Curriculum Vitae - Morehead State University

Conroy Vita
January 2014
Christina Conroy
Curriculum Vitae
Fall 2010-present
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Department of History, Philosophy, Religion and Legal Studies
342 Rader Hall
Morehead State University
Morehead, KY 40351
Fields of Specialization: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, and Logic
2010 University of California, Irvine; Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Dissertation: A Relative Facts Interpretation of Everettian Quantum Mechanics.
Committee: Jeffrey Barret (co-chair), Sven Bernecker (co-chair), Jeremy Heis
2006 University of California, Irvine; Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
2004 City University of New York, Hunter College (Major: Philosophy, Minor: Math)
Graduate Summa cum Laude and with honors in Philosophy
2004-2010 University of California, Irvine; Graduate Teaching Associate and Teaching Assistant
Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Sigma Tau (International philosophy honor society)
Teaching load each semester: 4 courses
Spring 2014
PHIL 106-001 Beginning Logic
PHIL 106-004 Beginning Logic
PHIL 412 Symbolic Logic
1 course release – Program Coordinator
Conroy Vita
Fall 2013
FYS 101-023 Puzzles, Paradoxes and Games
FYS 101-053 Puzzles, Paradoxes and Games
PHIL 400 Philosophy of Science
PHIL 499c Senior Seminar
2 course releases – 1 for Program Coordinator, 1 for Centralized Advisor
Spring 2013
Phil 306-001 Introduction to Logic
Phil 308-001 Philosophy of the Arts
Phil 399-001 Philosophy and Science Fiction
Phil 476-001 Independent Study – Advanced Logic – 3 credit hours
FYS 101-009 Winnie the Pooh and Buddha Too
1 course release – Program Coordinator
Fall 2012
Phil 200-001 Introduction to Philosophy
Phil 399-001 Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics
FYS 101-003 Winnie the Pooh and Buddha Too
1 course release – Program Coordinator
Spring 2012
Phil 100-003 Beginning Philosophy
Phil 312-001 Symbolic Logic
FYS 101-049 First Year Seminar: Winnie the Pooh and Buddha Too
1 course release – Program Coordinator
Fall 2011
Phil 100-003 Beginning Philosophy
Phil 300-001 Philosophy of Science
Phil 420-001 Metaphysics
FYS 101-049 First Year Seminar: Winnie the Pooh and Buddha Too
Spring 2011
Phil 203-001 and 002 Introduction to Social Ethics
Phil 308-001 Philosophy of the Arts
Phil 430-001 Epistemology
Fall 2010
Phil 203-001 and 002 Introduction to Social Ethics
Phil 306-001 Introduction to Logic
Phil 399-001 Puzzles, Paradoxes and Games
January 2014
Conroy Vita
January 2014
Teaching evaluations summary
Student: Evaluations that I have gotten from students – those done formally by the department, IDEA
forms and those administered by me – have been overwhelmingly positive. I have included more
detailed summaries in the supporting documents.
Student contact activities
80 undergraduate advisees
I am the centralized advisor for all Philosophy students.
Undergraduate Research Fellows:
Isaac Casto, Fall 2011-Spring 2012 – Accepted to 2012’s Posters on the Capitol
Students accepted to the National Conference on Undergraduate Research:
Asa Hosoda
Tyler Mullins 2013
Fall 2012 - Chosen to be on the Pilot II group of the FYS QEP plan.
I was an instructor chosen to implement the critical thinking instruction that was developed
during this semester.
Spring 2011 - Awarded a $750 grant from the CLPD to develop and implement a workshop called “Active
Learning in the Classroom”.
Spring 2011 - Chosen to be one of the pilot group of the SB1 Student Success Faculty Members.
List of published articles
Forthcoming, “Branch-Relative Identity” in Individuals Across Sciences. Edited by Alexandre
Guay and Thomas Pradeu. Oxford University Press: New York.
Conroy Vita
January 2014
2012, “The Relative Facts Interpretation and Everett’s note added in proof” Studies in History
and Philosophy of Modern Physics” 43: 112-120.
2011, “On Lim On Kim” Southwest Philosophy Review 27, 2.
2008, “No Lacuna and No Vicious Regress: A Reply to LePoidevin” Acta Analytica 23, 4: 367-72.
Work in Progress
“Everettian Quantum Mechanics Without Realism”
“Intrinsic Properties in the Relative Facts Interpretation”. Drafted with a Research and Creative
Productions Summer Fellowship from 2012-2013.
“A Preliminary Comparison of Critical Thinking Gains in First Year Seminars”. A paper
coauthored with Dr. Gina Blunt Gonzalez, Associate Professor of Health, Wellness and Human
Performance at MSU, in which we attempt to show that teaching philosophy to first year
students, and not teaching specific critical thinking skills in addition, is sufficient to increase
their critical thinking skills as measured by a nationally recognized test of critical thinking ability.
List of conference papers/posters/presentations
February 2014 “A Preliminary Comparison of Critical Thinking Gains in First Year Seminars”
presentation at the group meeting of the American Association of Philosophy
Teachers during the 2014 Central Division meeting of the American Philosophical
August 2013 “`Branch-Relative Identity’ in Everettian Quantum Mechanics” paper
presentation at the 12th International Conference on Persons in Lund, Sweden.
March 2013 “`Branch-Relative Identity’ in Everettian Quantum Mechanics” paper
presentation at the Fifth Workshop in Philosophy of Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics at IPFW.
May 2012
“Survival in Everettian Quantum Mechanics” paper presentation at the Individuals
Across Sciences Conference; The Sorbonne, Paris, France.
May 2012
“Survival in Everettian Quantum Mechanics” invited talk at the Individuals in
Physics and Metaphysics colloquium at Urbino University, Urbino, Italy.
May 2011
“The Relative Facts Interpretation and Everett’s note added in proof” paper
presentation at The Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science Conference;
University of Toronto, Toronto.
Fall 2010
“On Lim on Kim” comments on a paper presentation for the Southwest
Philosophical Association Fall meeting; Memphis, Tennessee.
Conroy Vita
January 2014
2012-2013 Research and Creative Productions Summer Fellowship
Project: “Intrinsic Properties and the Relative Facts Interpretation”
2011-2012 Research and Creative Productions Summer Fellowship
Project: “Identity and Relative Facts”
2011 AAUW Short-term Research Publication Grant
Project: “Bridging the Gap Between Quantum Mechanics and Metaphysics”
2014 NEH Summer Stipend “Intrinsic Properties in the Relative Facts Interpretation”
Applied for but not funded
2013-2014 Research and Creative Productions Summer Fellowship
Project: “Everettian Quantum Mechanics Without Realism”
2013 NEH Summer Stipend – I applied at the University level but was not chosen to apply at the
national level.
2012 NEH Summer Stipend “Intrinsic Properties in the Relative Facts Interpretation”
2011 NEH Summer Stipend “Relative Facts: Bridging Physics and Philosophy”
“Branch-Relative Identity in Everettian Quantum Mechanics”
“The Relative Facts Interpretation and Everett’s note added in proof”
Researcher under NSF grant No. SES-0924135 "Everett Papers
Archive and Commentary". Primary Investigator: Jeffrey Barrett, Professor of
Philosophy at University of California, Irvine, Department of Logic and Philosophy
of Science.
American Philosophical Association
Kentucky Philosophical Association
Southwestern Philosophical Association
American Association of Philosophy Teachers
American Association of University Women
Work as a reviewer
2011-present Referee for the journal Philosophy of Science
Conroy Vita
January 2014
2012-present Referee for the journal Erkenntnis
Summer 2010 Reviewer for Southwest Philosophy Association
2010-present Periodic review of textbooks and on-line course components for Pearson
Publishing and Cengage/Wadsworth Publishing
Continuing Education
Seminars attended and form of participation
SACS COC Institute on Quality Enhancement and Accreditation, July 2013 - Participant
American Association of Philosophy Teachers, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
meeting at the American Philosophical Association, Central Division meeting; February
22nd, 2013 – Participant
American Association of Philosophy Teachers, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
meeting at the American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division meeting; April 5 th,
2012 – Participant
Student Success Summit with Tara Parker; March 28, 2012 – Participant
Diversity Matters: Understanding Diversity in Schools with Dr. Lynn Spradlin; April 20,
2011 – Participant
Stewart Ross of Dee Fink – Integrated Course Design for Significant Learning; November,
2010 – Participant
Workshops attended and form of participation
Online Collaborative Experience course, Fall 2013 – Participant
Keynote Follow-up: QEP & Critical Thinking with Cathy Bays, Fall 2013 – Participant
Keynote Follow-up: QEP & Critical Thinking with John Nash, Fall 2013 – Participant
Preparing for the QEP Pilot on Critical Thinking, Fall 2013 – Participant
2nd Annual Professional Development Day - Participant
Day-long, Professional Development Workshop at Morehead State University –
“Strategies for Improved Teaching: Active Learning Techniques for Faculty”, August 14,
2012 – Facilitator
Conroy Vita
January 2014
Student Success Summit: Encouraging Faculty and Staff Dialogues about Student
Successes – “Sharing Strategies for Improved Teaching: Active Learning Techniques for
Faculty Members” , March 29, 2012 –– Facilitator
Grant Opportunities Reception with the CLPD and the CRE; September 29, 2011 –
Technology Users Group – “Anti-Plagiarism Software”, September 29, 2011 – Participant
Active Learning Strategies for the Classroom with Dr. Christina Conroy; September 13,
2011 – planner, organizer and facilitator
Blackboard Bridge Training, August 2011 – Participant
American Association of Philosophy Teachers workshop on the scholarship of teaching
and learning in philosophy; March 3rd and 4th – Participant
Pamela Petty workshop, January 13, 2011 – Participant
Oodles of Moodles, Training on Moodle Rooms – Participant
Tenure and Review Process, September 2010 – Participant
Other evidence of professional growth
Member of the FYS Learning Community, Fall 2012-present.
Service on the Fall 2012 Pilot II group for the FYS QEP project
Service on the 2010-2011 Pilot group of the SB1 Student Success Faculty and
Professional Staff Group
List of University, college, department and Faculty Senate ad hoc and standing committees
with level indicated in each case.
Spring 2014-Fall 2015
Fall 2013
Spring 2013
Spring 2013
Gen-Ed Council
First Year Seminar QEP Study Instructor
8th Annual Celebration of Student Scholarship Judge
Search Committee for Library I position
Conroy Vita
Fall 2012
Fall 2011
January 2014
First Year Seminar QEP Pilot II Instructor
Scholarship Appeals Committee – Representative of the Caudill
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences;
Academic Appeals Committee – representative of the Caudill
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Spring 2013
2011-Fall 2013
Search Committee for Chair of HPRL
Philosophy and Religious Studies Central Advisor
Member of Department Curriculum Committee
Philosophy and Religious Studies Program Coordinator
Philosophy and Religious Studies Assessment Coordinator
Coordination of and participation in Morehead State University workshops, conferences, clinics, inservice and special events.
Workshop facilitator
August 14, 2012
Professional Development workshop presenter “Strategies for Improved
Teaching: Active Learning Techniques for Faculty”
March 29, 2012
Student Success Summit presenter “Sharing Strategies for Improved
Teaching: Active Learning Techniques for Faculty Members”
September 13, 2011 Active Learning Strategies for the Classroom
September 2011
Graduate School Application Workshop for HPRL students interested in
applying to graduate/law school
Spring 2011
Graduate School Application Workshop for HPRL students interested in
applying to graduate/law school
March 28, 2012
Student Success Summit with Tara Parker
September 29, 2011 Grant Opportunities Reception with the CLPD and the CRE
September 29, 2011 Technology Users Group – “Anti-Plagiarism Software”
Conroy Vita
January 2014
August 2011
Blackboard Bridge Training
August 16, 2011
New Faculty Orientation; panel member
April 20, 2011
Diversity Matters: Understanding Diversity in Schools with Dr. Lynn
Spradlin; Participant
January 13, 2011
Pamela Petty Workshop
Spring 2011
Oodles of Moodles, Traning for Moodle Rooms
November 2010
Stewart Ross of Dee Fink – Integrated Course Design for Significant
September 2010
Tenure and Review Process
Development of proposals to benefit the University
Active Learning in the College Classroom Workshop proposal; submitted Spring 2011;
accepted and awarded a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Student Success Grant for
Cost/benefit analysis of adopting a campus-wide subscription to Worked
on over Christmas break 2010.
Volunteer Activities
New Faculty Orientation 2011; member of a panel of second and third year faculty
Student Move-in Day August 2011