Autism Action Plan update October 2014 Autism Strategy 2010 - “Fulfilling and rewarding lives” The strategy for adults with autism in England (2010) increasing awareness and understanding of autism among frontline professionals • developing a clear, consistent pathway for diagnosis in every area, which is followed by the offer of a personalised needs assessment access for adults with autism to the services and support they need to live independently within the community Implementing “Fulfilling and rewarding lives” Statutory guidance for local authorities and NHS organisations to support implementation of the autism strategy A. Training of staff who provide services to adults with autism B. Identification and diagnosis of autism in adults, leading to assessment of needs for relevant services C. Planning in relation to the provision of services to people with autism as they move from being children to adults • improving • helping adults with autism into work, And D. Local planning and leadership in relation to the provision of services for adults with autism Glossary ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder CLDT Community Learning Disabilities Team DoH Department of Health FACS Fair Access to Care Services ICO’s Initial Contact Officer LD Learning Disabilities MH Mental Health NAS National Autistic Society NDTi National Development Team for Inclusion PCT Primary Care Trust TIN Transition Information Network • enabling local partners to plan and develop appropriate services for adults with autism to meet identified needs and priorities. Page 1 of 8 Autism Action Plan update October 2014 TRAINING Action Update October 2014 Develop an autism training strategy that will include the: Officers, Housing contact officers, Policy, Welfare Rights, Reception Staff, Contact Centre, ICO's, Security, ASB team, Registrars, GLLAB, Job Centre Training for all frontline Plus) identification and commissioning of a suitable organisation to deliver training with the needs of their job Two Autism Awareness pilot sessions are to be delivered on 21 October (2.7) 2014(deferred to 11 November 2014). Feedback on content, relevance set up a programme of induction and on-going training needs Timescale Staff have been identified in at least 12 key areas (Housing Enforcement identification of staff who need training public service staff in line Responsibility LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT and course length will inform mainstream program. The trainer, Robyn Steward has been identified after a rigorous selection process. Robyn is on the autistic spectrum and lectures all over the world and is an author of books on autism. identify staff who will need specialist training e.g. Staff have been identified in at least 10 key areas (CLDT Staff, GLO care co-ordinators, occupational therapists, Staff, Day Services, Mental Health Resettlement, Care personal assistants Consider commissioning general and specialist training for staff that require it locally or as part of Developing specialist shared services training with Lewisham and Bexley. training for staff in health Coordinators, Occupational Therapists, Commissioners, Safeguarding, Access to Resources, Support Planners) ‘Supporting People through Social Care Assessment’ pilot session is to be delivered on 30 October 2014. Feedback on content and relevance will inform mainstream program. NAS has been selected to deliver this course. and social care (2.15) The pilot will inform relevance and content for mainstream program. LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT The remit will probably need reviewing to reflect the inclusion of staff involved in other types of assessments (i.e. Housing, Service Centre) Note: An additional course will be developed to reflect other areas where assessments are completed (but not social care assessments) e.g. Welfare Rights, Housing etc. Provide awareness training rd to Private and 3 Sector OED to provide 6 half day training sessions to - Private and Voluntary Sector (PVI) providers on covering Awareness, Awareness (internal providers), Assessments (Social Learning Disabilities and Autism Awareness Care, Others e.g. Housing and Welfare Rights). Sessions will not be providers limited to 6 half day sessions. - Involving adults with autism PVI Autism training will be integrated with DAOPS mainstream session - Involve adults with autism, their families or carers in the delivery of awareness and specialist training / families in training Set up process where adults with autism/their 2015 Learning Disabilities Awareness will be dealt with separately Adults with autism, families and carers attend the Autism Partnership Board. The Board has signed off both training proposals for autism awareness and social care assessment. - 31 March Julie Raven (GNAS volunteer) and Claire Lindsey (GNAS Committee 31 March 2015 Page 2 of 8 Autism Action Plan update October 2014 TRAINING Action Update October 2014 Responsibility families can contribute to the on-going assessment Member) have attended pilots for Autism Awareness and the specialist and delivery of training need training for social care assessments and the subsequent feedback Timescale groups. IDENTIFICATION AND Action Update October 2014 Section 47 of NHS & Community Care Act 1990 also applies to people with autism Information on pathway to diagnosis at Responsibility Deadline DIAGNOSIS LA have a duty to assess a person who is clear: may be in need of community care For RBG residents who are already receiving Have a clear pathway to diagnosis in every area services, this includes people with autism health or social care services within Royal Diagnostic services should be easily accessible Develop a clear and consistent pathway for support from any learning disability, mental Greenwich, a contact officer will refer you to Oxleas Intake Team and you will be signposted to Review the current pathways to diagnosis in each area (e.g. health & social diagnosis (3.8) care) be screened for a full diagnostic assessment. For RBG residents who are not currently receiving support from any other services then NICE guidelines will set out a model care pathway(s) which will inform foundation for local commissioners to develop referral and care pathways Local authority should appoint a lead professional to develop pathway to services for adults diagnosed with Autism you can contact your GP who can make a referral to Oxleas Intake Team and you will be signposted to be screened for a full diagnostic assessment Lead Professional who will develop diagnostic and assessment centre for adults with autism Complete Dr Elizabeth Kilby, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, ASD Assessment Pathway Coordinator for Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust is LD Commissioner the lead professional to develop pathway to services for adults with autism. Dr Kilby works in conjunction with Alun Bayliss, Head of Commissioning, Directorate of Delivery and Service Transformation, Adult Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and CAMHS, NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group. Director of Adult - Establish who has lead responsibility on making assessments for people with Dr Elizabeth Kilby, Consultant Clinical Part Complete Page 3 of 8 Autism Action Plan update October 2014 Social Services is autism Psychologist, ASD Assessment Pathway Co- responsible for ensuring correct ordinator for Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust has - processes are in place Adults diagnosed with ASD are made aware of their right to a Community lead responsibility for making assessments for Care Assessment. people with autism. within the local area - Establish links between care managers and commissioner to ensure levels of need are properly identified to inform commissioning plans - Prompt sharing of information between diagnostic services and adult services (and Dr Elizabeth Kilby can make a direct referral to CLDT) Ensure that adults develop and maintain contact details for local autism support services and diagnosed with autism voluntary groups, telephone help lines, local support groups pages with relevant information on national are given access to information about Royal Greenwich website now includes Autism and local services and groups. Ensure relevant national websites and contact numbers including Separate pages exist for Adults and Children’s autism and sources of representative groups, are on the relevant sections of the Greenwich internet support, at the point and intranet service users. Pages are updated regularly and can be found of diagnosis (3.26) at Ensure social work teams and other departments are aware of information and know how to access it The “Living with Autism” section of the NHS Choices website is linked from RBG Autism LD Commissioning Officer On going Deadline pages for Adults and Children’s services Ensure the correct signposting to the “Living with Autism” section of the NHS Choices website are widely available to all Council services - Information is readily available post diagnosis - Check all publicity information is in accessible formats (use guidance from Office of Disability Issues) Transition from Action Update October 2014 Responsibility Ensure that the transitions register is maintained regularly and Transitions Register is up to date and is managed by a Adult Services Children to Adult Transition plans for young people with has information that is accurate and up to date when a child autism makes the transition from child to adulthood Transitions Team. Sections relating to autism are being reviewed to ensure information is useful and relevant to the development of Commissioners / Transitions Coordinator / ASD Outreach Page 4 of 8 Autism Action Plan update October 2014 Transition from Action Update October 2014 Responsibility Deadline Children to Adult ensure assessment of needs and the provision is required to meet the needs of all young people with statements services The Transition Team works across Adults and children’s services and the team coordinates with schools, families and young Ensure processes are in place where adults and children’s services work with schools, families and young people to identify support needs during the transition to adulthood people to identify support needs during the transition to adulthood. Transition planning starts at 16 (social care) and continues through to 18 (or later if appropriate). Ensure Transition planning is person centred Transition Planning is person centred and a separate plan exists for every relevant service users Page 5 of 8 Autism Action Plan update October 2014 LOCAL PLANNING & Action Update October 2014 Responsibility Deadline Lead Commissioner (Learning Disabilities, LD Commissioner Complete LEADERSHIP Director of Social LD Commissioner should work closely with the local specialised Services in each local commissioning group such as MH, Older People etc. and the lead professional Physical Disabilities, Autism & Carers) has been authority should in the local area responsible for developing the diagnostic and assessment given responsibility for leading on Autism ensure there is a joint services (3.10) commissioner/ senior manager who has in LD Commissioner will ensure that adults with autism are an integral part of their portfolio a clear mainstream commissioning processes commissioning responsibility for LD Commissioner will participate in relevant local and regional partnership adults with autism boards to ensure that the needs of adults with autism are being addressed at (6.10) these meetings (including Valuing People regional delivery boards, Health and Wellbeing Boards) Lead Commissioner liaises with Alun Bayliss, Head of Commissioning, Directorate of Delivery and Service Transformation, Adult Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and CAMHS, NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group and Dr Elizabeth Kilby, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, ASD Assessment Pathway Coordinator for Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust. Lead Commissioner chairs or attends various partnership Boards including Joint Commissioning , LD Placement Panel, Transition Panel & Board, Learning Disability Partnership Board, Autism Partnership Board, Ensure that adults with Equality Act 2010 requires all organisations to provide a service to the public and to Autism can access make reasonable adjustments to ensure they are accessible for people with disabilities Royal Greenwich Website and this is updated services and receive – this includes autism whenever new services or Groups are the support they need (4.7) Information on local services is available on the LD Commissioning Officer discovered or become available. - Include a specific section on autism in the Learning Disabilities Client communication plan ensuring it covers information on access to services Information on local events or services is Contact Centre Manager circulated via email to the Autism Partnership - Liaise with the Contact Centre Manager to ensure the Customer contact centre Board members, to internal providers such as is accessible Day Opportunities, GLO Homes and external residential providers and for onward circulation. - Identify what reasonable adjustments if any can be made to accommodate people with autism. Including making adjustments to web access and - Commissioners The Council is working with G-NAS (Greenwich telephone communications as required and especially local services such as National Autistic Society) and Burgess Autistic Libraries, Housing and Welfare Rights Trust to develop ideas for appropriate support Liaise with LD & MH services to ensure their offices/services are accessible in CDLT/MH Lead groups. GNAS has recently launched a new Voluntary & Community Youth Club which meets in Eltham. groups 30 June 2016 particular making reasonable adjustments if required) to premises, processes Page 6 of 8 Autism Action Plan update October 2014 LOCAL PLANNING & Action Update October 2014 Responsibility Deadline LEADERSHIP communications, planning and preparation - Ensure providers commissioned by the Council are adhering to the Equality Act requirements and that their offices/services are accessible in particular Adults with autism are supported to access personal budgets and direct payments as are all making reasonable adjustments if required) to premises, processes, Adult Service users. The Council works with all communications, planning and preparation third sector organisations to promote awareness and uptake of personal budgets and Find out what local services/groups exist for adults with autism direct payments. Work with G-NAS (Greenwich National Autistic Society) and support groups in surrounding boroughs to establish need for additional support groups for adults with autism in the borough - Explore how the Council can support local groups in planning and commissioning services locally for adults with autism - Liaise with relevant partners in Health, Probation, DWP and other relevant stakeholders Ensure adults with autism are supported to access personal budgets and direct payments of social care Ensure Advocacy in Greenwich and other similar organisations are working with adults with autism to access personal budgets and direct payments Each local area should Develop services within the scope of existing resources and budgets develop its own commissioning plan - LD Commissioner to develop a commissioning plan around services for adults new Market Position Statement and with autism that reflects local needs commissioning plans. To help with this we adults with autism that are asking 3rd sector organisations to - Establish what the current JSNA says about adults with autism the JSNA and all other relevant data around prevalence (6.9) We will undertake a comprehensive mapping exercise in 2015/16 to inform a around services for reflects the output of - report on the number of people with ASD that engage with them. - LD Commissioner 31 July 2016 To inform the plan, up to date information will be gathered locally and fed into JSNA 1) The number of adults known to have autism in the area 2) The range of needs for support to live independently 3) The age profile of people with autism in the area Page 7 of 8 Autism Action Plan update October 2014 LOCAL PLANNING & Action Update October 2014 Responsibility Deadline LEADERSHIP 4) Number of adults with autism in employment in the local area Page 8 of 8