Literature maxresorb® und maxresorb® inject Studies on biphasic calcium phosphates Backgound/ physic-chemical studies Biphasic calcium phosphate bioceramics: preparation, properties and applications. LeGeros RZ, Lin S, Rohanizadeh R, Mijares D, LeGeros JP., J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2003 Mar;14(3):201-9. Abstract Biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) bioceramics belong to a group of bone substitute biomaterials that consist of an intimate mixture of hydroxyapatite (HA), Ca(10)(PO(4))(6)(OH)(2), and beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP), Ca(3)(PO(4))(2), of varying HA/beta-TCP ratios. BCP is obtained when a synthetic or biologic calcium-deficient apatite is sintered at temperatures at and above 700 degrees C. Calcium deficiency depends on the method of preparation (precipitation, hydrolysis or mechanical mixture) including reaction pH and temperature. The HA/beta-TCP ratio is determined by the calcium deficiency of the unsintered apatite (the higher the deficiency, the lower the ratio) and the sintering temperature. Properties of BCP bioceramics relating to their medical applications include: macroporosity, microporosity, compressive strength, bioreactivity (associated with formation of carbonate hydroxyapatite on ceramic surfaces in vitro and in vivo), dissolution, and osteoconductivity. Due to the preferential dissolution of the beta-TCP component, the bioreactivity is inversely proportional to the HA/beta-TCP ratio. Hence, the bioreactivity of BCP bioceramics can be controlled by manipulating the composition (HA/beta-TCP ratio) and/or the crystallinity of the BCP. Currently, BCP bioceramics is recommended for use as an alternative or additive to autogeneous bone for orthopedic and dental applications. It is available in the form of particulates, blocks, customized designs for specific applications and as an injectible biomaterial in a polymer carrier. BCP ceramic can be used also as grit-blasting abrasive for grit-blasting to modify implant substrate surfaces. Exploratory studies demonstrate the potential uses of BCP ceramic as scaffold for tissue engineering, drug delivery system and carrier of growth factors. Effect of surface structure on protein adsorption to biphasic calcium-phosphate ceramics in vitro and in vivo. Zhu XD, Fan HS, Xiao YM, Li DX, Zhang HJ, Luxbacher T, Zhang XD., Acta Biomater. 2009 May;5(4):1311-8. Epub 2008 Dec 10. Abstract Protein adsorption affects the function of cells and determines the bioactivity of biomaterial implants. Surface structure and properties of materials determine the behavior of protein adsorption. In the present study, two biphasic calcium-phosphate ceramics (BCPs) with different surface structures were fabricated by pressing and H2O2 foaming methods. Their surface characteristics were analyzed and the 1 in vitro and in vivo protein adsorption on them was investigated. Porous BCP showed higher ability to adsorb proteins, and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) adsorption notably increased with increasing in vivo implantation time. The strong affinity of BCP to TGF-beta1 might provide important information for exploring the mechanism of the osteoinduction of calcium phosphates. Animal studies Evaluation of a novel biphasic calcium phosphate in standardized bone defects: a histologic and histomorphometric study in the mandibles of minipigs. Jensen SS, Yeo A, Dard M, Hunziker E, Schenk R, Buser D., Clin Oral Implants Res. 2007 Dec;18(6):752-60. Epub 2007 Sep 20. Abstract OBJECTIVE: A novel biphasic calcium phosphate (CaP) granulate consisting of hydroxyapatite (HA) and beta-tricalciumphosphate (TCP) was compared with pure HA and pure TCP and with autograft as positive control. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four standardized bone defects were prepared in both mandibular angles of 16 minipigs and grafted with autogenous bone chips, HA, HA/TCP (60% : 40%), or TCP. Histologic and histomorphometric analysis of bone formation and graft degradation followed healing periods of 2, 4, 8, and 24 weeks. RESULTS: 2 weeks: more bone formation in defects filled with autograft than with the three CaP materials (P<0.05). 4 weeks: bone formation differed significantly (P<0.05) between all four materials (autograft>TCP>HA/TCP>HA). 8 weeks: more bone formation in defects with autograft and TCP than with HA/TCP (P<0.05), and HA/TCP had more bone formation than HA (P<0.05). 24 weeks: no difference in bone formation between the groups. Autograft and TCP resorbed quickly and almost completely over 8 weeks, whereas HA/TCP and HA showed limited degradation over 24 weeks. CONCLUSION: All defects healed with mature lamellar bone and intimate contact between bone and the remaining graft material. The rate of bone formation corresponded to the content of TCP in the CaP materials. 2 Osteogenicity of biphasic calcium phosphate ceramics and bone autograft in a goat model. Fellah BH, Gauthier O, Weiss P, Chappard D, Layrolle P., Biomaterials. 2008 Mar;29(9):1177-88. Abstract The aim of this work was to compare the osteogenicity of calcium phosphate ceramic granules with autologous bone graft in ectopic and orthotopic sites. Biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) granules composed of hydroxyapatite (HA) and beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP) in a 60/40 ratio were sintered at 1050, 1125 and 1200 degrees C, producing different microporosities. Either BCP ceramic granules or autologous bone chips (n=7) were implanted into paraspinal muscles. Osteoinduction was not observed in either the BCP implants or autologous bone chips after 6 or 12 weeks in the ectopic sites. Hollow and bored polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) cylinders were filled with autologous bone, BCP granules or left empty, then implanted into critical-sized defects in femoral epiphyses. The PTFE cylinders left empty contained marrow and blood vessels but not mineralized bone, indicating that this model prevented bone ingrowth (0.56+/-0.43% at 12 weeks). Bone formation was observed in contact with the BCP1050 and BCP1125 granules in the femoral sites after 6 weeks. The amount of bone after 12 weeks was 5.6+/-7.3 and 9.6+/-6.6% for BCP1050 and BCP1125, respectively. Very little bone formation was observed with the BCP1200 implants (1.5+/-1.3% at 12 weeks). In both the ectopic and orthotopic sites, autologous bone chips were drastically resorbed (from 19.4+/-3.7% initially to 1.7+/-1.2% at 12 weeks). This study shows that synthetic bone substitutes may have superior stability and osteogenic properties than autologous bone grafts in critical-sized bone defects. Comparative study of biphasic calcium phosphates with different HA/TCP ratios in mandibular bone defects. A long-term histomorphometric study in minipigs. Jensen SS, Bornstein MM, Dard M, Bosshardt DD, Buser D., J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2009 Jul;90(1):171-81. Abstract Three biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) bone substitute materials with hydroxyapatite (HA)/tricalcium phosphate (TCP) ratios of 20/80, 60/40, and 80/20 were compared to coagulum, particulated autogenous bone, and deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) in membrane-protected bone defects. The defects were prepared in the mandibles of 24 minipigs that were divided into four groups of six with healing times of 4, 13, 26, and 52 weeks, respectively. The histologic and histomorphometric evaluation focused on differences in amount and pattern of bone formation, filler degradation, and the interface between bone and filler. Collapse of the expanded polytetrafluoroethylene barrier membrane into the coagulum defects underlined the necessity of a filler material to maintain the augmented volume. Quantitatively, BCP 20/80 showed bone formation and degradation of the filler material similar to autografts, whereas BCP 60/40 and BCP 80/20 rather equaled DBBM. Among the three BCP's, the amount of bone formation and degradation of filler material seemed to be inversely proportional to the HA/TCP ratio. The fraction of filler surface covered with bone was highest for autografts at all time points and was higher for DBBM than BCP 80/20 and 60/40 at the early healing phase. TRAP-positive 3 multinucleated cells were identified on BCP and DBBM surfaces without showing typical signs of resorption lacunae. Studies on Maxresorb (Osceram nano) Cellular and Animal studies Oberflächenstruktur, Biokompatibilität und Hartgewebsregeneration (Wissenschaftlich-experimentelle Untersuchung des biphasischen Knochenersatzmaterials Ossceram nano) Dr.Dr.Daniel Rothamel, Dr. Jörg Neugebauer, Dr. Thea Lingohr, Dr.Dr. Timo Dreiseidler, Dr. Lutz Ritter und Prof.Dr.Dr. Joachim Zöller, Köln Bei augmentativen Eingriffen in der dentalen Implantologie sind neben der Verwendung von Eigenknochen verschiedene xenogene und alloplastische Knochenersatzmaterialien etabliert. Sie zeigen je nach Indikationsstellung vorhersagbare Ergebnisse, bei gleichzeitiger Verringerung der Entnahmemorbidität. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war die wissenschaftliche Betrachtung eines neuartigen biphasischen Knochenersatzmaterials (Ossceram nano, Bredent medical). Hierfür wurden rasterelektronenmikroskopische sowie zell- und tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen durchgeführt. In der rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Oberflächenanalyse zeigte sich, dass das Material neben einer hochporösen Makro- und Mikrotopographie auch nanostrukturelle Anteile aufweist. In-vitro war eine gute Proliferation von Knochenzellen zu beobachten. Tierexperimentell zeigten sich 4 Wochen nach lateraler Augmentation im Oberkiefer erste Anzeichen für eine ossäre Regeneration und nach 8 Wochen eine vollständige Durchbauung des Augmentates mit Geflechtknochen. Dieser wurde innherhalb von 24 Wochen bei langsamer oberflächlicher Resorption des Materials in Lamellenknochen umgebaut. Es ließ sich schlussfolgern, dass sich das untersuchte Knochenersatzmaterial durch hohe Porösität und gute Biokompatibilität auszeichnet, schnell osseointegriert wird und eine deutliche Volumenstabilität und langsame Resorption aufweist. Surface morphology, biocompatibility and osseous organization of a new biphasic bone substitute (Maxresorb®). A combined in-vitro/in-vivo analysis. Rothamel, Daniel; Neugebauer, Joerg; Scheer, Martin; Ritter, Lutz; Dreiseidler, Timo; Lingohr, Thea; Mischkowski, Robert; Zoeller, Joachim The aim of the present study was to investigate surface morphology, biocompatibility and osseous organisation of a new biphasic bone substitute (Maxresorb (MR), 60% HA/40% ß-TCP, Botiss dental GmbH, Berlin, Germany). 4 Wissenschaftlich-experimentelle Untersuchung des biphasischen Knochenersatzmaterials Ossceram nano: Oberflächenstruktur, Biokompatibilität und Hartgewebsregeneration Dr.Dr. Daniel Rothamel, Dr. Jörg Neugebauer, Dr. Thea Lingohr, Dr.Dr. Timo Dreiseidler, Dr. Lutz Ritter und Prof.Dr.Dr. Joachim Zöller, Z Oral Implant, 5. Jahrgang 2/2009 Bei augmentativen Eingriffen in der dentalen Implantologie sind neben der Verwendung von Eigenknochen verschiedene xenogene und alloplastische Knochenersatzmaterialien etabliert. Sie zeigen je nach Indikationsstellung vorhersagbare Ergebnisse, bei gleichzeitiger Verringerung der Entnahmemorbidität. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war die wissenschaftliche Betrachtung eines neuartigen biphasischen Knochenersatzmaterials (Ossceram nano, Bredent medical). Hierfür wurden rasterelektronenmikroskopische sowie zell- und tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen durchgeführt. In der rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Oberflächenanalyse zeigte sich, dass das Material neben einer hochporösen Makro- und Mikrotopographie auch nanostrukturelle Anteile aufweist. In-vitro war eine gute Proliferation von Knochenzellen zu beobachten. Tierexperimentell zeigten sich 4 Wochen nach lateraler Augmentation im Oberkiefer erste Anzeichen für eine ossäre Regeneration und nach 8 Wochen eine vollständige Durchbauung des Augmentates mit Geflechtknochen. Dieser wurde innherhalb von 24 Wochen bei langsamer oberflächlicher Resorption des Materials in Lamellenknochen umgebaut. Es ließ sich schlussfolgern, dass sich das untersuchte Knochenersatzmaterial durch hohe Porösität und gute Biokompatibilität auszeichnet, schnell osseointegriert wird und eine deutliche Volumenstabilität und langsame Resorption aufweist. Oberflächenstruktur, Biokompatibilität und Hartgewebsregeneration eines nanostrukturierten biphasischen Knochenersatzmaterials. Eine in-vitro- und tierexperimentelle Pilotstudie. D. Rothamel, D. Neugebauer, T. Lingohr, T. Dreiseidler, L. Ritter und J. Zöller, Report Uniklinik Köln Zusammenfassung Bei augmentativen Eingriffen in der dentalen Implantologie sind neben der Verwendung von Eigenknochen verschiedene xenogene und alloplastische Knochenersatzmaterialien etabliert. Sie zeigen je nach Indikationsstellung vorhersagbare Ergebnisse, bei gleichzeitiger Verringerung der Entnahmemorbidität. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war die wissenschaftliche Betrachtung eines neuartigen biphasischen Knochenersatzmaterials (maxresorb, botiss dental, Berlin). Hierfür wurden rasterelektronen-mikroskopische sowie zellund tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen durchgeführt. In der rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Oberflächenanalyse zeigte sich, dass das Material maxresorb neben einer hochporösen Makro- und Mikrostruktur auch nanoporöse Anteile aufweist. In-vitro war eine gute Proliferation von Knochenzellen auf dem Mineral maxresorb zu beobachten. Tierexperimentell ließen sich nach lateraler Augmentation im Oberkiefer nach 4 Wochen Heilungsperiode erste Anzeichen für eine ossäre Regeneration feststellen. Nach 8 Wochen Heilungsperiode zeigte sich eine vollständige Durchbauung des maxrsorb Augmentates mit Geflechtknochen, der im weiteren Verlauf bis zu 24 5 Wochen maximaler Heilungsperiode bei nur sehr langsamer oberflächlicher Resorption des Materials in Lamellenknochen umgebaut wurde. Es ließ sich schlussfolgern, dass sich das untersuchte Knochenersatzmaterial maxresorb durch hohe Porösität und gute Biokompatibilität auszeichnet, schnell osseointegriert wird und eine deutliche Volumenstabilität und langsame Resorption aufweist. Surface structure, biocompatibility and hard tissue regeneration of nanostructured biphasic calciumphosphate cereamic and natural bovine deproteinized bone matrix. An in-vitro and in-vivo analysis. D. Rothamel, T. Fienitz, A. Happe und J. Zöller, report University cologne Summary Alongside the use of the patient's own bones, various xenogenic and alloplastic bone substitute materials are established for use in augmentation surgery in dental implantology. They yield results which are predictable according to the respective indications for treatment, with a simultaneous reduction of donor-site morbidity. The aim of this study was the scientific analysis of a new type of biphasic bone substitute material (Maxresorb [MR], Botiss Dental, GmbH Berlin) in comparision to a natural bovine bone mineral (Bio Oss Spongiosa [BOS], Geistlich Biomaterials, Wolhusen, Switzerland). To this end, scanning electron microscope analyses and cell and animal experiments were performed. The scanning electron microscope surface analysis revealed that the MR material has nanoporous parts in addition to a highly porous macro- and microstructure. BOS showed a more smooth surface at 500x magnification. A good proliferation of bone cells was observed on MR, whereas BOS revealed some limitations on cell attachment and proliferaton in-vitro. Therefore, initial attachment as well as proliferation were significantly better on MR than BOS (P<0.05, Mann Whitney U-Test). In the animal experiments, following a lateral augmentation of the maxilla in eight animals, the first signs of osseous regeneration in MR were observed after a healing period of 4 weeks. After a healing period of 8 weeks, there was a complete union of the MR augmentation material with woven bone. BOS showed a more delayed bone formation, originating from the bottom of the defect. After 24 weeks of healing, the woven bone was converted into lamellar bone, with a very slow surface resorption of MR. BOS showed no resorption of the granules and a more delayed bone maturation, whereas volume stability was found excellent in both groups. It was concluded that both MR and BOS show good biocompatibility, supporting osseointegration with marked volume stability and slow resorption. Report on the in-vivo response of bone to granules of porous Hydroxyapatite / Tri-calcium phosphate (maxresorb) C.O. Freeman, I.M. Brook; School of Dentistry, Biomaterials research cluster, report Conclusion: The maxresorb granules were osteoconductive (Figures 1-23) with clear evidence of new bone formation 6 occurring in intimate association to the implanted granules in the larger pores of both materials. There was evidence of complete (~100%) osseointegration of the maxresorb granules at the 12 week time point in this rat femora model. The hard and soft tissues accepted the presence of maxresorb granules and with no evidence of any adverse effect. In vivo determination of the biocompatibility of calcium phosphate bioceramics (maxresorb) implanted in a nonhealing mandibular ramus model. C.O. Freeman, I.M. Brook, University of Sheffield, research report Conclusions: New bone failed to develop in the control defects.The HA/bTCP (Maxresorb) is osteoconductive with clear evidence of new bone formation in the larger pores of both materials. There was evidence of good osseointegration of HA/bTCP (Maxresorb). The hard and soft tissues accepted the presence of HA/bTCP (Maxresorb) with no evidence of any adverse effect. There was no evidence of any fibrous encapsulation of HA/bTCP (Maxresorb). Clinical Studies Clinical Performance of a New Biphasic ß-TCP/Hydroxyapatite Ceramic. A Consecutive Case Report Study Daniel Rothamel, Jörg Neugebauer, Tim Fienitz, Martin Scheer, Robert Mischkowski, Timo Dreiseidler, Lutz Ritter, Joachim Zöller; Poster AO 2011 Beside autogenic bone, different bone substitute materials are well established for augmentation procedures in oral implantology. Whereas tricalciumphosphate ceramics have shown fast osseous organisation but low volume stability, complete osseous organization of native and synthetic hydroxyapatite ceramics (HA) may last much longer resulting in prolonged healing times. The combination of both ceramics as biphasic HA/ß-TCP could hypothetically combine the fast regeneration of ß-TCP and volume stability of HA due to its specific chemical composition. The aim of this case report study was to investigate a new biphasic ß-TCP/HA ceramic (Maxresorb® [MR], 60% HA/40% ß-TCP, Botiss dental GmbH, Berlin, Germany) for lateral augmentations in GBR technique and single-stage and twostage sinus floor elevations. Clinical Performance of a New Biphasic Bone Substitute Material for Sinus Grafting Dr. Franziska Möller, Dr. Dr. Martin Scheer, PD Dr. Dr. Daniel Rothamel, PD Dr. Jörg Neugebauer, Dr. Thea Lingohr, Dr. Dr. Timo Dreiseidler, Dr. Lutz Ritter, Prof. Dr. Dr. Joachim Zöller, Poster AO 2010 7 Conclusion Within the limits of the present study it was concluded that the use of maxresorb® for one-stage or twostage sinus floor elevations shows fast osseous organization, good volume maintenance and slow resorption. Particularly the good volume maintenance may increase the predictability of two-stage implant treatments in the atrophic posterior maxilla. Clinical aspects of novel types of collagen membranes and matrices Current issues in soft- and hard-tissue augmentation (Osceram nano) D. Rothamel, R. Torök, J.Neugebauer, T. Fienitz, M. Scheer, M. Kreppel, R.Mischkowski, J. Zöller; EDI Journal 1rst Issue 2011 In recent years, the use of bone substitutes has increasingly become established for augmenting localized defects of the alveolar ridge as an alternative to autologous bone grafts. Bone substitutes are available in unlimited quantities, are not associated with any harvest-related morbidity and are well accepted by patients. To prevent connective-tissue encapsulation of the material introduced, it should be separated from the adjacent soft tissue by membranes, following the principles of guided tissue regeneration (GTR). However, it should be noted that especially resorbable collagen membranes differ with regard to their handling properties and mechanism of biodegradation and, hence, the resulting incidence of complications. But technical progress in the area of collagenous membranes has led to thicker collagen matrices with more stable volumes, opening up new possibilities. New indications for these matrices might reduce the morbidity related to the harvesting of palatal soft-tissue grafts. Reports/ Statements Clinical report/ statement about the synthetic material maxresorb® Dr. Damir Jelusic, Stomatoloska Poliklinika; Opatja, Hrvatska, Croatia, July 2011 Scientific and clinical report about Maxresorb® (Botiss Biomaterials, Berlin, Germany) Dr. Daniel Rothamel, Uniklinik Köln Statement on maxresorb® Kathrin Berndsen, DMD, Praxis Mundart, Ratingen, November 2011 Bericht Trepanproben nach Sinuslift Dr. D. Rothamel, Uniklinik Köln, 16. November 2010 8 Protokoll zur Analyse von Knochenersatzmaterial Analyses of bone graft materials Universität Hannover, Prof. Carla Vogt, 2011 Studies on maxresorb® inject Animal studies Bone regeneration following socket preservation using different bone substitute materials. A pilot study in dogs. D. Rothamel and D. Ferrari, report University of cologne/ University of Duesseldorf Purpose: The aim of the present study was to histologically evaluate hard tissue healing following application of bone substitutes into fresh extraction sockets in dogs. Methods: The following groups were tested: (i) Ceramisys granulated HA nanopaste [GNP] (Maxresorb HA/TCP granulates 16.5% combined within Nano HA Bone Paste 83.5%, Ceramisys Ltd, Sheffield, UK) (ii) selfhardening bone cementum [OC] (Bone Cement, AAP biomaterials, Dieburg, Germany), (iii) CaSO4-Pellets [POS] (PerOssal, botiss dental GmbH, Berlin, Germany). The materials were randomly inserted in the extraction sockets immediately after tooth extraction. Untreated extraction sites served as control (C). After eight weeks, the animals were sacrified and dissected blocks were prepared for histomorphometrical analysis (n=4). Results: During the entire study period, healing was uneventful for all animals. Histological analysis revealed a high variability of material resorption and osteoconductive properties of the applied materials. Similar to POS, the nanopaste part of GNP was completely resorbed within eight weeks, whereas the granular part of GNP and OC could still be identified within the extraction sockets. In contrast to the GNP granules being osseoconductively integrated into the newly formed bone, major parts of the OC remnants displayed a fibrous encapsulation and less hard tissue regeneration. Conclusions: Within the limits of the present study it was concluded that POS and GNP supported, whereas OC inhibited hard tissue healing following tooth extraction. GNP may be generally considered as suitable material for use in bone tissue repair and augmentation. 9 Dimensional ridge alterations following socket preservation using a nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite paste: a histomorphometrical study in dogs. Rothamel D, Schwarz F, Herten M, Engelhardt E, Donath K, Kuehn P, Becker J., Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008 Aug;37(8):741-7. Epub 2008 Jun 12. Abstract The aim of the study was to evaluate the histological response and dimensional ridge alterations following application of a nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite paste (NHA) into fresh extraction sockets in dogs. Immediately following vertical tooth separation and extraction, NHA was inserted in the extraction socket of the second molar in the lower jaws of 10 dogs. Untreated extraction sites on the opposite side served as controls. Wounds were closed using resorbable sutures after vertical flap elevation. After three and six months, 5 animals were killed. Lingual and buccal bone height, alveolar wall and total bone width 1, 3 and 5mm underneath the top of the crest were evaluated. Histological analysis revealed a high variability of NHA resorption and osteoconductive properties with different rates of material resorption. No statistically significant differences could be observed between the corresponding aspects of test and control sites. Both groups revealed higher alveolar wall resorption on the buccal than on the lingual side at both time periods. NHA does not seem to be useful for socket preservation procedures since it failed to prevent dimensional ridge alterations while revealing osseous integration but unpredictable material resorption. The role of non-resorbed hydroxyapatite remnants for implant placement is unclear and requires further investigation. Ostim: Evaluation of a novel nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite paste and a solid hydroxyapatite ceramic for the treatment of critical size bone defects (CSD) in rabbits. Huber FX, Berger I, McArthur N, Huber C, Kock HP, Hillmeier J, Meeder PJ. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2008 Jan;19(1):33-8. Epub 2007 Jun 14. Abstract The purpose of our study was to test the effectiveness of Ostim nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite paste and Cerabone ceramic by treating a critical size bone defect (CSD) on the right foreleg of a white New Zealand rabbit. Evaluation was carried out by comparing four groups each with a different CSD filling: an only OSTIM bone filling, an only Cerabone filling, an OSTIM-Cerabone combination, and a control group with no filling of the CSD. The results of this study display a rapid and uniform bone ingrowth following the CSD filling with Ostim. The histological and histomorphometrical data have shown similarly excellent results for both the Ostim and Cerabone-Ostim groups. The control group faired poorly in comparison, as three cases of non-union were observed and none of the defects were totally refilled with fresh bone within 60 days. The successful bone healing with osseous consolidation verifies the importance of the nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite in the treatment of metaphyseal osseous volume defects in the metaphyseal spongiosa. 10 Ostim: Injectable nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite paste for bone substitution: in vivo analysis of biocompatibility and vascularization. Laschke MW, Witt K, Pohlemann T, Menger MD. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2007 Aug;82(2):494-505. Abstract The nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite paste Ostim represents a fully degradable synthetic bone substitute for the filling of bone defects. Herein, we investigated in vivo the inflammatory and angiogenic host tissue response to this biomaterial after implantation. For this purpose, Ostim was implanted into the dorsal skinfold chambers of Syrian golden hamsters. The hydroxyapatite ceramic Cerabone and isogeneic transplanted cancellous bone served as controls. Angiogenesis, microhemodynamics, microvascular permeability, and leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction of the host tissue were analyzed over 2 weeks using intravital fluorescence microscopy. Ostim exhibited good biocompatibility comparable to that of Cerabone and cancellous bone, as indicated by a lack of venular leukocyte activation after implantation. Cancellous bone induced a more pronounced angiogenic response and an increased microvessel density when compared with the synthetic bone substitutes. In contrast to Cerabone, however, Ostim showed a guided neovascularization directed toward areas of degradation. Histology confirmed the ingrowth of proliferating vascularized tissue into the hydroxyapatite paste at sites of degradation, while the hydroxyapatite ceramic was not pierced by new microvessels. Thus, Ostim represents an injectable synthetic bone substitute, which may optimize the conditions for the formation of new bone at sites of bone defects by supporting a guided vascularization during biodegradation. Orthopedic Studies Void filling of tibia compression fracture zones using a novel resorbable nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite paste in combination with a hydroxyapatite ceramic core: first clinical results. Huber FX, McArthur N, Hillmeier J, Kock HJ, Baier M, Diwo M, Berger I, Meeder PJ. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2006 Oct;126(8):533-40. Epub 2006 Jul 12. Abstract INTRODUCTION: It is a generally accepted standard surgical practice to fill-in the metaphyseal defect zones resulting from the reduction of tibia compression fractures. The development of various innovative bone substitutes is also currently on the increase. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In our prospective study, we used Ostim, a novel resorbable nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite paste, together with Cerabone, a solid hydroxyapatite ceramic, in combination with angularly stable 11 osteosynthesis to treat 24 tibia compression fractures. Types B2 and B3, as well as types C2 and C3 fractures, according to the AO classification, were included in the study. RESULTS: The mean total range of joint motion in terms of flexion and extension was improved from the immediate postoperative value of 79 +/- 14 degrees to 97 +/- 13 degrees at 6 weeks after surgery, to 109 +/- 16 degrees at 3 months, and finally to 118 +/- 17 degrees at 1 year. In three patients, a delayed wound healing was observed as a local complication. CONCLUSION: The use of the Ostim and Cerabone combination is an effective method in treating tibia compression fractures with large defect zones left after reduction. Review on injectable bone graft substitutes Design of ceramic-based cements and putties for bone graft substitution Marc Bohner. European Cells and Materials, Vol 20, 2010 (pages 1-12) Abstract: In the last 15 years, a large number of commercial ceramicbased cements and putties have been introduced as bone graft substitutes. As a result, large efforts have been made to improve our understanding of the specific properties of these materials, such as injectability, cohesion, setting time (for cements), and in vivo properties. The aim of this manuscript is to summarize our present knowledge in the field. Instead of just looking at scientific aspects, industrial needs are also considered, including mixing and delivery, sterilization, and shelf-life. 12