NCHRP 08-36 Project Submittal Title: Transportation Asset Management Research Roadmap Background: Research conducted by NCHRP on transportation asset management has provided both FHWA and AASHTO’s Subcommittee on Asset Management with valuable information for advancing the state of the practice and supporting implementation of asset management provisions now required under MAP21. For example, the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management Guide: A Focus on Implementation (developed under NCHRP) aims to encourage transportation agencies to address strategic questions as they confront the task of managing the surface transportation system. Drawn from both national and international knowledge and experience, it provides guidance to state DOT decision makers, as well as county and municipal transportation agencies, to assist them in realizing the most from financial resources now and in the future, preserving highway assets, and providing the service expected by customers. The Implementation Guide has been an important document in helping states meet the asset management requirements of MAP-21. In addition, the FHWA’s Transportation Asset Management Expert Task Group (TAM ETG) recently completed the development of a Strategic Plan outlining its vision for asset management in the next 10 years. The document outlines important capabilities that are needed to achieve the vision, but does not establish a strategy for achieving those capabilities. Statement of Urgency: MAP-21’s asset management requirements will be a primary concern in State DOTs for the next two to three years. While the Implementation Guide is tremendous resource for State DOTs and covers the breadth of the aspects of implementation, there are additional areas where further research and development are needed to provide the tools and techniques that will be needed by practitioners as their proficiency with asset management matures.. Rather than arbitrarily choosing topics to concentrate on at random, it behooves the transportation asset management community to have a research road map to logically explore topics in a sensible order and that can be used to justify necessary research, capacity building, and other types of activities. Project Objective(s): The primary objective of this research project is to develop a long-term research strategy to continue to advance the state of practice in transportation asset management. The result of this research will be an asset management research roadmap that will guide future research and development activities to be undertaken by the transportation industry. Relationship to Existing Body of Knowledge: Existing Asset Management Research AASHTO Transportation Asset Management Guide – A Focus on Implementation. TAM Gap Analysis Tool (NCHRP 8-90) Cross-Asset Allocation (NCHRP 8-91) Methodology for Estimating Life Expectancies for Highway Assets (NCHRP 7-21) Transportation Asset Management for Ancillary Structures (NCHRP 8-36, Task 107) Successful Practices in GIS-Based Transportation Asset Management Managing Risk Guidebook (NCHRP 08-93 Performance Management Research Advancing Performance Management under a National Framework NCHRP 20-24(97) Other Available Resources FHWA TAM ETG Strategic Plan List of Anticipated Work Tasks: The project includes the following tasks: 1. Document transportation asset management research gaps and identify research opportunities to achieve the vision outlined in the TAM ETG Strategic Plan. 2. Gather stakeholder Input a. Gather ideas from the AASHTO Subcommittee on Asset Management b. Gather ideas from the TRB Transportation Asset Management Committee c. Gather ideas from the TAM ETG d. Gather ideas from NCHRP, FHWA, and AASHTO representatives e. Talk with others as necessary 3. Develop a draft 10-year TAM research roadmap. 4. Convene a group of at least 20 key transportation asset management stakeholders and host a oneday workshop to gather feedback on 10-year TAM research roadmap. 5. Prepare final 10-year TAM Research Roadmap that includes draft research needs statements that could be used to secure funding. Estimate of Funds Needed: $80,000 Estimate of Time Needed to Complete the Research: 12 months Name, Affiliation and Contact Information of Submitter(s): Tim Henkel, Vice Chair, Subcommittee on Asset Management Steve Gaj, FHWA Katie Zimmerman, Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. – on behalf of the FHWA’s Transportation Asset Management Expert Task Group Matt Hardy, AASHTO