Highlands Elementary School Student/Teacher/Parent Compact School Year 2015-16 Parent/Guardian Agreement As a parent/guardian of a student enrolled in Highlands Elementary School, I agree to: ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ See that my child is punctual and attends school regularly. Support the school in its efforts to maintain proper discipline. Provide a quiet well lit study area and a regular time for homework. Make certain that all homework assignments are completed on time. Monitor the quality and quantity of television viewing. Assist my child in making healthy and nutritional food choices. Participate when possible in activities at my child’s school. Attend parent/teacher conferences. Work toward a positive use of my leisure time with my child. Encourage good reading habits by example. Encourage positive attitudes about school. Signature Student Agreement As a student enrolled in Highlands Elementary School, I agree to: ./Attend school each day unless prevented by illness or emergency, and be on time. ./ Complete all class and homework assignments and submit them on time. ./ Come to school each day prepared with pens, pencils, paper, and other necessary tools for learning. ./ Participate in class and school activities. ./ Treat all staff, students, and property with respect. ./ Cooperate by observing the rules of student conduct. ./ Select a time and place to read or study every day. Signature Teacher Agreement As a teacher at Highlands Elementary School, I agree to: ./ Demonstrate care and concern for each student. ./ Set high standards and communicate clearly to students and parents. ./ Provide instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children served to meet the State’s student performance standards. ./ Provide homework assignments for students that will reinforce classroom instruction. ./ Provide parents with regular reports on their child’s progress. ./ Welcome the participation of parents in the classroom and their support in helping their child achieve educational goals. ./ Provide parents with timely responses to suggestions or concerns about the education of their children. Signature Administration Agreement As administrators of Highlands Elementary School, we agree to: ./ Provide an environment that allows for positive communication between the teacher, parent, and student. ./ Provide a quality curriculum and instructional practices that will allow students to become effective citizens. ./ Provide opportunities for parents to be involved in the school and in their child’s education. Signature