NRA and Hall Committee General Minutes 22.5.15

Nethercote Residents Association – Minutes of General Meeting –
22 May 2015
Meeting Opened
In Attendance
1 pm Pambula Pub (Oaklands fully booked – moved on the day)
Committee: Caroline Winnel, Carolyn Beaucaris, Shereen Green, Edith
Hammond & guest: Amanda Stroud
Sarah Smith
Previous Minutes Read Moved by Carolyn, seconded by Caroline.
Business Arising
1. Positions Vacant from 21/11/14 AGM & Meeting: President Role to be filled: Role
requirements being: As NRA & Hall committee representative, attendance at BVSC Community
Hall meeting held in Bega on Tuesdays quarterly, next meeting being 26/5/15 @ 5 pm in Bega
Chambers. To respond to BVSC communications & coordinate onsite works, must have computer
skills. Shereen Green to continue as Acting President, agreed by All. Permanent President still
New Committee Members - Amanda Stroud offered to join our committee: Nominated by
Carolyn, Seconded by Shereen. BVSC has requested that all new members complete the
Committee Nominations form & return to council. This was attended to: at meeting by Edith
Hammond and Amanda Stroud. Sarah Smith to do hers.
2. Membership now due: A poor response received for membership renewal, perhaps when they
stop receiving minutes, it may promote action. The $5 membership and current email address is
required via post or email of completed membership form, refer page 3 to Caroline Winnel,
Treasurer at PO Box 164, Eden 2551.
3. Road Signs, Speed Limits & Bridge ID: Committee has received no further contact, matter still
pending. Councillor Sharon Tapscott offered some great insight into council workings and advised
that she has already asked about this and is also waiting on an update re Speedlimits for
Nethercote & Broadwater. Advised that Bill Taylor was heading up Roads & Safety: Speed limits
& Railings. Now that Nethercote Road has been resurfaced, speedlimits need to be revisited as a
matter of urgency. Also a note that we should CC all other relevant councillors and the GM, so
that our request don’t fall by the wayside. Carolyn to send follow up email & check with Ross
Elliot as to previous correspondence copy. Remains unactioned.
Shereen made comment as to the new bike friendly signs on Backcreek & Nethercote Roads,
discussion as to safety & speed limit concerns. Carolyn advised that a new BVSC initiative to
promote cycling is underway. Discussed that our current Nethercote & Lochiel roads are not
support of cycling ie where there are no left line markings, no bike lanes and mostly double
white lines that vehicles need to be cross to avoid cyclists may result in an accident. It was
discussed that the BVSC Halls meeting is not the venue to raise this concerns and that we get
this ball rolling as to speed & safety on Nethercote & Lochiel roads.
4. NRAI Consumable none required.
NRA/ NHMC - General Meeting Minutes 22/5/15
5. Produce Market is next on the 25th July. NRA fundraising BBQ Stall will continue, to be organised
by Pauline & Ron Robertson and Ross & Bev Elliott.
6. Music Factory is next on in June.
7. Yoga continues on Thursday Evenings.
8. Treasurer’s Report: As at the 22nd May 2015 the Bank account held is $7,168.59. Wherein the
Treasurer moved, and the committee approved the following:
 Payments Made:
Reimbursement Carolyn for SOS printing of Volunteer flyer
Reimburse Carolyn printing & stationary
Australia Post – PO Box annual fee
Internet domain
BBQ Float
Reimburse Caroline for Kitchen & Supplies
IMB bank fees
Adverts (well overdue, now settled) Regional Press
 Deposits Made:
$2.41 Feb15; $2.43 Mar15; $2.79 Apr15 IMB Bank interest
$206.98 Karen Lott reimbursed for 6 tables
BBQ Float
Drinks monies
BBQ Takings less supplies (Thankyou Volunteers)
9. Correspondence:
 none
10. New Business
 Eden Whale Festival weekend is 31/10 to 3/11/15. Amanda advised that Sandra Symonds
would be organising an Open Garden. It would be great to have the Hall open this weekend
for a volunteer fundraising event & promote the open gardens in Nethercote also?
 Fundraising: Shereen & Caroline W & Carol Ah will volunteer at the Lakeview this year, it
raises $600 for NRA.
 Website update & Booking Form issue: Carolyn & Lyndal are still working on new website.
Lyndal has had internet issues, but has created a platform ready to use. Amanda offered that
when it is set up to add a facebook page to it, and that she would be happy to keep the
facebook page up-to-date.
 Maintenance / Woking Bee: Acting President Shereen is coordinating maintenance needs.
One power point needs to be fixed, an electrician will be sort. The front porch & outside wood
windows need to be re-sikkened/ wood protection, but the dining room may need some
painting attention first. Dishwasher still needs to be lifted also.
 Committee met at Hall on 24/4/15 to induct new Members: Sarah & Edith. Sarah has booking
folder & keys, all parties shown where kitchen & cleaning supplies were stored. Luke the new
mowing volunteer attended & was shown keys & shed. Some hirer issues: using yellow bins
for rubbish, update to hire & bond loss forms for rubbish removal costs required. News signs
for kitchen & bins required. Caroline & Shereen to restock kitchen utensils.
 Mowing & whipper snipper – Room was made in the shed to store the mower. But after the
last Market the shed was not left with room for the mower again, it is currently at Hinckley’s.
James volunteered to tidy the shed for the mower. Luke is organised to Mow before the next
market in July.
 Park names: the “Cow Paddock” and “Nethercote Junction” are the only suggestions.
Committee consider naming the park beneficial as a named landmark is useful in times of
NRA/ NHMC - General Meeting Minutes 22/5/15
 Pizza Oven & Balcony Grant Nathan Marshall of BVSC Halls instructed the submission of the
grant project by 11/5/15, It was submitted by Carolyn who did the last minute quotes required
on the weekend of the 9th & 10th May. Edith was disappointed that she wasn’t available to
attend to the final grant write as we missed nominating volunteer hours that would have been
costed as an input. Committee discussed that a Pizza oven in the front yard would be a great a
great community building incentive and as a fundraising & hire tool. Ideas being: every
attendee could contribute a $2 or foods to facilitate gathering. No discussion on Balcony.
Meeting Closed
2.30 pm
Next Meeting
12.30pm, Friday 28th August 2015, Oaklands for Lunch.
Application/Renewal for Membership of Nethercote Residents’ Association Inc 2015/2016
$5 per Adult/ Children free
Name: …................................................ Address: …..........................................................................
Phone: …......................... Email: …........................................................... (being strickly confidential)
Tick these boxes if you agree to the following:
I would like to receive copies of the minutes of meetings. If no email access & you would like a copy of
the minutes please circle: Collection or Post
able to view docx files Yes or No(circle) or is pdf preferred. Yes or No (circle)
I would like to receive emails detailing upcoming events.
Include me on the list to occasionally be called upon to provide a plate of food for a fundraising event.
Include me on the list to occasionally volunteer at fundraising events.
I/ we hereby apply to join / renew (please circle) membership of the Nethercote Residents’ Association Inc.
Signature(s): …..................................................................................................................................................
Print your name(s):
Post to Caroline Winnel, PO Box 164, EDEN NSW 2551. Queries re payment phone Caroline on 6495 7054. Or
email to
NRA/ NHMC - General Meeting Minutes 22/5/15
Nethercote Hall Committee – Minutes of General Meeting –
22nd May 2015
Meeting Opened
In Attendance
2.30 pm
Caroline Winnel, Carolyn Beaucaris, Shereen Green, Edith Hammond &
Amanda Stroud.
Sarah Smith
Previous Minutes Read Moved, by Carolyn & seconded by Caroline.
Business Arising
Maintenance / Woking Bee to do: : As acting President Shereen will be coordinating
maintenance needs. One power point needs to be fixed. An electrician will be hired to fix this.
The front porch & outside wood windows need to be re-sikkened/ wood protection, at our
next working bee. Shereen will be re-painting the dining room. Dishwasher still needs to be
 Committee met at Hall on 24/4/15 to induct new Members: Sarah & Edith. Sarah has booking
folder & keys, all parties shown where kitchen & cleaning supplies were stored. Luke the new
mowing volunteer attended & was shown keys & shed.
 Some hirer issues: using yellow bins for rubbish, update to hire & bond loss forms for rubbish
removal costs required. News signs for kitchen & bins required.
 Caroline & Shereen to restock kitchen utensils.
 Mowing & whipper snipper – Room was made in the shed to store the mower.
 Luke is organised to Mow before the next market in July.
 Termites were found at Hall. The report forwarded by BVSC Nathan Marshall 6/2/15 by BVSC
contractor BVPest Control, Steve Packham 10/11/14 found termites in the floorboards & joists
of the main hall, stacked timbers in the subfloor, garden logs, loose timbers in yard and near
by trees. BVSC recommended us to proceed with the $2900 termite treatment and advised
that the Hall holds $985.04 and the BVSC would pay the balance. This BVSC action was on
hold pending further quotes. Shereen to follow up at Halls meeting 26/5/15
Treasurer’s report: As at the 22nd May 2015
Friends of Nethercote Account Balance $531.21.
Purchases made to be reimbursed
$110 Battery – Ross Elliot.
$19.49 Oct13 Old invoices not paid ie Cobweb brush
$52.45 Hand soap SappCoast Hosp. shop
Funds Paid into BVSC:
$450 26/3/15 Hire’s
$210 30/4/15 Hire’s
$150 22/5/15 Hire’s
$7.80 Money Box for phone.
$190 Yoga Hire
$120 Kitchen Hire
$100 Produce Market
Invoices signed & sent to BVSC for pmt: $135 Eden gas
NRA/ NHMC - General Meeting Minutes 22/5/15
$135 Eden Gas April15 account
$24.26 Telstra Feb15
$19.83 Telstra Mar15
$416.89 Kitchen supplies: saucepans, teapots etc.
$87.85 new Gas element for stove top.
BVSC Remittance Advice received
(that above bills have been paid)
$78.65 Hospitality shop double up
$158.38 NRA Magnet adverts for AHM
$110 Battery
0.07 cent Interest
3. General Business
 OH&S Driveway, Needs urgent attention, recent rains have made it slippery and the
slope more apparent. A quote for sealing or cementing is to be sourced from Mitchlin’s &
Owen O’Neill. No Bush Fire Brigade upgrade. Has occurred, but they may share the costs
in this endeavour.
 Fire & Safety Tag & testing is to be organised by BVSC, we are waiting to hear about this.
Remains unattended.
 First Aid Officers: current: Carolyn.
Upcoming Private Hires:
Produce Market
Music Factory
June + Concerts
4. Correspondence – IN (all via email this month)/ OUT mail
 27/2/15 IN Mail
 1/3/15 OUT Mail
 1/3/15 OUT
 1/3/15 OUT
 3/3/15 IN
9/3/15 IN
24/3/15 IN
29/3/15 OUT
30/3/15 IN
1/4/15 IN
 9/4/15 IN
 20/4/15 IN
 27/4/15 IN
BVSC Halls. Meeting minutes from 24/2/15.
Ross Elliot cc Committee re Mower battery & shed storage
Karen Trewin BVSC Halls: advised that James had resigned at
28/11/14 AGM, Acting President was Shereen Green
Nathan Marshall BVSC – to proceed with Termite works.
BVSC Nathan Marshall Advised delay in Termite treatment,
additional quotes required. James Hinckley to resign in email or
writing required. Forwarded 6/3/15 CB
Dylan Morgan membership request
Nathan Marshall BVSC Fees & charges, no NRA change accepted.
NRA & BVSC committee meeting minutes from 26/2/15
Karen Lott – Happy to reimburse for tables.
Nathan Marshall Current Officer bearers list required. 1/4/15 replied
refer minutes, listing of current office bearers in at the end of all
BVSC Halls Karen Trewin: Financial Statement – 31/3/15 balance is
$857.54 which differs from ours Caroline to follow up
BVSC Halls Action item 11 – Playgroup equipment & chairs. Replied
26/4/15 we are keen on Playground equipment if available.
BVSC Halls 26/5/15 Notice & Agenda. Forwarded to Shereen.
NRA/ NHMC - General Meeting Minutes 22/5/15
 30/4/15 IN
Nathan Marshall BVSC – No Grant proposal received yet was due in
Feb15; new members need to complete the Nominations form; NRA
& hall minutes to be kept separate; and no deposits made to BVSC
hall account since January? Replied 1/5/15 & forwarded Committee.
1/5/15 Nathan added to reply.
5/5/15 IN
BVSC Halls – Fire Safety Stmt. CB Approved.
5/5/15 OUT
Caroline reply to BVSC financials query.
10/5/15 IN
Nathan Marshall – Last chance to lodge project nominations by
Monday 11/5.
10/5/15 OUT
Pizza Oven grant proposal lodged.
12/5/15 IN
BVSC Halls Staff changes: Nathan Marshall moving on.
Discussed to forward Village Newsletters to members only.
General Hall Business
 BVSC Hall Hire booking Form available on BVSC web link, being
df : We are working on updating website now.
 Volunteer Committee positions to be filled: President Join our Committee, Please let us
know if you would like to join our committee
Meeting Closed
Next Meeting
3.30 pm
12.30pm, Friday 28th August 2015, Oaklands for Lunch
NRAI / NHMC Committee
PO Box 164, Eden NSW 2551 Phone: 6494 3239
(Acting) Shereen Green
Caroline Winnell
Carolyn Beaucaris
Booking Support Office:
Sarah Smith
Edith Hammond
Amanda Stroud
Michelle Bond
Bev Elliott
6495 7274
6495 7054
6494 4724
6495 7923
6495 7769
6494 3107
6495 6650
NRA/ NHMC - General Meeting Minutes 22/5/15