Introduction: - Autism Asperger ACT

Policy: Client Management - Service planning –
meeting individual needs
Approved by Governing Committee
Date June 2012
To be reviewed by Governing Committee
Date: June 2014
1. Purpose of this Policy
1.1 To describe the position of Autism Asperger ACT regarding the support of all clients. Clients
include, but are not limited to members, supporters, volunteers and the general public.
1.2 AAACT’s Policy & Procedures aim to ensure all interactions with its clients are respectful,
inclusive and supports them in making their own decisions.
Application of this Policy
2.1 All activities authorised by or under the control of AAACT, including those undertaken at the
premises or away from the premises.
2.2 All staff and volunteers within AAACT or engaged by AAACT.
3.1 These are the Policy & Procedures of AAACT approved by the Governance Committee.
3.2 The Committee is committed to implementing the Policy & Procedures and training staff and
volunteers in its content and application.
Principles and Procedures
4.1 All clients receive timely and accurate assistance that supports their participation and
results in a planned service tailored to their specific needs.
All new programs and program reviews should include consultation with its members
to ensure the services provided are meeting members’ needs.
Advisors must adhere to the guidelines set out by FAHCSIA. To be eligible for the
HCWA package administered by the Autism Advisors children must be less than 6
years of age and have a formal diagnosis of Autism.
Family Support Officers provide more general information, advice, support and
referral to all families with a member with Autism Spectrum Disorder – however no
formal diagnosis is necessary.
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Staff should be aware of the various legislation relating to AAACT’s work – these
include: Disability Services Act, Human Rights Act, and Anti Discrimination Act.
Many families who contact AAACT receive immediate assistance. For those who
contact AAACT when neither an Advisor or Family Support Officer is available,
should receive contact by AAACT staff within one week of initial contact.
All contact and case management should result in a plan of action negotiated with the
client. Any plans to provide service should cover:
issues or needs to be addressed
assistance to be provided
The client’s view of their needs and priorities is actively considered in planning our
service to them. Clients are encouraged and supported to set their own outcomes in
the process.
Client assessments are conducted by Autism Advisors and Family Support Officers
who are appropriately qualified and experienced.
Contacts with clients are conducted in individual offices or the meeting room to
ensure client’s feel comfortable and safe and confidentiality is maintained.
Advice by staff includes information and support for clients to seek alternative
support or assistance.
Where the client’s needs are complex and there are a number of agencies involved,
consideration is given to AAACT staff meeting with case managers and other
professionals to assist our client.
4.2 Each client receives services tailored to their specific needs that support independence,
choice and improvements in their life.
When working with individual clients staff must ensure the client is at the centre of
all decisions and processes.
Staff members need to be aware of the rights of those who are over 18 but for whom
families are making decisions. Where possible the client is the person staff should
deal with.
Staff working with clients must ensure they find out the specific context of the client’s
life – including needs, lifestyle choices and culture. At all times clients should be
encouraged and supported to be independent.
Support groups provided by AAACT should focus on self help strategies with all
discussions with clients providing opportunities for the client to gain self help skills.
Management and staff draw on the best available research and evidence concerning
practice that achieve positive outcomes for clients. E.g. Strength based approach
Staff should review the processes in place to support clients to find new and
alternative ways of providing support.
AAACT will ensure Staff members working with clients are given an orientation on
client rights and will continue to have access to regular professional development,
good practice forums and journals that enable them to stay in touch with new
developments in their field of practice.
Relevant Legislation:
Client Management, Client Access to Services, Privacy
and Confidentiality, Client Feedback and complaints,
Community engagement, Inclusive
As applicable
Other Reference Material
Raising the Standard (dhcs – ACT)
Related Policies:
Signature of Person
Approving this Policy:
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