Liu Ziyuan Liu 05/02/2013 MATH 07 My Favorite Puzzle


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Ziyuan Liu



My Favorite Puzzle-Solving Strategy: Drawing Pictures

Drawing pictures or diagrams is what I believe to be one of the best ways of solving puzzles. The following methods and examples will show how drawing pictures can benefit puzzle solving. I will talk about how visual interpretations, in general, can be applied not only geometry-related puzzles, but games as well.

As a visual person, I think that drawing pictures is the best way to comprehend a puzzle. It adds another dimension, which is sometimes not given to a reader by the books. Visual interpretations work best for geometry-related puzzles; however, there are many instances in which drawing diagrams of charts or trees can be best for comprehension.

For example, a geometry-related puzzle, such as the seven cities of gold, would be easier to solve if it were realized on paper. Given that there are seven cities of gold and for any three cities, any two are ten leagues apart, is there a possible configuration that satisfies the conditions? For this specific problem, based on the second condition, we can be sure that the smaller bits to this puzzle are composed of three points and three lines where a equilateral triangle is needed. If we took two of these triangles and combined them with a common line, we will come across a general rhombus shape. At the same time one can also visualize a pentagonal shape with edges as the cities. With the pentagonal shape (Figure 1), we have used five of the seven cities.

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Figure 1. Five points making a pentagonal shape.

However with a pentagonal shape, dividing the innards into equilateral triangles is impossible (one can do it with a hexagon, but not a pentagon). By this point, one should realize that equilateral triangles are needed in order to complete this puzzle. In addition, when drawing different possible solutions, we realize that the triangles must be drawn inside the pentagon, not outside. For a point inside the pentagonal bounds can be used to create two separate triangles sharing an edge.

With the sixth point, we can connect three lines from it to three edges and do the same with the seventh point. As we can see from the answer (Figure 2), the difficulty when thinking about this puzzle is the part where the two rhombi have to overlap.

Figure 2. Each gold bar/city is ten leagues apart from two other cities of gold.

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It is obvious that the seven cities of gold puzzle needed to be drawn out; however, it is clear that just trying to solve the puzzle through various random tries is not efficient. We had to follow the conditions of the puzzle in order to generate a simple shape that allows to progress from one step to the next. Some non-geometry puzzles or games can also be solved or won with a simple drawing or diagram.

Charts and diagrams can be best used for computable puzzles such as tic-tac-toe.

Figure 3. A tic-tac-toe tree drawn out for the next best move by looking ahead. 1

For games like Tic-Tac-Toe, a tree can be drawn out to examine moves that would benefit either player the most. Each level of the tree displays the unmade possibilities of the game. However, it should be noted that such a method is time consuming to solve by hand and usually a computer is need to do so efficiently.

Nevertheless, for the purpose of generalization, looking at the game tree can develop winning strategies. For example, even though we do not need a game tree to generalize this, it becomes clear why it becomes advantageous for the first player to


Alpha Beta Tree . Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 May 2013.


Liu 4 place a piece in the middle of the board. The middle piece allows the possibility of four different ways to win. Every other position on the Tic-Tac-Toe board will only grant two or three ways of winning. However, counting all the possible outcomes of

Tic-Tac-Toe, one can come to the conclusion that the middle position and the edge positions carry more weight than the remaining four other positions.

Perhaps the simplest example of exemplifying the power of a drawing is to draw out a game tree for a game called Nim. Nim is stick-picking game with a

Chinese origin. Different versions of the game can be played with other objects such as pebbles or matches. The basic game begins with a bowl of n objects where each of the two players will take turns taking either one or two object(s), where n is greater than two.

Figure 4. A game tree of Nim. 2


Digital image. Think Quest . N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013.


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The winning condition of the game varies. For our example, the player to take the last piece wins the game. To keep the game interesting we will play a game of seven objects or pieces. In Figure 4, the edges of tree include either “F” or “S,” representing either the first player’s turn or the second player’s turn. The letters in the edges are followed by a number representing the number of objects in the bowl before the current player’s move. The letters “W” and “L” indicates the win or loss for the second player.

Ignoring all previous intuition, we can see that in all of the cases where the letter “L” appears in an edge the parent edge (the move before the Losing move) was the first player’s move followed by either the numbers “1” or “2.” The winning case is the exact opposite: the parent edge must contain the results of the second player’s move, leaving either 1 or 2 pieces. Therefore, the root winning strategy for player one is leave three pieces left for player two to choose from. We can see from the game tree that it is a sure loss for either player if he is left with three pieces to choose from. If the rule of this puzzle was changed to allow players to take from one to three pieces, we can already visualize from the previous condition and its game tree that the only strategy to obtain a sure win is to leave your opponent with four pieces. We are now able to generalize that in a game where one is allowed to take from one to m pieces, the winning is strategy is leave for your opponent with m+1 pieces. Generalizing further, it is largely in a player’s best interest to leave exactly x pieces for his opponent, where n is a multiple of x – following the root strategy, x must be m+1. So in this case, even if we assume that both players have perfect knowledge of the game tree, the person to make the first move will always win.

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In conclusion, for geometry-related puzzles, drawing diagrams and pictures is the most helpful method to finding the solution. For other puzzles such as games, drawing a diagram can vastly help puzzle solver to come to a realization or a pattern to a game. In cases such as Nim, with perfect knowledge, the first player to move will win indefinitely. Obviously, the perfect player that has an absolute chance of winning varies as the rules of the game.
