RAMP (Rapid Mobile Phone-based) malaria survey in Caprivi Training Outcomes and Objectives Expected outcomes By the end of this training, trainees will feel: - positive about their involvement in the survey process confident that they are well-prepared for the field survey operations (locating sample households, segmentation, interviewing) confident that they are fully supported by the survey coordinating team. Training of interviewers and field supervisors objectives By the end of this training, trainees will be able to: > state roles, responsibilities and expectations for their involvement in the survey > understand the survey questionnaire and the intent of the questions > describe the field operations and survey process > carry out an effective interview, using the mobile phone for collecting data > carry out the survey in the field, following the correct procedures as given during the training. 1 RAMP (Rapid Mobile Phone-based) malaria survey in Caprivi RAMP Malaria Survey Training for NRC Survey Field Teams 24 to 27 January 2012 Katima Mulilo, Caprivi Agenda1 DAY 1 08:00-08:30 08:30 – 10:00 Registration Introductory Session Welcome and open of the workshop; Prayer; Opening Remarks <Chairman Edwin Mwenda>; introduction of participants, icebreaker activity, expectations, overview of agenda, training ground rules; administrative issues 10:00-10:30 Introduction to the RAMP malaria Survey Background and purpose of survey Survey overview: Where, when, who and how? 10:30- 11:00 BREAK 11:00-12:45 Understanding the Survey Questionnaire All participants need to understand the content and the intent of the questionnaires. The survey questionnaires (in the paper training tool version) will be reviewed. The review will be carried out questionnaire-by-questionnaire, and also include the Person roster/Who slept under which net job aid. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the basic structure of the survey instrument and the order of the administration of the questionnaires, and understanding each question of the questionnaires. 12:45-13:00 Review: Neighbor discussion 13:00-14:00 LUNCH 14:00-15:00 Understanding the Survey Questionnaires (continued) Key terms will be explained (informed consent, types of bednets, rapid testing for malaria, drugs used for malaria treatment). 15:00-15:30 Role Play: Carrying out an Interview Using a case scenario provided by the trainer, a role play will be carried out in front of all participants, aiming that the entire interview (that is, the Household questionnaire, the paper persons roster, the Person Roster, and the Bednet Roster) are completed. Each of 1 This is the agenda distributed to the trainees. It was revised somewhat following discussions among the trainers. See the trainers’ agenda for a more accurate reflection of the agenda that was delivered during the training. 2 RAMP (Rapid Mobile Phone-based) malaria survey in Caprivi the questionnaires will be role-played by a different interviewer/interviewee pair. The trainers will facilitate discussion and provide clarification as needed, during each of the role plays. 15:30-16:00 BREAK 16:00-17:00 Role Play: Carrying out an Interview (continued) Wrap-up of the day DAY 2 08:30-08:45 Recap and Preview Summary by rapporteur. Go over any questions from day 1 and recap of day 1. Preview what will be on the agenda for today 0:845-9:00 09:00-09:30 Key terms Definitions of key terms (eg., household; an eligible respondent) will be discussed Sign-out and distribution of mobile phones 09:30-10:15 Using the mobile phones for the Survey: The Basics The use of mobile phones in health surveys. The basics about cellphone use in this survey: features of the phone, system settings, function buttons, entering data, navigating the survey sections, skip patterns, data quality checks, care of the mobile phone. 10:15- 10:30 Interview Role Play Working in pairs, the interviewers will role play an interview based on case scenarios provided to them. The pairs will practice entering data on their mobile phones, and gain familiarity with the using the cellphones to enter the data collected during an interview. The trainers will be available to coach each pair and answer questions. 10:30-11:00 TEA BREAK 11:00-12:15 Interview Role Play (continued) 12:15-13:00 Interview Tips and Techniques Exercise: Interviewing Techniques and Tips. Working in small groups, the characteristics of an effective interview/er and the factors that detract from and effective interview will be identified by the trainees. Tips and techniques for conducting an effective interview will be presented. 3 RAMP (Rapid Mobile Phone-based) malaria survey in Caprivi 12:00-13:00 Interviewing Skills Practice Exercise: Interviewing a household based and entering data Each small group will be provided with a set of case scenarios describing a household. The small groups will practice conducting an interview and recording data, using a simulated interview based on the facts provided in the case scenario(s). Facilitators will provide support and feedback. 13:00-14:00 14:00-15:30 LUNCH Interviewing Skills Practice (cont’d) In plenary, there will be a debriefing and discussion of the questionnaire interview case scenarios New case scenarios for more practice (focus on proper use of the Paper roster/Who slept under which net job aid 15:30-16:00 16:00-17:00 BREAK Focus on those areas where difficulties were encountered so far. DAY 3 08:30 – 08:45 Recap of day 2 Preview of today’s activities 8:45-10:30 Field Procedures There are a number of procedures that need to be carried out to ensure the success of the survey and to obtain high quality data. This section leads the trainees through these procedures, and provides the chance to discuss issues that may arise and how to deal with them. The roles and responsibilities of the interviewers and team leaders will be discussed. Contacting local authorities Informed Consent/Rights of respondents Working as a team Carrying out the interview Ensuring safety and security 10:30-11:00 BREAK 11:00-12:00 Field Procedures (continued) 4 RAMP (Rapid Mobile Phone-based) malaria survey in Caprivi 12:00-12:30 Understanding the household selection process Facing special situations and challenges Getting Ready for the Field (part 1) This session (covered over two days) ensures that all teams will be wellprepared as they head to the field. The topics covered include: assignment of the teams; fieldwork schedule and team movement plans, field expenses, accommodation and transportation, and communications in the field. On day 4, per diems will be distributed to each individual, and all teams will be given the needed field supplies, equipment and materials. 12:30-13:00 Instructions for the field practice 13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH (may be organized for the field practice if needed) 14:00-17:00 Field Practice: Carrying out interviews in the household All surveyors and team supervisors will take part in a field exercise near the training site. Teams will practice and apply the field procedures as prescribed during training. Each interviewer is responsible to carry out at least two interviews, collecting data on his/her mobile phone. The first two interviews will be in a pair, with one person leading the interview and the other following along also entering data in the cellphone according to the responses. Then, they switch for the next HH. Each person carries out a 3rd interview on their own. Day 4 08:30-009:00 Recap Preview of the day’s activities 09:00-10:30 Learning from the field practice Participants will carry out a self assessment of their performance during the field practice. The data collected during the field practice will be projected, and discussed. Large group discussion will focus on challenges that can be encountered, and the ways to address them. Areas of difficulty should be identified and the trainers should ensure that these are addressed before the close of the training. 5 RAMP (Rapid Mobile Phone-based) malaria survey in Caprivi 10:30-11:00 BREAK 11:00-13:00 Group 1: Meeting for Team Leaders: Getting Ready for the Field This session is targeted only for team supervisors, and includes activities and information that will help the supervisors to carry out their field responsibilities. The trainers will meet with all field supervisors to discuss mobile phone responsibilities (maintenance, data management including protocol for viewing and/or correcting data, supervisor and team member responsibilities, and logistics (maps, schedules, troubleshooting, administrative issues, contacts and communications). Supervisors will sign-out for the mobile phones and supplies needed for their team. Technical issues and fieldwork procedures will be reviewed. 11:00-13:00 Group 2: Topic-specific Support to Interviewers Focus will depend on the specific needs expressed, and problem-areas identified by the trainers. Trainers will be available to provide coaching and support. 13:00-14:00 LUNCH 14:00-15:30 Group 1: Meeting for Team Supervisors (continued) Group 2: Topic-specific Support to Interviewers (continued) 15:30-16:00 BREAK 15:30-17:00 Getting Ready for the Field (part 2) Evaluation of Training END of TRAINING END OF TRAINING. SURVEY TEAMS DEPART FOR THE FIELD AS PER INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN BY THE SURVEY COORDINATORS. There will be a post-survey session for all members of the survey teams, to debrief, to be held in Katima Mulilo on Saturday February 4th. A certificate of participation will be given to participants during this session. 6