Table 1S – Test Dataset: Tab 1- Test dataset Transcription Factor A subset of the True Interactions- 90 transcription factors. A list of the 90 transcription factors from TRANSFAC used for the gold standard Tab 2- List of Genes in Test dataset A subset of the True Interactions (TI) from TRANSFAC - 90 transcription factors and their targets. This list contains 1330 unique elements. If a transcription factor is also a target it is listed as TF;Tar. The gold standard. Tab 3- TRANSFAC interactions The entire list of True Interactions- 2486 TRANSFAC Interactions in the test dataset. The gold standard. Tab 4- Full Transcription Factor list A list of all human transcription factors. Curated from AnimalTFDB and KEGG. Table 2S - Details of method comparison Tab 1- Optimized CV value A table showing, for each dataset (Eppert, Metzeler, Valk, Macrae, and TCGA), the optimized coefficient of variation (CV ) value used in AML 2.1. Tab 2- CV Optimization Comparison Details of the different methods of network inference. For each method (ARACNE, Pearson Correlation, GENIE3, and TIGRESS) and dataset the number of true interactions before the CV cutoff and after the CV cutoff for both 100 and 1,000 of the top interactions are listed. We also compare the precision of the methods, which for this test was higher for Poisson correlation. Tab 3- Pre-CV Integrated Network For each of the overlap groups generated for the various methods the precisions (ratios) of TI hits found in overlaps 2 through 5 are listed for no CV cutoff. In the random case, interactions were first randomly selected from all the possible interactions of each of the 5 Pre-CV datasets. Below this are more details on the interactions found in the various networks using the other methods, compared to Pearson correlation. This includes shared interactions and TI hits in addition to the new interactions compared to the Pearson correlation. The Venn diagram shows the overlap among all the new TF interactions of the various methods. Tab 4- Post-CV Integrated Network For each of the overlap groups generated for the various methods, the precisions (ratios) of TI hits are listed after the respective cutoff. In the random case, interactions were first randomly selected from all the possible interactions of each of the 5 Post-CV datasets. For this test the precision of the methods was higher for Below this are more details on the interactions found in the various networks using the other methods, compared to Pearson correlation. This includes shared interactions and TI hits in addition to the new interactions compared to the Pearson correlation. The Venn diagram shows the overlap among all the new TF interactions of the various methods. Table 3S – Poisson optimization Tab 1- CC Cutoff and # of Interactions This table shows the cutoff value for each dataset using the Pearson Correlation method. It also shows the number of interactions after using the correlation cutoffs and the interactions included in AML 2.1 after reproducibility analysis. Tab 2- Total Interactions The number of interactions in each overlap group found using the indicated average TIs per bin (equivalent to lambda of Poisson) and p-value are shown. We also show the ratio of the sum of interactions found in overlap 2 and above divided by the interactions found in overlap 1. This ratio is a measure of reproducibility. Tab 3- TI Hits The number of TIs in each overlap group are listed for all combinations of TI rate per bin and p-value (ranging from 1 to 3 and 0.05 to 0.30 respectively). Tab 4- TI Enrichment The number of TIs divided by the interactions in that overlap group are listed for all combinations of TI rate per bin and p-value (ranging from 1 to 3 and 0.05 to 0.30 respectively) Tabs 5 and 6 – Overlap ratio rank and final rank The parameters are first ranked according to reproducibility (in overlap ratio) and then (in Final rank) the top third, which had comparable values of reproducibility, is ranked using the TI enrichment, a measure equivalent to precision. Lambda =2 and p value = 0.1 were therefore used in the Poisson distribution to identify the correlation coefficient cutoff. Table 4S – TFG overlaps with TI hits All Tabs The transcription factor gene (TFG) interactions and the datasets used (column D). Each tab represents the different overlap groups from 1 to 5 for AML 2.1. For overlap 2 we also list separately the interactions from this group that were included in AML 2.1. The average rank is obtained from the five datasets ranked by the Pearson correlation coefficient. Additionally, each tab contains the TI precision (ratio) for that overlap group. Table 5S – AML 2.1 PPI overlaps Overlap Tabs The protein-protein (PPI) interactions and the datasets used. Each tab represents the different overlap groups from 1 to 5 for AML 2.1. The mean of the average coefficient column can be found at the bottom of each overlap tab. Eppert_HippieHit_15000000_300 All 15,000,000 interactions partitioned into 300 bins with 50,000 interactions per bin. Ranked left to right in descending order of correlation. Eppert_HippieHit_500000_500 500,000 interactions partitioned into 500 bins with 1,000 interactions per bin. Ranked left to right in descending order of correlation. Table 6S – Network AML 2.1 Tab 1- AML_2.1 Network The list of all interactions in the AML_2.1 Network. Column C denotes pp if part of the PPI sub-network and pd if part of the TFG sub-network. Column D is 1 if a directed edge and 0 otherwise. Tab 2- AML_2.1_Genes A list of all genes (accompanied by theit respective Ensembl_Gene and EntrezGene IDs) in the AML_2.1 Network. Table 7S – Cluster analysis All Tabs MCODE cluster analysis of AML_2.1 Network. This table also includes RECON2 summary and counts indicating which gene sets are elevated in AML or Normal samples using odds ratio and P-Value. Additionally, all clusters have a tab containing statistics obtained using BiNGO GO Enrichment. Table 8S – AML 2.1 properties and mutations Tab 1- AML_2.1_Mutation_Subnetwork_Nei A subset of the AML_2.1 Network containing all interactions that have an edge to a mutation gene. Tab 2 - Gene_Mutation_Count The mutations and mutation first neighbors as well the number of edges separating the gene from a mutation. Tab 3- Gene_GOEnrichment GO functional enrichment analysis of the mutation sub-network. See Biology results section, AML Mutations, for more details about these statistics. Tab 4- AML 2.1 properties Individual functional and network details for each of the genes in the AML_2.1 Network. Table 9S KIEN beta coefficients Tab 1- Table9S_kinase_equation_coeffic Full list of coefficients calculated using the method discussed in section "Regression analysis with KIEN" within the methods of the paper. A larger coefficient for a kinase means that inhibition of that kinase is associated to a stronger response in the in vitro experiments with patients' primary cells. Note that only 101 kinases in this list are present in the AML 2.1 network. Table 10S TFG All Tabs Overlap groups for the TFG sub-network generated when using the same technique for AML_2.1 and applying it to a total of 12 datasets (Eppert, Metzeler, Valk, Macrae, TCGA, Alcalay, Alizadeh, Klein_15434, Klein_21261, Roller, Taskesen, Verhaak). See main text for GEO numbers. Table 10S PPI All Tabs Overlap groups for the PPI sub-network generated when using the same technique for AML_2.1 and applying it to a total of 12 datasets (Eppert, Metzeler, Valk, Macrae, TCGA, Alcalay, Alizadeh, Klein_15434, Klein_21261, Roller, Taskesen, Verhaak). See main text for GEO numbers. Table 11S – 5 to 12 group 2 All Tabs TFG data used to generate figure 4B in the main paper. Table 12S – TI Hits 12 and 10 to 12 Tab 1- TIHit_12 A summary of the TI ratios (precision) for the overlap groups of the 12 datasets mentioned in Table 10S TFG. Tab 2- 5 datasets A summary of AML_2.1 used for comparison to the network containing 12 datasets. Tab 3- TFG 10 to 12 This table shows how many TFG interactions from overlaps 1 through 10 (obtained using 10 datasets) were present in the next 2 overlap groups or were still in the same group (using 12 datasets). Shown in figure 4A. Tab 4- PPI 10 to 12 This table shows how many PPI interactions from overlaps 1 through 10 (obtained using 10 datasets) were present in the next 2 overlap groups or were still in the same group (using 12 datasets).