Chapter 25 — Supporting Healthcare Providers Impacted by Adverse Medical Events
Allison Caravana Lilly, MSW, LICSW, CEAP
Completely new chapter
Chapter 26 — Patient Handoffs – Peril and Opportunity
George R. Cybulski, M.D.,F.A.C.S.
Completely new chapter
Chapter 27 — When Employees are Safe, Patients are Safer
Kathy Gerwig
Completely new chapter
Chapter 28 — Addressing Behavior Characteristics of Providers that Cause Liability Claims and
© 2013 Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
The Patient Safety Handbook, Second Edition
Barbara Youngberg
Transition Guide
Erode a Safety Culture
Gerry Hickson, MD and James Pichert, PhD.
Completely new chapter
Chapter 29 — Medical Malpractice Litigation: Conventional Wisdom vs. Reality
Marina Karp
Completely new chapter
Chapter 30 — Quality and Safety Education for Nurses: Integrating Quality and Safety
Competencies into Nursing Education
Gwen Sherwood, PhD, RN, FAAN, Louise LaFramboise, PhD, RN, Connie Miller, PhD, RN,
Bethany Robertson, DNP, CNM, NM
Completely new chapter
Chapter 31 — Supporting a Culture of Safety: The Magnet® Recognition Program
Katherine A. Pischke-Winn, Karen M. Stratton, Kathleen Ferket and Wendy Tuzik Micek
Completely new chapter
Chapter 32 — Improving the Safety of the Medication Use Process
David A. Ehlert, PharmD and Steven Rough, MS
Unchanged from chapter 41 of the 1st edition
Chapter 33 — Unmet Needs: Teaching Physicians to Provide Safe Patient Care
Dennis O’Leary, MD and Lucian Leape, MD
Completely new chapter
Chapter 34 — Using Simulation to Advance Patient Safety
Keshia Carswell
Completely new chapter
© 2013 Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
The Patient Safety Handbook, Second Edition
Barbara Youngberg
Transition Guide
Chapter 35 — The Importance of Shared Decision Making in Patient Safety
Shannon Flaherty
Completely new chapter
Chapter 36 — Trust, Disclosure and Apology: How we act when things go wrong has an impact
on Patient Safety
Keith Siddel MBA JD PhD
Completely new chapter
Chapter 37 — Why, What and How Ought Harmed Parties Be Told? The Art, Mechanics, and
Ambiguities of Err or Disclosure
John Banja, PhD
Unchanged from chapter 37 of 1st edition
Chapter 38 — Moving Beyond Blame to a Culture that Rewards Reporting
Doni Hass
Unchanged from chapter 26 of 1st edition
Chapter 39 — The Role of Ethics and Ethics Services in Patient Safety
Erin Egan, MD, JD
Unchanged from chapter 32 in 1st edition
Chapter 40 — Telemedicine and Patient Safety
John Blum, JD, MPH and Doni
Completely new chapter
Chapter 41 — The Criminalization of Healthcare: It’s Impact in Patient Safety
Laverne Largie
Completely new chapter
© 2013 Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
The Patient Safety Handbook, Second Edition
Barbara Youngberg
Transition Guide
Chapter 42 — Aligning Patients, Payors and Providers: Bringing Quality and Safety into the
Reimbursement Equation
Caitlin Podbielski
Completely new chapter
© 2013 Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.